
SPUR    March 8, 2017



Spur March 8, 2017



Pledge of Allegiance- Julie Cotnoir


4 Way test-  Kevin Mayo


Invocation- Adrian Garcia Sega



Guests:   Carolyn Tkacz & Michelle Tracey



Happy /sads/ bdays/anniversaries - Sargent at Arms (for the day) : Milton Rosenberg


Anniversary – Eric Moody 2 years


Happy / Sads – Ed Palomba - Happy for UCONN

                         Jerry Bell – Reported Sad that John Admas is not doing well

Mike Helechu – Happy Rich Tkacz is doing well from surgery.

Kevin Mayo – Happy Rich is doing well and UCONN Women

Rich Tkacz – Happy to be on the mend from surgery. Happy his wife Carolyn has been his nurse, chauffeur and best friend.


Fine for a table with no women



Joes History Mystery Minute- The New York Stock Exchange was formed when a number of New York stockbrokers who had been operating under the Buttonwood Agreement reorganized and gave birth to what is now the world’s largest stock trading institution.

Question #1 - The New York Stock Exchange is currently located where? Wall Street, Manhattan, New York

Question #2 – The NYSE is commonly referred to as what? The Big Board

Question #3 The trading day at the NYSE begins and ends with a bell at what times? Begins at 9:30 and ends at 4 pm.



Raffle Winners


Card- Mike Helechu Ace of Hearts


$10- Eric Moody


$5- Rich Tkacz



Speaker- None


Foundation Dinner will be Friday June 9th.  Ed reported checks are still being accepted for the foundation.


End of April is the district conference and we need someone to go.


The international conference will be held in June in Atlanta GA.


Our club donated $250 to the Russian Woman’s Shelter


ERFC – we donated $250


We donated $250 to Enfield Loaves and Fishes / Enfield Food Shelf


Editor:  Allyson Rodricks