Loaves and Fishes January 2025-01-04 05:00:00Z 0
New Member Induction Kevin Mayo 2024-12-02 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Seeks Applicants for Scholarships

The Enfield Rotary Memorial Scholarship Foundation, Inc., is offering multiple scholarships to college students.
The T. Tenerowicz Medical Award for $2,000 will be presented to a student who is enrolled in medical school to become a doctor, physician's assistant or nurse. Students must have attended school in Enfield or lived in Enfield to be eligible. 

There is no age limit for applicants.

The Foundation is also offering scholarships to college students from Enfield who are in their their junior or senior year in 2024, beginning or continuing post-graduate education, or entering their third or later year of post-high school education in an accredited institution.

There is no age limit for applicants. Selection criteria include factors such as financial need, self-help activities, academic achievement, and extra-curricular activities. 

The application deadline is February 28, 2025. Recipients will be notified in April and the scholarships will be presented at a Rotary luncheon in June.

Applications are located on the front page of the club's website under Downloads. 

Rotary Seeks Applicants for Scholarships Julie Cotnoir 2024-11-19 05:00:00Z 0

Enfield Rotary serves the Community at Enfield Loaves and Fishes

Enfield Rotarians gathered 10/26 at Enfield Loaves and Fishes. They prepared an amazing feast of eggs, bacon, roasted potatoes, salads and desserts and served it to our community. It was such a great time with friends and lots of laugher and joy was shared. Rotarians love making the world a better place. Smiles all around! If you would like to join us we would love to have you!
Enfield Rotary serves the Community at Enfield Loaves and Fishes Aimee Joan Nieroda 2024-10-28 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Garden Gets Irrigation System

Team Depot, The Home Depot’s associate volunteer force partnered with Enfield Rotarians, Enfield Food Shelf personnel, Enfield Garden Club members, Greater Enfield Kiwanis, community volunteers, and Enfield Senior Center personnel to lay out and install a drip irrigation system to provide water more efficiently to the entire 2-acre Common Grounds Rotary Garden and increase yields that are donated to the Enfield Food Shelf.
Volunteers worked with UCONN master gardeners, who designed the system and oversaw the project for the season. Supplies for the irrigation project were purchased through a Home Depot Foundation grant. The Enfield Garden Club paid for the lime that was also spread that day by the group of volunteers. Home Depot Foundation also paid for the delivery of lime and materials to the garden.
The Common Grounds Rotary Garden is located behind the Enfield Senior Center. 
Rotary Garden Gets Irrigation System 2024-10-07 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary to Honor Paul Harris Recipients

The Rotary Club of Enfield will honor Rotarian Joe Muller, North Central Connecticut Chamber of Commerce President Linda Cote, Philanthropist Kari Monteforte, and donor honoree Attorney Richard Tatoian on Wednesday, October 23 with the Paul Harris Recognition.
Rotary to Honor Paul Harris Recipients 2024-10-07 04:00:00Z 0

Food Packaging Project

9/21/24 Enfield Rotarians gathered with other surrounding Rotary clubs to participate in the Annual Food Packaging project.  With the help of Enfield Rotarians, we raised $1600 and were able to make 4320 meals for the Enfield Community. Joe Muller and President Aimee Nieroda distributed 20 boxes between Asnuntuck Pantry, Enfield Loaves and Fishes and Enfield Food Shelf. Great Work Enfield!
Food Packaging Project Aimee Nieroda 2024-09-24 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Awards Scholarships and Installs New President 

 Enfield’s Rotary Memorial Scholarship Foundation honored the accomplishments of 10 college students from Enfield. The Foundation awarded a total of $12,000 in scholarships to students who have completed at least two years of post secondary education.
Congratulations to recipients Alicia St. Peter, Grace Farris, Sydney Hamre, Sydney Ball, Aislin Farris, Jaymes Bachand, Dylan Lawson, Samantha Ceniglio, Audra Sferrazza and Kaylee Hunt.
Thank you to the scholarship committee and Foundation Co-Presidents Milt Rosenberg and Mary Arcouette for their work with this evening!
Want to make a donation? Send donations to Enfield Rotary Memorial Scholarship Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 1, Enfield, CT 06083. Have questions? Contact Milt Rosenberg at 860-883-7520.
The Rotary Club of Enfield also installed its new President. President Julie Cotnoir passed the gavel to Aimee Nieroda.
See more photos from the evening on the club's Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/EnfieldCTRotaryClub).
Rotary Awards Scholarships and Installs New President 2024-06-21 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Day of Service Set for May 18th 2024-05-07 04:00:00Z 0

Cinco K Mayo Run/Walk Set for May 4

The Rotary Club of Enfield is pleased to announce our annual “Cinco K Mayo” 5K Charity
Run/Walk on Saturday, May 4, 2024. With your help, Enfield Rotary Club members make a
difference in the lives of many families and individuals in our community.

Proceeds will benefit the Rotary Club of Enfield Charitable Fund, Inc., and will fund two $1,000
scholarships to be presented to seniors graduating from Enfield High School in 2024 who
exemplify the attributes of Rotary’s Four-Way Test.
Other projects supported by the Charitable Fund include:
• Enfield Police Toy for Joy Drive
• Enfield Food Shelf
• Loaves & Fishes Soup Kitchen
• Common Grounds Rotary Garden at the Enfield Senior Center
• Safe Harbor Warming Center
• The Network Against Domestic Abuse

Available sponsorships include Event ($1,500 Limit Two), Elite ($1,000), Advanced ($500),
Intermediate ($250) and Beginner ($100). Details on pricing and benefits are included on the attached
form. In-kind donations of supplies and/or volunteer assistance are also greatly appreciated.

For Cinco K Mayo sponsorship, donation, and volunteer information, please email
Want to register for the run/walk? Visit www.enfieldcincokmayo.com
For more information about the Rotary Club of Enfield, please visit
Cinco K Mayo Run/Walk Set for May 4 2024-03-15 04:00:00Z 0
Beer and Wine Tasting to Benefit Rotary Projects 2024-02-07 05:00:00Z 0

Club and Members Donate to Warming Center 

The Rotary Club of Enfield was pleased to welcome Lorraine Creedon from the Enfield Safe Harbor Warming Center to its meeting today. The club, its members, new member Bob Stern donating funds designated to him for a new member project, and member Milt Rosenberg matching his challenge amount of $500, contributed a total of $1, 538 to the center. Members also donated paper goods to be used by the center's guests.
Want to help your community? Come to the club's next meeting on Wednesday, February 7th at 12:15 p.m. in Asnuntuck's Conference Center.
Club and Members Donate to Warming Center 2024-01-17 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Donates for 42nd Year to Toys for Joy

The Rotary Club of Enfield was happy to be able to continue their longstanding tradition of donating toys to The Enfield Police Department's Toys for Joy campaign. The club's members have been donating toys for 42 years!
Last month the Club also donated $500 in honor of the Enfield Police Department's No Shave November fundraiser benefiting the CT Cancer Foundation.
Officer Paul Dubiel, who organizes the drive for the department, spoke to the club during their recent meeting.
Rotary Donates for 42nd Year to Toys for Joy 2023-12-07 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary to Award Scholarship for Medical Students

The Enfield Rotary Memorial Scholarship Foundation, Inc., is offering the T. Tenerowicz Medical Award for $2,000 to a student who is enrolled in medical school to become a doctor, physician assistant or nurse. Students must have attended school in Enfield or lived in Enfield to be eligible. 

There is no age limit for applicants.

The application deadline is February 28, 2024. Recipients will be notified in April and the scholarships will be presented at a Rotary luncheon in June.

Visit enfieldctrotary.org for application.
Rotary to Award Scholarship for Medical Students 2023-11-21 05:00:00Z 0

Scholarship Application Open for 2024

The Enfield Rotary Memorial Scholarship Foundation, Inc., is offering scholarships to college students from Enfield who will be entering their junior or senior year in 2024, beginning or continuing post-graduate education, or entering their third or later year of post-high school education in an accredited institution.

There is no age limit for applicants. Selection criteria include factors such as financial need, self-help activities, academic achievement, and extra-curricular activities. Copy link into your browser to see the application: https://clubrunner.blob.core.windows.net/00000004965/en-ca/files/homepage/enfield-rotary-memorial-scholarship-2024/2024-Scholarship-Application.pdf.

The application deadline is February 28, 2024. Recipients will be notified in April and the scholarships will be presented at a Rotary luncheon in June.

Scholarship Application Open for 2024 2023-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

Allied All Stars Representatives Speak at Meeting 

Rotary Club of Enfield was proud to welcome Enfield Allied Stars local coordinator Michael Vignone and program athlete Logan Rosenberg to their meeting today.
Logan spoke to the group about her experiences as a three sport athlete with Special Olympics. There are 44 athletes in Enfield who participate as members of the Enfield All Stars teams.
They accepted a $1,500 check from Club President Julie Cotnoir from the  club. The club also donated a book “More Alike Than Different” by David Egan to the Enfield Public Library in honor of Enfield Allied Stars as part of the club’s ongoing literacy project.
Allied All Stars Representatives Speak at Meeting 2023-10-20 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club Packs and Donates Food to Area Agencies

Food was packed by Enfield CT Rotary Club members, volunteers and Rotarians from East Granby, Windsor, Windsor Locks and students from CREC Academy of Aerospace and Engineering and Windsor High School's ROTC group.
Enfield's Club delivered 275 pounds of apple cinnamon oatmeal to CT State Asnuntuck's Pantry(below) , Loaves and Fishes (above) and The Enfield Food Shelf (last photo).
Rotary Club Packs and Donates Food to Area Agencies 2023-10-06 04:00:00Z 0

Donation Benefits Allied's Attic

New members to the Rotary Club of Enfield are given $500 to spend on a project or program that benefits the community. One of the club's new members Greg Mark donated his funds to the creation of a new sign for Allied's Attic. The sign and landscaping are a a result of various partnerships.
Seen at the unveiling are from left side side of the sign left to right, front row, Rotary Club of Enfield President Julie Cotnoir, Debbie Climan, (owner of Garden Solutions, donated her time and the material needed to landscape around the sign) and Manager of Allied's Attic Katie Devoe. Back row, Melissa Trzepacz, Allied’s Director of Vocational Services & DSS Service Coordination. Right side of sign, from left to right, front row, Allied's Attic staff Rachel and Enfield Rotarian Milton Rosenberg. Back row, Enfield Rotarian Jo Ann Walk, Executive Director for North Central CT Chamber of Commerce Karen Campbell,  Allied's Community Outreach Coordinator and New Enfield Rotarian Greg Mark.
*Not pictured Little John, Sign Factory and Justin from Johnny’s Road Side Market Garden, who provided the mums & pumpkins.
Allied's Attic is located at 294 George Washington Rd in Enfield. Photo by Connie Provencher.
Donation Benefits Allied's Attic 2023-10-04 04:00:00Z 0

Enfield's Club Supports Water and Sanitation Project in Guatemala

Twenty-five Rotary Clubs in northern CT and Western MA (Rotary District 7890), including Enfield, have joined together to fund a project that will bring fresh drinking water, sanitation facilities and hygiene training to three needy communities in Guatemala.  Pictured below are Elin Lawrence, Enfield Rotarian Milt Rosenberg, Rotary District 7890 Governor Christine Burns and Manchester Rotarian and Project Chairman Rick Lawrence.
Enfield's Club Supports Water and Sanitation Project in Guatemala 2023-09-29 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Enfield Supports Eagle Scout Project 

James Gannon a Boy Scout from Troop 819 and a student at CT State Asnuntuck refurbished and created two United States maps at area elementary schools as his Eagle Scout Project. The Rotary Club of Enfield assisted by making a $500 donation toward paint and materials needed for the project. 
Rotary Club of Enfield Supports Eagle Scout Project 2023-09-14 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Supports ERFC Backpack Collection

The Rotary Club of Enfield continued its tradition of donating 100 backpacks to Educational Resources for Children's Backpack Collection. The club and Rotary District 7890 District Governor Christine Burns gathered together to pack those backpacks.
As part of the Club's ongoing literacy project the club donated the book Sustainable Homestead to the Enfield Public Library in Christine Burns' name. Rotary Club of Enfield Community Director Joe Muller presented her with the book.
The club meets on the first and third Wednesday at 12:15 p.m. at Asnuntuck Community College. 
Rotary Supports ERFC Backpack Collection 2023-09-06 04:00:00Z 0

Scholarship Recipients Honored

Enfield Rotary Foundation presented $12,500 in scholarships to students entering their junior, senior or postgraduate years of postsecondary studies.
Family and friends joined the recipients and if recipients were not able to attend, family members accepted the scholarship on their behalf. See more photos from the evening at https://www.facebook.com/EnfieldCTRotaryClub
Scholarship Recipients Honored 2023-08-11 04:00:00Z 0

Enfield Club Presents Paul Harris Fellow Recognition 

The Enfield CT Rotary Club was proud to honor Kathleen Souvigney, Sam Irizarry, Charles Palomba, Sean Stevens and Sarah K. DeSimone with Paul Harris Fellow recognition at their annual dinner. The recognition is the highest honor offered by Rotary.
Club members Dick Stevens, Milt Rosenberg and Enfield’s Rotary Club contributed $1,000 to the Rotary Foundation for each recipient honored at the dinner. The event was held at Grassmere Country Club.
Rotary members Dave Drinan and Dick Stevens were honored as the longest Rotarians in the Enfield Club at 52 and 51 years respectively.
Former President Mike Helechu emceed the night and Rotarian and former President Milt Rosenberg was the chairman for the event.
View facebook.com/https://www.facebook.com/EnfieldCTRotaryClub to see more photos from the evening. 
Rotary meets on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 12:15 p.m. at Asnuntuck Community College.
Enfield Club Presents Paul Harris Fellow Recognition 2023-07-01 04:00:00Z 0

Deadline Extended for Rotary Scholarship Applications

The Enfield Rotary Memorial Scholarship Foundation, Inc., is offering scholarships to college students from Enfield who will be entering their junior or senior year in 2023, beginning or continuing post-graduate education, or entering their third or later year of post-high school education in an accredited institution.
There is no age limit for applicants. Selection criteria include factors such as financial need, self-help activities, academic achievement, and extra-curricular activities.
Copy this link to your browser to see this year's application:https://clubrunner.blob.core.windows.net/00000004965/en-ca/files/homepage/2023-enfield-rotary-memorial-scholarship/2023-Scholarship-Application.pdf
The application deadline is July 14, 2023. Recipients will be notified in late July and the scholarships will be presented at a Rotary luncheon on August 9th.
Deadline Extended for Rotary Scholarship Applications 2023-06-07 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary, Chamber and S& S Tarnow Landscaping Partner on Day of Service 2023-06-06 04:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellows to be Presented on June 28th

The Rotary Club of Enfield will be honoring Rotarian Sam Irizarry, in addition to Charlie Palomba, Kathleen Souvigney, Sean Stevens and Sarah DiSimone on Wednesday, June 28th with the Paul Harris Award. The Paul Harris Fellows Recognition is given to individuals who meet the high professional and personal standards set forth by Paul Harris himself (founder in 1905 of Rotary International). The Rotary Club of Enfield has made three individual $1,000 donations in honor of Sam, Charlie, and Kathleen to the Rotary International Foundation. Club member Richard K. Stevens made two $1,000 donations to the Foundation in honor of his children Sean Stevens and Sarah DiSimone, who will also be recognized that night.
Paul Harris Fellows to be Presented on June 28th 2023-06-06 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Celebrates Enfield High SchoolStudents  2023-05-17 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Holds a Successful Cinco K May Race

Enfield's Club wishes to thank sponsors and participants for another successful Cinco K Mayo Race for walkers and runners. Please see videos and photos on Facebook at  Enfield CT Rotary Club. Proceeds from the race benefit student scholarships and other community projects.  
Rotary Holds a Successful Cinco K May Race 2023-05-12 04:00:00Z 0

Cinco K Mayo Road Race-Walk Set for May 6th

Spring has sprung! You have time to prepare for the annual Enfield Rotary Cinco K Mayo Road Race and Walk! It will occur at 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 6th next to the Enfield Annex on Moody Road. Register before March 31 for an early bird rate of $25!
Want to be a sponsor? Email cincokmayorace@gmail.com for more details!
Cinco K Mayo Road Race-Walk Set for May 6th 2023-03-27 04:00:00Z 0

Pancake Breakfast Set for March 25th

Love pancakes? Come to the Rotary Club of Enfield's pancake breakfast on Saturday, March 25th at the Enfield Senior Center from 8 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
All proceeds benefit community projects!
Pancake Breakfast Set for March 25th 2023-03-07 05:00:00Z 0
Rotary Members and Friends Serve Lunch at Loaves and Fishes 2023-02-15 05:00:00Z 0

Enfield's Club Donates to Warming Center 

The Rotary Club of Enfield was pleased to have Lorraine Creedon, a Board Member of the Enfield Safe Harbor Warming Center, as a guest speaker for their meeting this week.
Thank you to Rotarian Milt Rosenberg and his wife Rita for their generous match to club members’ donations for the Warming Center. The donation from the Rosenbergs and club members was enhanced with additional funds from the Club’s treasury.
Rotary Club of Enfield President Julie Cotnoir and Milt were able to present Lorraine Creedon with a $1,500 check for the Warming Center.
Want to help the center? Visit enfieldsafeharbor.org.
Enfield's Club Donates to Warming Center 2023-02-15 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary and District Donate to The Network

The Rotary Club of Enfield recently made a sizable donation to The Network Against Domestic Abuse.
The Rotary Club of Enfield was awarded a Rotary District 7890 grant. The Enfield Club’s donation of $1,205 was matched by the district with another $1,205!
While Rotary has seven areas of focus, this donation benefits maternal and child health. The club was able to purchase 32 comforter/sheet sets, 8 sets of cookware which each include pots, pans, and utensils, as well as 8 sets of bath towels.
Many of these items will be put to use in Julie’s Safe House, while some will be provided to families as they move out of the shelter and into their own homes.
A new dryer was also purchased thanks to the joint efforts of the Rotary Club of Enfield and P.C. Richard & Son.
Rotary and District Donate to The Network 2023-01-31 05:00:00Z 0
Rotary Members and Friends Donate to Toys for Joy 2022-12-23 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club Invites Speakers to Meetings

The Rotary Club of Enfield is inviting local organizations to speak to the membership. The Club meets on the first and third Wednesday of the month in Asnuntuck Community College's Conference Center. Meetings begin at 12:15 p.m., lunch is served, and the speaker addresses the membership for about 15 minutes following club announcements. Please contact President Julie Cotnoir if interested in presenting. Past speakers have included representatives from CT Honor Guard, The Enfield Food Shelf, Loaves and Fishes, The Enfield Police Department, The Enfield Public Library, and The Enfield Senior Center, amongst others. Please contact Julie Cotnoir at halebop92@gmail.com if interested in speaking and/or to learn more about Rotary. 
Rotary Club Invites Speakers to Meetings 2022-12-06 05:00:00Z 0

Beer and Wine Tasting

The Club held its Harvest Halloween Beer and Wine Tasting on October 27th at Asnuntuck Community College. View more photos on the Club's Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/EnfieldCTRotaryClub). 
Beer and Wine Tasting 2022-12-06 05:00:00Z 0

Club to Hold Halloween Harvest Beer and Wine Tasting

The Rotary Club of Enfield will be holding their Halloween Harvest Beer and Wine Tasting event  on Thursday , October 27th from 6-8 p.m in Asnuntuck Community College's Conference Center. Tickets are available from any Rotarian or by calling Chair Kevin Mayo at 413-575-0579. The tastings will be served by Joe's Fine Wines and Spirits of East Windsor and Ellington and Broad Brook Brewery. 
Thank you to Let's Roam and Adventures from Scratch for their generous donation for the club's silent auction. Learn more about what they offer at https://www.letsroam.com/ .
The club also appreciates the support from ticket sponsors Mary Arcouette, Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Springfield Enfield, Minuteman Press, and media sponsor North Central News. 
Tickets for the event are only $25 (for everyone over 21 years of age) and there are exciting and unique items for the silent auction. The evening includes Hors d'oeuvres and desserts. Feeling festive? Wear a costume for a chance at a prize!
Club to Hold Halloween Harvest Beer and Wine Tasting 2022-08-30 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Holds Scholarship Reception

The Rotary Club of Enfield’s Foundation held its annual scholarship reception at Asnuntuck Community College. The Foundation awarded $12,000 in scholarships to students enrolled in post-secondary and graduate courses.
Recipients and families accepting the awards on family members' behalf, included Sophie Veilleux, Kelly LeDoux, Carolyn Mark, Danielle Orr, Matthew Campo, recipient Alessandro Good’s father Charles Good, Madison McGinnis, Tori Geaglone, and Katy Lee, and Jason Lee’s mother-in-law and grandmother Geraldine Lee.
View more photos from the night at https://www.facebook.com/EnfieldCTRotaryClub.
Rotary Holds Scholarship Reception Julie 2022-08-11 04:00:00Z 0

Kevin Mayo Receives Plaque

Rotary Club of Enfield 2021-22 President Kevin Mayo received a plaque of appreciation from 2022-23 President Julie Cotnoir. This was the third time that Kevin has served in this capacity. The club appreciates his commitment. He is chairing the club's Wine and Beer Tasting Committee. The fundraising event will be held in Asnuntuck Community College's Conference Center. on October 27th.  
Kevin Mayo Receives Plaque Julie Cotnoir 2022-07-22 04:00:00Z 0

The Enfield Rotary Memorial Scholarship

The Enfield Rotary Memorial Scholarship Foundation, Inc., is offering scholarships to college students from Enfield who will be entering their junior or senior year in 2022, beginning or continuing post-graduate education, or entering their third or later year of post-high school education in an accredited institution.
There is no age limit for applicants. Selection criteria include factors such as financial need, self-help activities, academic achievement and extra-curricular activities.
The 2022 Scholarship Application can be downloaded from the Enfield Rotary Club website at www.enfieldctrotary.org. The link to the main scholarship page is https://www.enfieldctrotary.org/page/scholarships. Application deadline is June 15, 2022. Recipients will be notified in July and the scholarships will be presented at a Rotary luncheon in August.
The Enfield Rotary Memorial Scholarship 2022-05-11 04:00:00Z 0

Cinco K Mayo Set for May 6th


A super flat & fast course! Plenty of parking will be available at Enfield Annex where the race begins and finishes.

   Saturday, May 6, 2023

  On Moody Road next to the Enfield Town Annex
  124 N. Maple Street 
  Enfield, CT 06082 

   8:00 AM - Bib Pickup 
   9:00 AM - 5K Run/Walk Starts! 

   Top 3 Males Overall Top 3 Females Overall 
   Top 1 Male/Female in each Age Group 

   Age Groups:
       12 & Under, 13 - 19, 20 -29, 30 - 39, 40 - 49, 50 - 59, 60 - 69, 70+

Prize Money to Overall Winners & Age Division Winners!

Sign up by April 15 2023 and be guaranteed a Race T-shirt!!

Link to online registration at www.enfieldcincokmayo.com.

5K Run-$30 Advance Entry/$35 after April 30th Children 10 and younger are FREE.

5K Walk-$20 Advance Entry/$30 after April 30th Children 10 and younger are FREE.

USATF Certified Course: CT12022JHP

Sponsorships are available at $1,500 for Event sponsors (only 2 available) (logo on front of the tee-shirt, all press releases, banner displayed at race start line, five participants and company name on sponsor banner); Elite Sponsor $1,000 (logo on the back of the tee-shirt, four participants, banner displayed at race start line and name on sponsor banner), Advanced Sponsor $500 (logo on the back of tee-shirt, three participants, banner displayed at race start line and name on sponsor banner); Intermediate Sponsor $250 (name on the back of tee-shirt), and Beginner Sponsor $100 (name on banner). Sponsor commitment is required by April 21 to be included on tee shirts when applicable. 

Please get in touch with cincokmayo@gmail.com for more information on 5K and to learn how to sponsor. 

For updates on Enfield Rotary Club activities, including Cinco K Mayo, please “like” www.facebook.com/enfieldctrotaryclub.

Thank you to Party Tyme Entertainment Productions for entertainment on race day!


Cinco K Mayo Set for May 6th 2022-05-07 04:00:00Z 0
Greg Gray Induction 2022-03-31 04:00:00Z 0
Enfield Toy for Joy Donation 2021-12-16 05:00:00Z 0
Enfield Loaves and Fishes 2021-12-08 05:00:00Z 0
Shelter Box Hero 2021-10-29 04:00:00Z 0
Past President Plaque Presentation 2021-10-22 04:00:00Z 0

Work Project

Enfield Rotarians handing out week end meals at Loaves and Fishes 
Work Project 2021-10-11 04:00:00Z 0
Badge Presentation 2021-09-27 04:00:00Z 0
Name Badge 2021-09-18 04:00:00Z 0

Stuffing Backpacks 

Thanks for Enfield Resources for Children inviting the club. We were happy to help stuff backpacks for our local Enfield children. The Club is donating 100 backpacks to help ERfC with the great work that they do for our community. 
Stuffing Backpacks 2021-08-04 04:00:00Z 0
2021 Cinco K Mayo 2021-05-01 04:00:00Z 0
Congratulation to Dr. Jerry Bell 2020-01-08 05:00:00Z 0

Toys For Joy Donation 

Donation to the Enfield Toys for Joy
Thank you to the Enfield Police Department for this commitment to our local children
Toys For Joy Donation 2019-12-19 05:00:00Z 0
The Enfield Safe Harbor Warming Center 2019-12-11 05:00:00Z 0
New Member 2019-10-02 04:00:00Z 0
Buddy Benches 2019-10-02 04:00:00Z 0
Rudiger Huhn, President of the Rotary Club of Bargteheide, Germany 2019-09-26 04:00:00Z 0
2019 Rotary Memorial Scholarship Winners Kevin Mayo 2019-08-14 04:00:00Z 0

2019 Peace Studies 

Be the Change You Want to See - Scholarship will fund conflict resolution course in Jerusalem
ENFIELD, CT (Aug. 1, 2019)—The Enfield Rotary Club and Enfield Rotary Memorial Scholarship
Foundation announce the availability of the annual Peace Studies Scholarship.
The Peace Studies Scholarship is to attend a Conflict Resolution from Religious Traditions course in
Jerusalem from December 30, 2019 – January 8, 2020. The scholarship application is available to
Enfield residents enrolled in a minimum of 8 college credits during the 2019-2020 school year, in any
undergraduate or graduate school program.
The course is administered by the Mitchell Hamline School of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota, and is held at
Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Students and faculty travel in a group, and while in Israel, attend
classes, meetings, and excursions together. The course concentrates on the three monotheistic religions
that originated in the Middle East. their coexistence, dispute resolution, and the peace process. The
course is conducted in English.
Many of our conflicts – locally, nationally, and abroad – could be minimized by deeper understanding of
others and better communication skills. This travel scholarship is designed to start locally, with you. Do
you need to be a religious person to benefit from this program? No. Does your career plan need to
include international business or politics? No. The skills taught in this program are beneficial to people in
many career paths. Lawyers, teachers, and journalists have attended the program in the past.
The Peace Studies Scholarship covers all costs for: travel to and from Israel, accommodations at the
university, breakfast, course fees, scheduled day trips in the curriculum, and $500 for meals and personal
expenses. The value of the scholarship is approximately $5,000.
Course details can be found on the Mitchell Hamline website: https://mitchellhamline.edu/disputeresolution-
US News & World Report has ranked Mitchell Hamline’s Dispute Resolution Institute in the top 5 dispute
resolution programs in the nation for 19 consecutive years.
The application for the Peace Studies Scholarship is available at the Enfield Rotary Club website in the
download section: www.enfieldctrotary.org. The application consists of an essay to be no longer than
1,000 words on why you should be chosen to be a Peace Studies Scholar. The deadline for applications
is October 1, 2019.
For more information about the Peace Studies Scholarship, please contact Lindsey Weber by email at
“Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me.”
Lyrics from ‘Let There Be Peace on Earth’ by Jill Jackson Miller and Sy Miller
2019 Peace Studies  2019-08-14 04:00:00Z 0
ERFC Project 2019-07-31 04:00:00Z 0
Jacki Tamayo Induction 2019-06-17 04:00:00Z 0
Rita Labinskyy Induction Kevin Mayo 2019-06-17 04:00:00Z 0

Enfield Rotary Honors 2018 Paul Harris Fellows

Congratulations to our four 2018 Paul Harris Fellows honored at a banquet on June 9th. Each honoree has gone above and beyond in providing services, supporting their communities and rallying others to contribute to worthy causes. The impact of their actions has been felt locally and around the world.
Pictured are (l-r) Rotarian Scott Kaupin, who introduced Paul Harris recipients Murray and Priscilla Brayson from the Enfield Loaves & Fishes Soup Kitchen; Enfield Rotary Club President Carol Bohnet, holding a certificate of appreciation from the Soup Kitchen; Rotary Foundation Chair Ed Palomba; Paul Harris honoree William Lee, former Town Councilman and Deputy Mayor with State Representative and Rotarian Greg Stokes, his introducer; Paul Harris recipient and Rotarian Jo Ann Walk, Enfield’s State Farm Agent and Boston Rotarian Jennifer Smith, her introducer.
Enfield Rotary Honors 2018 Paul Harris Fellows Michael Helechu 2018-06-11 04:00:00Z 0

Enfield Rotary Foundation Scholarships

The Enfield Rotary Memorial Scholarship Foundation, Inc., is offering scholarships to college students from Enfield who will be entering their junior or senior year in 2018, beginning or continuing post-graduate education, or entering their third or later year of post-high school education in an accredited institution. 
Last year, the Scholarship Foundation awarded $12,750 to twelve students. Here's a photo of last year’s recipients. Please scroll down to last year's posting for the names and schools of last year's Rotary Scholarship winners.
Enfield Rotary Foundation Scholarships Adrian Garcia Sega 2018-05-16 04:00:00Z 0

Cinco K Mayo 5K Charity Run/Walk on May 5th

Preparations are underway for the Enfield Rotary Club's 7th annual Cinco K Mayo 5K Charity Run/Walk to be held on Saturday, May 5, 2018, on Moody Road next to the former Enrico Fermi High School. Runners and walkers are invited to pre-register online at www.enfieldcincokmayo.com. Registration forms are also available in the Downloads section.
Proceeds will benefit Enfield Rotary Club Community Projects and Enfield High School Scholarships.
For information about Sponsorship and day-of-race opportunities, please contact Kevin Mayo at (413) 575-0579 or email cincokmayorace@gmail.com. Sponsorship information and forms are available in the Downloads section.

Cinco K Mayo 5K Charity Run/Walk on May 5th Michael Helechu 2018-03-23 04:00:00Z 0

Enfield Rotary Club Celebrates 90th Anniversary

Members of the Enfield Rotary Club celebrate the organization’s 90th Anniversary at the Wine & Beer Tasting Extravaganza held at the Holiday Inn on Friday, March 2nd: Front row (l-r): Larry Tracey, Stu Barowsky, Kiran Majmudar, Milt Rosenberg, Area Governor Pam Lupoli, Sandy Zukowski, Kathy Barron, Keith Madore, Lindsey Weber, Chris Casey, Jo Ann Walk, Scott Kaupin, Club President Carol Bohnet, Greg Stokes and Julie Cotnoir. Back row (l-r) Bryan Chodkowski, Lou Bolduc, Eric Moody, District 7890 Governor Dave Mangs, Kevin Mayo, Mike Helechu, Derek Meade, Mary Arcouette, Steve Damon, Joe Fallon and Kate Garvey. Missing from photo: Steve Alminas; Jerry Bell; Nick Deni; Alan Drinan; Dave Drinan; Adrian Garcia-Sega; Joyce Keating; Jim Kuhn; Ryan Lawless; Cheryl and Chris Leary; Tom Leary; Doug Lombardi; Bill Marr; Bobbi Mazurek; Martha McLeod; Mike McManus; Jason Neely; Dave O'Connor; Ed Palomba; Tim Reynolds; Allyson Rodricks; Joann Smith; Bill Squires; Dick Stevens; Sean Stevens; Rich Tkacz; Jack Welch; and Catherine Williamson. Photo by Jeremy Wilson of the Springfield Republican.

Enfield Rotary Club Celebrates 90th Anniversary Michael Helechu 2018-03-07 05:00:00Z 0

SPUR  January 10  2018

SPUR January 10, 2018
President Carol started the meeting at 12:15. Pledge: Eric Moody. 4-Way Test: Carol. Invocation: Greg Stokes.
Carol was pleased to see a large crowd for today’s meeting after some holiday doldrums. We were all pleased to see Ed Palomba, Nick Deni and Scott Kaupin, whose families recently experienced unexpected losses. Your fellow Rotarians are keeping you in their thoughts and prayers; many contributed sad dollars and expressed their condolences.
Sergeant-at-Arms* Jo Ann Walk started Happy/Sad dollars with a note of appreciation to Milt R., who shared his sandwich at the Membership Committee meeting. She thanked Rich T. for fixing her hot water heater and was happy for the warm weather.
- Julie C. was happy to be happy.
- Bryan C. had a few absences; sad for Buffalo Bills’ departure from post season play but happy they made it that far.
- Nick D. sad for family losses; happy for son in college and visiting Myrtle Beach.
- Scott K. happy to have Monday nights free, which has enabled him to join a setback league at Powder Hollow Brewery. Also noted that one of Rich T.’s brothers is in the league as well.
- Ed P. tempered family sorrow with happy news about his daughter’s engagement and learning that he is going to be a grandfather.
- Jerry B. was amused by the recent jail break because it brought to mind an episode from 1992 that had a humorous Rotary connection. Seems an escapee who was making his way down N. Maple Street happened to see clothes hanging on the line in the yard of Rotarian Roman Polanski. He grabbed one of Roman’s shirt off the line to aid his disguise, but was apprehended not long afterward. When his photo appeared in the paper, not only was he wearing Roman’s shirt, but his Rotary badge as well. Let that be a warning about taking your badge home after the meeting.
- Chris C. was happy for a grandchild, spending New Year’s at Myrtle Beach, and not too unhappy that her return was delayed by a couple of days because of snow storms.
- Rich T. appreciated Jo Ann’s kind words and said something about warm weather that I didn’t catch.
- Eric M. sad to have been sick recently but happy for the New Year.
- Bill S. was happy that his letter about singing the National Anthem made it into the Rotary magazine, but sad they didn’t list his club. Has been very happy traveling far and wide to sing the Anthem.
- Joyce K. volunteered $5 if Bill would sing the National Anthem at the end of today’s meeting.
- Mike H. was happy to have bowled a 221 in his “senior” league. And no, the bumpers weren’t up.
- Carol B. was happy for her grandchildren. She asked if business-owners in the audience would be willing to have Allied consumers visit their businesses for career explorations. She also noted that the Rotary Scholarship Foundation received a number of donations from Rotary families in memory of those who have recently passed.
Gentleman Joe Fallon stumped us completely with today’s History/Mystery.
January 10, 1984
The United States of America reestablished diplomatic relations with the Vatican. Officially known as The Holy See, after a period of 114 years since 1867 when Congress terminated funding diplomatic missions to the Holy See.
1. What is the title of the Vatican’s Ambassador to the United States?
A: Papal Nuncio
2. What caused Congress in 1867 to sever relations with the Vatican?
A: The then widespread belief that Catholics were responsible for the assassination of President Lincoln, particularly Mary Suratt, who was hanged for her involvement in Lincoln’s death.
3. Who was President Ronald Reagan’s choice to be the first modern era Ambassador to the Holy See?
A. William A. Wilson
Drawing: Scott $10; Bryan $5 in absentia, donated; Derek - not the Q.
Business Meeting
President Carol thanked everyone who works on committees, volunteers for projects and generally works behind the scenes to keep our club’s wheels turning. She highlighted Jack Welch, who is scheduling SPUR editors, and Kathy Barron, who is arranging speakers. Kathy will be turning over program scheduling responsibilities to Jason Neely, so if you have any suggestions for speakers, please contact Jason at the Library or email him at jneely@enfield.org.
President Carol presented Bill Squires with a District Governor Citation.
We received a Thank You letter from the Warming Center for our donation.
Carol reported that the Board voted in favor of donating $2,500 to the Guatemala Water Project and $1,500 to the local Special Olympics program.
Rotary after 5 will meet at Chicago Sams this week.
Carol has info on “Rotary Means Business” if anyone is interested. A second event is planned.
Committee Reports
Jo Ann reported that the Membership Committee is discussing the creation of teams and a competition for recruiting new members to the club. They have several examples of successful club-building projects. Want to have a say? Please let Jo Ann know you’d like to attend the next meeting.
Scott says the final tally on Basketball Tournament proceeds should exceed $1,600, which is about $200 less than last year. He’s still in the process of collecting money from ads that appeared in the program. If you owe, please pay up. Scott will be meeting with the Athletic Director to determine the best use for this year’s donation. (Last year, we purchased chairs for the scorer’s table.)
Scott also reported on our projects in support of the Loaves & Fishes Soup Kitchen. A grease trap for which we donated was installed last October. A District Grant to provide a prep table and sink is in the works; we just need to determine what preparations need to be made in the kitchen prior to its installation. Scott is also working to schedule one night when Rotarians will prepare, serve and clean up for one meal. Leaning toward summertime, when a cookout and paper plates might be the key to an enjoyable night for all.
Chris reminded everyone to mark their calendars for the Wine Tasting on March 1. Tickets will be printed and available in a couple of weeks. SILENT AUCTION ITEMS and DESSERTS will be needed from club members along with TICKET SALES. Also, PLEASE DISTRIBUTE LETTERS AND DONATION FORMS to businesses far and wide that may contribute auction items. We will be celebrating the club’s 90th ANNIVERSARY.
Bill Squires thrilled us all with his typically professional rendition of the Star Spangled Banner to close our meeting on a very patriotic note. Thank you Bill.
Guest Editor: Mike Helechu
SPUR January 10 2018 Michael Helechu 2018-01-10 05:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Jan 3  2018

Rotary Minutes 1-3-18
President Carol Bohnet welcomed us back from the Holidays and commenced the Meeting at 12:15
Keith Madore - Led us in the pledge
President Carol Bohnet- Led us in the Four Way Test
Lindsey Weber Led in in a moment of silence/prayer
No visiting Rotarians
Guests: Lorraine Creedon & Roselin Swift from Enfield People for People & Safe Harbor Warming Cnter
Sgt At Arms Joanne Walk worked the crowd &received the usual compliment of Happy/Sad dollars
Joanne Walk Gone home last week to Missouri Happy to be back now
Joe Fallon Joe was just happy
Larry Tracey Larry also just happy
Joyce Keating also just happy a& leave early dollar
Sandy Zukowski Maintenance man came, missed last week, Happy New Year
Jerry Bell Spokane with family, Richs Oil visit, frozen pipes
Scott Kaupin Successful BB tournament, Happy New Year at Cape
Carol Bohnet No Frozen pipes at home , but 1 at SWindsor rental, Holidays
Adrian Garcia Sega Late, New Year, Missed Lw meeting
Lindsey Weber Kids vacation week
Keith Madore - Family week, missed last week
Julie Cotnoir Sad for Nick & Ed Eds mother passing missed last week
Mike Helechu Holidays over, BB Tournament
Derek Meade Basketball tournament
Steve Damon Missed last week, back now
History/Mystery minute Joe Fallon
January 8, 1777 George Washington & US Army battle at Princeton with the British
1. Name of British General in battle at Princeton General Cornwallis
2. Name of Princeton University before Princeton College of New Jersey
3. Name of 19
Century British historian Trevallian
Sargeant Joanne - Lucky Card drawing
Lu Bolduc Passed on the Queen chance & took the $10
Jerry Bell Jack Diamonds
Larry Tracey Won the $5
    -The latest Rotarian Magazine has a letter to the editor from our own Bill Squires about singing the
    National Anthem at events. (He did a marvelous job at the Rotary Basketball tournament.)
    -Received a thank you from Loaves & Fishes for our $500 donation.
    -Wine tasting is March 1st. We need raffle items. They can be dropped off at the Holiday Inn.
    -There is a membership committee meeting this Monday (1/8) at Allied.
    -We received several donations in memory of Ed Palomba’s mom.
    Scott: Basketball tournament went well. Income as follows: Ad book $841.04 (up from last year),
    Concessions $501.63 (up), Gate $1,178 (down), 50/50 raffle $204 (down), expenses the same. Net
    income ~$1,600 (was ~$1,800 last year).
    Mike: Enfield Rotary 90th anniversary focus on 1979-1980. Our big project was the Larnaca, Greece
    Book Project to supply reading books to students due to the recent earthquake. This was headed by
    Dave Drinan. New members for the year included; Jim Kuhn, Jack Welsh, Charlie Nirenberg, as well as 10
    Program: Lorraine Creedon and Roseline Swift came to speak about Enfield People for People and the
    Enfield Safe Harbor Warming Center.
    - Homelessness in CT was down 13% in CT in 2016, but still remains a significant problem.
    - There is no shelter available in Enfield.
    - The Warming Center opened in 2015 through the efforts of local churches, agencies and individuals.
    - It is a safe, warm place for the homeless of Enfield, which includes employed people as well as students
    who cannot afford a place to live.
    - It is at the Hazardville Methodist Church and is open Jan 15 to the end of March (74 nights).
    - It can accommodate up to 17 people a night.
    -Doors open at 9PM and are locked at 11PM. (unless a client is brought in by a police officer).
    -They don’t turn down non-Enfield residents the first night, but then direct them to appropriate services
    the next day.
    - There is transportation available from Thompsonville to the church in Hazardville.
    - Due to regulations, there are no meals served or beds/cots provided (but they do provide snacks).
    Lorraine & Roseline thanked the Enfield Rotary Club for their $500 donation to the warming center.
    Meeting adjourned by Carol at 1:28PM.
    Respectfully submitted Coauthors Nick Deni, Jerry Bell
SPUR Jan 3 2018 Nick Deni 2018-01-03 05:00:00Z 0

25th Annual Enfield Rotary Classic Girls' Basketball Tournament

The 25th Annual Enfield Rotary Classic Girls' Basketball Tournament Dec. 28-29 featured two nights of fierce competition between teams from Enfield, Ridgefield, Hartford (Weaver HS) and West Hartford (William H. Hall HS). Fans were treated to hard-fought final games, both of which went into overtime. In the consolation game Friday night, Ridgefield defeated Weaver for third place. In the final, Hall outlasted Enfield and notched an overtime victory for first place honors. Congratulations to all of the players, coaches, managers, families and supporters who contributed to another memorable Rotary Classic Tournament.
25th Annual Enfield Rotary Classic Girls' Basketball Tournament Michael Helechu 2017-12-29 05:00:00Z 0

SPUR *****

President Carol spent many minutes trying to herd all Rotarians into the meeting room and ended up convening a fireside chat meeting at 12:17 P.M.
The entire assembly recited the Pledge of Allegiance together without a leader; most likely they were hungry and wanted to move things along. President Carol led us in the 4-way test. The most reverent Joe Fallon led us in grace. The Rotarians then stormed the buffet table as there weren’t any guests or visitors to block their access.
President Carol reconvened the august group at 12:40 and turned the proceedings over to former Mayor and Future President Scott Kaupin who subbed as our Sergeant at Arms. As Scott is running for President and worried about his popularity he did not impose any fines. Scott did announce that Mary Arcouette’s club anniversary is this week. We had Happy New Year’s dollars from Joe Fallon, Stu Barowsky, Eric Moody, Joyce Keating, President Carol, Kiran Majmudar, Scott Kaupin and Lou Bolduc. Lou also had a leave early dollar. Joyce was happy that her grandson Owen was not seriously hurt in an auto accident. Stu had a sad dollar for missing meetings. President Carol was happy that Allied is closing on a new home for their clients. Scott had a please volunteer and help at our Rotary Basketball tournament this week dollar.
The Sage of Hungry Hill baffled the group with this week’s history mystery;
America’s “Showplace of the Nation” Radio City Music Hall opened to the public on December 27, 1932 with a production staring Ray Bolger of Wizard of Oz fame.
  1. Radio City’s Christmas Spectacular features not only Santa Claus but also what precision dancing team? I’m happy to report that we all answered The Rockettes
  2. What is the name of the organ at Radio City that has 4410 pipes? Joyce shouted out Wurlitzer which was close as it is known as “The Mighty Wurlitzer”.
  3. Who owns and leases the land upon which Radio City and the Rockefeller Center are located?  No one even ventured a guess of Columbia University which is the correct answer.
Joe won the $10.00 and donated it to the Scholarship Fund. Lou won the $5.00 and had appointed Joe as power of attorney with any winnings so Lou also donated to the scholarship fund. Kevin pulled the 8 of hearts so he had no winnings to donate.
This was our annual meeting Kevin Mayo made a motion that we nominate Scott Kaupin as our Cub President for the 2018-2019 term. Joe Fallon seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
President Carol adjourned us all with a Happy New Year at 1:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Kevin Mayo playing the part of Chris Leary
SPUR ***** 2017-12-27 05:00:00Z 0

SPUR  *****

President Carol spent many minutes trying to herd all Rotarians into the meeting room and ended up convening a fireside chat meeting at 12:17 P.M.
The entire assembly recited the Pledge of Allegiance together without a leader; most likely they were hungry and wanted to move things along. President Carol led us in the 4-way test. The most reverent Joe Fallon led us in grace. The Rotarians then stormed the buffet table as there weren’t any guests or visitors to block their access.
President Carol reconvened the august group at 12:40 and turned the proceedings over to former Mayor and Future President Scott Kaupin who subbed as our Sergeant at Arms. As Scott is running for President and worried about his popularity he did not impose any fines. Scott did announce that Mary Arcouette’s club anniversary is this week. We had Happy New Year’s dollars from Joe Fallon, Stu Barowsky, Eric Moody, Joyce Keating, President Carol, Kiran Majmudar, Scott Kaupin and Lou Bolduc. Lou also had a leave early dollar. Joyce was happy that her grandson Owen was not seriously hurt in an auto accident. Stu had a sad dollar for missing meetings. President Carol was happy that Allied is closing on a new home for their clients. Scott had a please volunteer and help at our Rotary Basketball tournament this week dollar.
The Sage of Hungry Hill baffled the group with this week’s history mystery;
America’s “Showplace of the Nation” Radio City Music Hall opened to the public on December 27, 1932 with a production staring Ray Bolger of Wizard of Oz fame.
  1. Radio City’s Christmas Spectacular features not only Santa Claus but also what precision dancing team? I’m happy to report that we all answered The Rockettes
  2. What is the name of the organ at Radio City that has 4410 pipes? Joyce shouted out Wurlitzer which was close as it is known as “The Mighty Wurlitzer”.
  3. Who owns and leases the land upon which Radio City and the Rockefeller Center are located?  No one even ventured a guess of Columbia University which is the correct answer.
Joe won the $10.00 and donated it to the Scholarship Fund. Lou won the $5.00 and had appointed Joe as power of attorney with any winnings so Lou also donated to the scholarship fund. Kevin pulled the 8 of hearts so he had no winnings to donate.
This was our annual meeting Kevin Mayo made a motion that we nominate Scott Kaupin as our Cub President for the 2018-2019 term. Joe Fallon seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
President Carol adjourned us all with a Happy New Year at 1:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Kevin Mayo playing the part of Chris Leary
SPUR ***** Kevin Mayo 2017-12-27 05:00:00Z 0

SPUR Dec 21  2917

December 20, 2017, 12:15 PM President Carol rang the bell to welcome all in attendance to our holiday week meeting.


Dick Stevens led us in Saluting our Flag, Carol led the Club in the Four Way Test, and Sean Stevens said the Grace


Visiting Rotarian Remo and the guest speaker were welcomed.


Sargent of Arms:  Joann Walk announced one spouse birthday (Joe Fallon) and a two-year club anniversary for Alyson.  There were no fines. Happy/Sad Dollars included Jo Ann Walk traveling hoe to Missouri for the holidays, leave early dollars, Jerry Bell – his dog won Best in Show at the AKC Dog Show, Remo was happy that he found a goat sitter for his goats, both Julie and our guest John were happy for the holidays and Milt was happy to be going to Florida.

 The Joe Fallon – History/Mystery Minute” – December 20, 1946. The classic Frank Capra movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” starring James Stewart as George Bailey and donna Reed as Mary Bailey was released in Americas’ movie theaters.


  1. What is the name of the town in which George Bailey grew up? (Bedford Falls)
  2. What was the name of the angel played by Henry Travers? (Clarence Odbody)
  3. Who played the villain of Bedford Falls, Henry potter? (Lionel Barrymore)


Raffle – Jim Kuhn $10, Lou Bolduc $5 and for the $45 drawing Remo drew the six of spades.


The Tips for Tina Presentation was made and all applauded the wonderful service Tina has provided us throughout the year.


President Announcements

  • Rotary After 5: 5:30, Thursday 12/21, at LuLu’s.
  • Basketball Tournament, 12/28 &2 9/2017. Please send your payments for the ad book.
  • Wine Tasting; Thursday, 3/1/18, remember to ask for raffle items
  • Wrapping for A Cause is in need of volunteers through Christmas Eve.  Flyer on table.
  • Former Rotarian Bob Bleau passed away. He was 75 years old and the owner of Party Land and Other Things in Enfield, CT for over 20 years. Bob was our Club President 1990 – 1991.
SPUR Dec 21 2917 Carol Bohnet 2017-12-20 05:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Dec 13  2017

December 13, 2017
At 12:15 PM Carol Bohnet rang the bell and welcomed everyone.
Bill Squires led us in Saluting our Flag.
Carol Bohnet led us in the Four Way Test.
Greg Stokes said Grace.
Our two guests for the meeting, Willie Pedemonti and Paul Dubiel – both of the Enfield Police Department - led the group to the buffet table for lunch.
Sargent of Arms Jo Ann Walk collected Happy/Sad Dollars in support of the Enfield Police Department’s Toys for Joy Program.  Total funds raised equaled $136.
The Joe Fallon – History/Mystery Minute:
This date, 1887, Alvin Cullum York was born in a log cabin near Pall Mall, TN; the third of 11 children and raised by his mother to be a pacifist.  He was drafted into the Army at the age of 29, sent to France, and was awarded the Medal of Honor for gallantry.
  • What American General presented Sergeant York with his Medal of Honor?
    • John J. (Black Jack) Pershing
  • Who was the French military commander who devised the battle plan for the Muse-Argonne Offensive where York became a hero?
    • Marshal Ferdinand Foch
  • What was the name of the rifle that York used to overcome the German opposition and singlehandedly capture 129 prisoners?
    • The Enfield M 1917
  • Nick Deni won the $10
  • Jo Ann Walk won the $5
  • Kevin Mayo drew the 7-of-Diamonds on a $35 pot.
  • Carol Bohnet shared that –
    • Previous fundraising efforts provided $500 each to Loafs & Fishes and the Enfield Food Shelf.
    • The Board of Directors voted to award the Enfield Warming Center a $500 donation.
    •  The Board of Directors voted to terminate the Amber Alert Program due to rising program costs, limited interest, and an increase in competitive programs.
    • Annual Pancake Breakfast attendance was down due to weather but will still result in positive fund growth.  Total funds raised to be shared in the future.
  • Kevin Mayo advised that Rotary After 5 will be next Thursday, TBD.
  • Scott Kaupin provided a progress report on the up-coming Rotary Basketball Tournament noting that advertising was still $400 short of target.  (Nick Deni handicapped the field.) 
Willie Pedemonti and Paul Dubiel talked to Rotary about the Toys to Joy program.  This 50+ year-old program enables the Enfield Police Department to provide holiday presents for the Town’s less fortunate families. Estimated impact will be over a 1,000 toys handout to more than 400 families.  Willie & Paul encouraged everyone to participate in the Stuff-a-Cruiser event Saturday, December 16 at Target and donate their time in distribution of gifts on December 20 &21 at the old Broyhill location.
Carol Bohent adjourned the meeting at 1:25 PM.
SPUR Dec 13 2017 Bryan Chodkowski 2017-12-13 05:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Dec 6  2017

Rotary meeting 12/06/17
  • Pledge:   Derrick
  • Prayer:  __Rev. Stokes________
  • 4 way test: _Carol ____________
  • Guest:  Mike Vezzola, NCCC
  • Any other guests/visitors None
CAROL reminders/announcements: 
  • Pancake Breakfast 12/9, 6:30 am – 11
  • Toy Drive Wednesday 12/13 new toys preferably 4-8 year olds
  • Basketball Tournament, 12/28 & 29 at EHS
  • Wine Tasting Thursday, 3/1/18 still in progress
  • Webinars can be make-ups
Other Announcements:
  • Scott ad book for the Basketball Tournament due by 12/18 for printing
    • Hall High Ridgefield & Weaver High School, Hartford.
  • Lou stated Lindsey was going to do the craft table at the Pancake breakfast for the children.  Also, there will be a bake sale so if anyone wants to bring items to sell that would be great!!
Madam Secretary - Happy/Sads:  
  • Lindsey 13 years club anniversary
    • Lindsey did an IOU $1.00
  • Ed- happy wife BD next Tues
    • Also, happy he was doing some Santa gigs and he had one “MAN CHILD” who sat on his lap
  • Joe Fallon – was happy he was the MAN CHILD who got to sit on Santa’s lap
    • But was sad Santa good grant his wish to be 17 again…
      • Joe you don’t look a day over 21
  • Jim K – happy he and his wife were able to go to Iowa and see a friend’s son play basketball. The team is now 3rd in the country.
    • Jim and his wife have visited 48 of 50 states
      • Alaska & North Dakota left
  • Greg – Sad 15 years mom passed away –cancer
    • Happy daughter BD 40 years old and cancer free
  • Scott – happy AGAIN at the Cape (does he ever stop J)
    • Sad his mom has cancer and is in hospice (Say prayers everyone)
    • Question for our guest Mike – why don’t you join Rotary
  • Keith – is so happy and excited about ACC sponsoring 10 children for The Network and his office is packed J (THANKS KEITH)
  • Julie- Happy Anniversary Lindsey
  • Chris L- Sad for Santa in the Mall – he had no visitors to hohoho with
    • Happy he & Cheryl are going to Florida for 3 months leaving in 2 weeks
  • Nick – is having a birthday on Friday (21st????)
    • Question if everyone can remember their age – he can’t  
  • Dr. D – reminder of 2 breakfasts this week
    • Friday, Pizza Palace 8:00 am
    • Saturday, Pancake Breakfast
  • Kiran – BD and he remembers he will be 71!!!
  • Joyce – Happy because she is having a “GIRLS PARTY” WOOHOO at her home and asked them to bring a gift for Toys for Joy
    • She will bring them in next week
  • Sandy- reminded everyone about Toys for Joy next week
    • Needs are money or toys for 4-8 year olds
  • Adrian – his Birthday is Saturday (does he know his age?)
    • Missed a few meetings
    • Happy to see his son and daughter at the age they could enjoy the Polar express train ride.
Cards:  Derrick $10, Scott $5, Greg Card 7spades
Gentleman Joe History Mystery:  December 6, 1947
The Everglades National park was dedicated by President Harry Truman making it the largest tropical wilderness in the US.
  1. The Everglades is the 3rd largest nation park in the US. What 2 parks are larger
    1. Death Valley & Yellowstone
  2. What is the name of the so-called “Inland Sea” of FL that feeds much of its water into the Everglades?
    1. Lake Okeechobee
  3. The Everglades are home to both the American Croc & American Alligator. What is the easiest way to tell the difference between the two?
    1. Look at their snouts. Alligator is u-shaped & Croc snout is v-shaped
Guest speaker Mike Vezzola, NCCC president spoke to us about collaboration and creation of synergy between Chamber & Rotary. He recognized Larry Tracey for his hard work and hopes to be able to fill his shoes as he is now in his 2nd year and has rebuilt the foundation in which the chamber can now build upon. He spoke about the importance of adapting to change especially with technology and social media. He hopes to launch new platforms in 2018 which the Chamber can build upon and create more participation in members. He thanked Rotary for asking him to join and speak today for our relationships are important because we all are here to support the community. He hopes to build up all relationships.  He expressed he would more than likely join Rotary in 2018.   
Thanks Mike for bringing the Chamber back up and around!!!
  • Carol presented to Mike V. book was donated to the library in his name. “HIT REFRESH”
  • Carol gave Milt his 30 year perfect attendance pin
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Barron
SPUR Dec 6 2017 Kathy Barron 2017-12-06 05:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Nov29  2017

Minutes November 29th
President Carol Bohnet -4 way test
Chris Leary led us in grace
It was Rich Tkacz’s birthday week. Eric gave a happy dollar for that, Greg’s dollar was for the happiness of his fifth grandson recently being born. Julie was happy that her kids were home for Thanksgiving; Rich gave happy dollars for his birthday.
Joe Fallon’s History Mystery Minute:
November 29, 1832
Louisa May Alcott was born in Germantown, PA on her father’s  33rd birthday, moved to Boston at the age of two where her father associated with Emerson and Thoreau, raised her as a Transcendentalist and she became an ardent abolitionist and feminist.
  1. What was Alcott’s most famous literary work? Little Women
  2. “Jo”, the heroine of Little Women, was based on Alcott herself, and was married at the end of the story. Did Alcott ever marry? No
  3. Alcott also wrote many works using a pen name. What was the pen name? A.M. Barnard
Chris Leary won $365   
Jason $5
President Bohnet reminded members that there were committee sign-up sheets on the table, including one for the December 9th Pancake Breakfast at the Senior Center.
Members were reminded to bring their toy donations in no later than the December 13th meeting. Eric said he can hold donations at the hotel if they come in early. Donations can be dropped with Eric or Carol.
The Rotary’s Annual Basketball Tournament will be December 28th-29th. See Scott Kaupin to volunteer or purchase an ad for the book. Teams playing include Enfield, Hall, Ridgefield and Weaver.
March 1st is the date for wine tasting event at the Holiday Inn from 6-8 p.m.
President Bohnet presented current board members Milt Rosenberg, Jo Ann Walk, Eric Moody, Lou Bolduc, Kevin Mayo and Scott Kaupin with pins.
December 4th is a Road Race Meeting at Chicago Sam’s.
President Bohnet presented Lindsey Weber with a certificate from the District Governor in honor of her work with the accessible playground and for her service as President of the Rotary’s Scholarship Foundation.
Lindsey Weber was the guest speaker. She gave the members an update on the Enfield Rotary Memorial Scholarship Foundation.
Scholarships are available to Enfield residents enrolled in junior, senior year of college and post-grad schooling.  Lindsey serves as President for Foundation, Lou Bolduc is treasurer, Kevin Mayo was secretary and Mary Arcouette will be taking over, Milt Rosenberg, Sandy Zukowski, Adrian Garcia Sega and Joe Fallon also serve on the Foundation.
Applications for scholarships are due in June and awarded in August. The Peace Study Scholarship Trip is on hiatus this year. Working on plans to spread the word about this opportunity to travel to Israel.
The Foundation’s funding is at $230,000. The group is looking at increasing the return on the funds. Once a plan is in place they will consider plans on additional fundraisers for Foundation.
SPUR Nov29 2017 Julie Cotnoir 2017-11-29 05:00:00Z 0

SPUR  November 22  2017

November 22, 2017

At 12:15 PM Carol rang the bell and welcomed everyone.


Rich Tkacz led us in Saluting our Flag

Carol led us in the Four Way Test.

Ed Palombo said Grace


Our lone guest for the meeting, Greg Stoke’s wife Dawn, led the group to the buffet table for lunch.


Sargent of Arms:  Joann Walk announced Birthdays and Anniversaries. Happy/Sad Dollars collected towards the Loaves and Fishes and Food Shelf matching challenge totaled $85.


Our lone guest for the meeting, Greg Stoke’s wife Dawn, led the group to the buffet table for lunch.


Sargent of Arms:  Joann Walk announced Birthdays and Anniversaries. Happy/Sad Dollars collected towards the Loaves and Fishes and Food Shelf matching challenge totaled $85.

 The Joe Fallon – History/Mystery Minute”

November 22nd is the birthday of Vice president John Nance Garner, pilot Wiley Post, comedian Rodney Dangerfield, tennis player Billie Jean King and actress Jamie Curtis. It is most remembered as a day of infamy when John F. Kennedy was assassinated.  Correct answers were spread around the room. Harvey Oswald hid behind the Texas School, Book Depository. Texas police officer J.D. Tippit was murdered by Oswald before his capture. Parkland Memorial was the name of the hospital where Kennedy was declared dead.


Raffle – Kevin pulled the King of Hearts; Ed won the $10 and I forget who won the $5.


  • Bobbi Mazurek told Carol that she is still unable to attend the meetings but thinks about us every Wednesday at noon.
  • Committee Chairs have asked people to add their emails to the lists to aid them in planning. New signup forms were provided.
  • Pancake Breakfast; Saturday, 12/9, 6:30 – 11 AM: volunteer signup sheet circulated by Lou.
  • Wine Tasting; Thursday, 3/1/18, 6 – 9 PM: Eric asked us to start working on raffle prizes. They can be brought to the Holiday Inn for storage at any time.
  • Toys for Joy is in three weeks. Bring your toys to the December 13th meeting.
  • Ed read an email about Giving Tuesday and donating to the Foundation.
  • Basketball Tournament, 12/28 and 29: Scott passed out sponsor forms and encouraged us to support the Ad Book.


Carol and Scott presented past president Kevin Mayo with a plaque thanking him for stepping up to pick up the gavel last year. Much applause for his dedication to our club.

Carol presented a Veterans’ pin to Greg Stokes who was not present last week for our Veterans recognition.

Carol told the club she missed presenting the speaker book donation at the end of the meeting to our District Governor Dave Mangs. She read from the book Leaders Eat Last before introducing our speaker, Greg Stokes.

Greg talked about the legislative session, the process and various areas of interest to the Club and Enfield. It was a very informative presentation.


The meeting ended promptly at 1:30. Happy Thanksgiving wishes all around!

SPUR November 22 2017 Carol Bohnet 2017-11-22 05:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Nov  22  2017

November 22, 2017

At 12:15 PM Carol rang the bell and welcomed everyone.


Rich Tkacz led us in Saluting our Flag

Carol led us in the Four Way Test.

Ed Palombo said Grace


Our lone guest for the meeting, Greg Stoke’s wife Dawn, led the group to the buffet table for lunch.


Sargent of Arms:  Joann Walk announced Birthdays and Anniversaries. Happy/Sad Dollars collected towards the Loaves and Fishes and Food Shelf matching challenge totaled $85.


“The Joe Fallon – History/Mystery Minute”

November 22nd is the birthday of Vice president John Nance Garner, pilot Wiley Post, comedian Rodney Dangerfield, tennis player Billie Jean King and actress Jamie Curtis. It is most remembered as a day of infamy when John F. Kennedy was assassinated.  Correct answers were spread around the room. Harvey Oswald hid behind the Texas School, Book Depository. Texas police officer J.D. Tippit was murdered by Oswald before his capture. Parkland Memorial was the name of the hospital where Kennedy was declared dead.


Raffle – Kevin pulled the King of Hearts; Ed won the $10 and I forget who won the $5.



  • Bobbi Mazurek told Carol that she is still unable to attend the meetings but thinks about us every Wednesday at noon.
  • Committee Chairs have asked people to add their emails to the lists to aid them in planning. New signup forms were provided.
  • Pancake Breakfast; Saturday, 12/9, 6:30 – 11 AM: volunteer signup sheet circulated by Lou.
  • Wine Tasting; Thursday, 3/1/18, 6 – 9 PM: Eric asked us to start working on raffle prizes. They can be brought to the Holiday Inn for storage at any time.
  • Toys for Joy is in three weeks. Bring your toys to the December 13th meeting.
  • Ed read an email about Giving Tuesday and donating to the Foundation.
  • Basketball Tournament, 12/28 and 29: Scott passed out sponsor forms and encouraged us to support the Ad Book.


Carol and Scott presented past president Kevin Mayo with a plaque thanking him for stepping up to pick up the gavel last year. Much applause for his dedication to our club.

Carol presented a Veterans’ pin to Greg Stokes who was not present last week for our Veterans recognition.

Carol told the club she missed presenting the speaker book donation at the end of the meeting to our District Governor Dave Mangs. She read from the book Leaders Eat Last before introducing our speaker, Greg Stokes.


Greg talked about the legislative session, the process and various areas of interest to the Club and Enfield. It was a very informative presentation.


The meeting ended promptly at 1:30. Happy Thanksgiving wishes all around!


SPUR Nov 22 2017 Carol Bohnet 2017-11-22 05:00:00Z 0

Nov 16  2017

Spur November 15, 2017
Pres. Carol led us in the Salute to the flag and the 4 Way Test.
Chris L. gave a thoughtful grace.
The Board authorized matching up to $500 in fines collected this week and next to go to the Food Shelf and the Soup Kitchen
Steve D. Birthday Nov. 20
Joann S. Spouse birthday
Stu B. & Derek M. 14 yr club anniv.
Milt R. 13 yr (Enfield) club anniv.
Larry T. 26 year club anniv.
-Jo Ann W. Happy for signing ceremony at EHS for girls basketball player, but sad one senior broke her ankle (will still be on scholarship next yr.)
-Steve D. Happy Birthday – District Governor Dave led us in singing Happy Birthday.
-Scott K. Freedom and a Cape trip.
-Mike H. Late anniv. and spouse B-day.
-DG Dave Happy for our supporting the Rotaract club at Bay Path
-Kiran M. Next week is spouse’s B-day.
-Eric M. Happy for time with mother, brother and son at various activities.
-Nick D. Late Anniv. and cold trip to Boston.
-Joyce K. Double house troubles.
-Keith M. & Julie C. Leave early dollars.
-Ed P. Daughter’s B-day.
-Bryan C. Jury duty next week, daughter will be back from college, wife’s job, and heat back on in Town Hall.
-Chris C. Turkey drive at Rich’s Oil. Chamber raffle.
-Chris L. He and Cheryl will be gone next week – Happy Thanksgiving.
-Pres. Carol Sad Allied resident passed away.
History Mystery Minute:
Four members of the Clutter family were murdered in Holcomb, Kansas by two recently-released convicts who killed everyone to ensure that there would be no witnesses to their crime.
Q1: What non-fiction novel was published in 1966 that documents that horrific crime? In Cold Blood
Q2: Who was the author of In Cold Blood? Truman Capote
Q3: The two convicted murderers, Richard Hickock and Perry Smith, were hanged for these crimes in 1965 at the Kansas State Penitentiary located in what Kansas town? Lansing
Mike H. 2 of spades
Cathy B. $10
Jim K. $5
-Pancake breakfast is Saturday Dec. 9 from 8:00-10:30 AM. Tickets were distributed today, and Lou B. will distribute a sign-up sheet.
-Wine tasting will be on a yet-to-be-determined date in  March, 2018. The theme will be the Enfield Rotary Club’s 90th anniversary.
-Rotary After Hours will be this Thursday Nov. 16th at Bella Vita restaurant.
-Letter from Amazon Smiles that our club has been designated a charitable recipient. Anyone who buy off the Amazon Smiles (go there, not Amazon.com – same website) website and indicates the Enfield CT Rotary Club, we get a small percentage of the purchase price.
-Thank you received from the Enfield Jack-o-lantern festival for our support.
-Rotary club of Windsor/Windsor Locks about their poinsettia sale
Pres. Carol made presentations to all of the rotarian veterans at the meeting, and recognized all of our member veterans:
Korean War
Thomas D. Leary             Army     1953-1954
Jordan Chatis                   Army     1957-1959
Viet Nam
David Drinan                   Navy     1964-1969
Larry Tracey                     Air Force 1965-1969
David O’Connor                            Army     1966-1972
Alan Drinan                      Navy     1966-1971
Joe Fallon                         Army     1968-1970
Mike Helechu                  Air Force 1973-1980
Greg Stokes                      Navy     1975-1978
Carol Bohnet                   Army     1975-1978
Desert Shield/Storm
Mike Helechu                  CT Air Natl Guard            1988-2002
Milt Rosenberg                CT Air Natl Guard            1963-1969
Stu Barowsky                   US Coast Guard               1965-1972
Jack Welsh                       Air Natl Guard                 1969-1975
-Pres. Carol exchanged club and district banners with Gov. Dave.
-Gov. Dave made several presentations to Enfield Rotary Club members
Milt R. – 31 years of perfect attendance
Enfield Rotary Club – Polio Plus and Foundation Giving
Bill S. – outstanding service to the club and district
Lindsey W. – work on accessible playground and scholarship foundation
Cheryl L. – establishing the Rotaract club at BayPath College
District Gov. Dave discussed many things including the following topics:
-International Assembly in San Diego
-Rotary International Serves the Clubs, not the other way around
-Interact (high school students) and Rotaract (college students) are the future of Rotary. Interacters go to college looking for Rotaract clubs. Rotaracters get jobs and look to join Rotary clubs.
-The Power of One (person making a difference)
-Rotarians are special people – looking to do for others, not for others to do for us
-Giving back
-Having fun while serving
-Success because we are engaged with one another
-If not us then who? If not now, then when?
-Importance of membership development: Use the 10-3-1 rule of sales. Reach out to 10 people. Get three to a Rotary meeting. Find one who will make a good Rotarian. You only fail if you stop trying to invite someone.
-Retirees make great Rotarians. They have the time, the experience, and often the resources.
Lastly Gov. Dave talked about “Rotary Means Business” and the first district RMB event held in Glastonbury on Nov. 9. RMB is a networking and referral event that is like speed-dating for businesses. Rotarians and their guests are invited. They are social, fun and generate new business relationships and hopefully new Rotarians.
Gov. Dave closed the meeting singing the canon “Dona Nobis Pacem” (Grant us peace) with Chris L.
Your scribe,
Jerry B.
Nov 16 2017 Jerry Bell 2017-11-16 05:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Nov 15  2017

Spur November 15, 2017
Pres. Carol led us in the Salute to the flag and the 4 Way Test.
Chris L. gave a thoughtful grace.
The Board authorized matching up to $500 in fines collected this week and next to go to the Food Shelf and the Soup Kitchen
Steve D. Birthday Nov. 20
Joann S. Spouse birthday
Stu B. & Derek M. 14 yr club anniv.
Milt R. 13 yr (Enfield) club anniv.
Larry T. 26 year club anniv.
-Jo Ann W. Happy for signing ceremony at EHS for girls basketball player, but sad one senior broke her ankle (will still be on scholarship next yr.)
-Steve D. Happy Birthday – District Governor Dave led us in singing Happy Birthday.
-Scott K. Freedom and a Cape trip.
-Mike H. Late anniv. and spouse B-day.
-DG Dave Happy for our supporting the Rotaract club at Bay Path
-Kiran M. Next week is spouse’s B-day.
-Eric M. Happy for time with mother, brother and son at various activities.
-Nick D. Late Anniv. and cold trip to Boston.
-Joyce K. Double house troubles.
-Keith M. & Julie C. Leave early dollars.
-Ed P. Daughter’s B-day.
-Bryan C. Jury duty next week, daughter will be back from college, wife’s job, and heat back on in Town Hall.
-Chris C. Turkey drive at Rich’s Oil. Chamber raffle.
-Chris L. He and Cheryl will be gone next week – Happy Thanksgiving.
-Pres. Carol Sad Allied resident passed away.
History Mystery Minute:
Four members of the Clutter family were murdered in Holcomb, Kansas by two recently-released convicts who killed everyone to ensure that there would be no witnesses to their crime.
Q1: What non-fiction novel was published in 1966 that documents that horrific crime? In Cold Blood
Q2: Who was the author of In Cold Blood? Truman Capote
Q3: The two convicted murderers, Richard Hickock and Perry Smith, were hanged for these crimes in 1965 at the Kansas State Penitentiary located in what Kansas town? Lansing
Mike H. 2 of spades
Cathy B. $10
Jim K. $5
-Pancake breakfast is Saturday Dec. 9 from 8:00-10:30 AM. Tickets were distributed today, and Lou B. will distribute a sign-up sheet.
-Wine tasting will be on a yet-to-be-determined date in  March, 2018. The theme will be the Enfield Rotary Club’s 90th anniversary.
-Rotary After Hours will be this Thursday Nov. 16th at Bella Vita restaurant.
-Letter from Amazon Smiles that our club has been designated a charitable recipient. Anyone who buy off the Amazon Smiles (go there, not Amazon.com – same website) website and indicates the Enfield CT Rotary Club, we get a small percentage of the purchase price.
-Thank you received from the Enfield Jack-o-lantern festival for our support.
-Rotary club of Windsor/Windsor Locks about their poinsettia sale
Pres. Carol made presentations to all of the rotarian veterans at the meeting, and recognized all of our member veterans:
Korean War
Thomas D. Leary             Army     1953-1954
Jordan Chatis                   Army     1957-1959
Viet Nam
David Drinan                   Navy     1964-1969
Larry Tracey                     Air Force 1965-1969
David O’Connor                            Army     1966-1972
Alan Drinan                      Navy     1966-1971
Joe Fallon                         Army     1968-1970
Mike Helechu                  Air Force 1973-1980
Greg Stokes                      Navy     1975-1978
Carol Bohnet                   Army     1975-1978
Desert Shield/Storm
Mike Helechu                  CT Air Natl Guard            1988-2002
Milt Rosenberg                CT Air Natl Guard            1963-1969
Stu Barowsky                   US Coast Guard               1965-1972
Jack Welsh                       Air Natl Guard                 1969-1975
-Pres. Carol exchanged club and district banners with Gov. Dave.
-Gov. Dave made several presentations to Enfield Rotary Club members
Milt R. – 31 years of perfect attendance
Enfield Rotary Club – Polio Plus and Foundation Giving
Bill S. – outstanding service to the club and district
Lindsey W. – work on accessible playground and scholarship foundation
Cheryl L. – establishing the Rotaract club at BayPath College
District Gov. Dave discussed many things including the following topics:
-International Assembly in San Diego
-Rotary International Serves the Clubs, not the other way around
-Interact (high school students) and Rotaract (college students) are the future of Rotary. Interacters go to college looking for Rotaract clubs. Rotaracters get jobs and look to join Rotary clubs.
-The Power of One (person making a difference)
-Rotarians are special people – looking to do for others, not for others to do for us
-Giving back
-Having fun while serving
-Success because we are engaged with one another
-If not us then who? If not now, then when?
-Importance of membership development: Use the 10-3-1 rule of sales. Reach out to 10 people. Get three to a Rotary meeting. Find one who will make a good Rotarian. You only fail if you stop trying to invite someone.
-Retirees make great Rotarians. They have the time, the experience, and often the resources.
Lastly Gov. Dave talked about “Rotary Means Business” and the first district RMB event held in Glastonbury on Nov. 9. RMB is a networking and referral event that is like speed-dating for businesses. Rotarians and their guests are invited. They are social, fun and generate new business relationships and hopefully new Rotarians.
Gov. Dave closed the meeting singing the canon “Dona Nobis Pacem” (Grant us peace) with Chris L.
Your scribe,
Jerry B.
SPUR Nov 15 2017 Jerry Bell 2017-11-15 05:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Nov 9  2017

It was a chilly November day as Rotarian ambled along their way to Salon C at the Holiday Inn in scenic Enfield.  All were greeted with warmth and a smile from Lou Bolduc, the ever-stalwart greeter and front desk person, who is indefatigable in his willingness to serve in this capacity. 
Flag Salute:              Jim Kuhn
Four-Way Test:        Larry Tracey
Invocation:               Scott Kaupin
Editor Pro Tem:       Chris Leary in place of Kevin Mayo, who will cover for Chris on 12/27/17
Visitors:                     No visitors today
Sergeant at Arms:  Jo Ann Walk
  • Larry and Michelle Tracey wedding anniversary on 11/11/17.  This lovely couple have been married for 51 years.   Happy anniversary to the Traceys.
  • Jo Ann W is happy because of her trip to Oceanside, CA last week and she lucked out in renting an Infinity Q-50 to tour the countryside….or is that “Oceanside?”  Jo Ann also expressed her gratitude for the services of our soon to be retired mayor, Scott K.
  •  Jim Kuhn is happy about a recent month-long road trip that he and his lovely wife just finished.  They visited such places as North Carolina, Oklahoma (Where the corn is as high as an elephant’s eye and it looks like it’s climbing clear up to the sky…).  Other places they visited consisted of a lodge in the Ozarks, the Clinton Library, and Memphis, TN. They finished their journey with a brief stay in Cape May, NJ.
  • Jerry Bell offered a late dollar and enjoyed playing golf at the Normandy Golf Course in St. Louis.  I understand that the St. Louis Arch was deemed a human-made hazard and Jerry could move his ball at liberty anywhere on the course.  Jerry also gave a gratitude dollar for Scott K and his service to the town as mayor.
  • Cheryl Leary also offered a gratitude dollar for the service of our retiring mayor.  She also commented on how she enjoyed the Rotary meeting at Asnuntuck and the opportunity to tour the new academic environment there.   Having had a life-long career in higher education, Dr. Leary could appreciate the importance of establishing an efficient and up-to-date academic setting.  Kudos to ACC and all who work to provide a high quality education for all.  Cheryl also gave a happy dollar because of a recent vist with our granddaughter at Virginia Tech followed up by a visit with family in Sterling, VA.
  • Larry Tracey gave a happy dollar for the service of retiring mayor Scott K.
  • Kiran gave a late dollar and a dollar for retiring mayor Scott K.
  • Joyce gave a dollar for retiring mayor, Scott K and she also expressed sadness over the loss of a very good friend recently.  May she rest in peace.
  • Julie C gave a happy dollar for Scott K and she also was delighted to spend time with her son in NYC.  She attended a show on Sunday evening and got an early train on Monday and arrived for work on time at ACC.
  • Julie’s colleague Keith also gave a happy dollar for Scott K and commented on how supportive the town has been toward ACC under Scott’s leadership.
  • Lindsey gave a happy dollar in honor of her daughter Emma who turned six on Saturday.  Lindsay had a great time with the kids at a skating party as well and returned home happy but tired.
  • Bryan gave a “Dine and Dash” dollar as well as a lament dollar because of no heat in the building at work.  He also expressed his gratitude for Scott and his service to the town with a happy dollar.
  • Scott gave a happy dollar in gratitude for all the praised for his service as mayor.  He commented on the fact that his history as mayor coincided with his history in Rotary and that reality is special for him.  Although, he did say that he became mayor after joining Rotary. 
Fallon Mystery Minute
United States Navy Captain, Charles Wilkens, commander of the USS San Jacinto boarded a British mail ship and removed two Confederate diplomats thereby insulting British honor and brought the United States to the brink of war with England.
  1. What is the historical name for this incident?
    1. The Trent Affair
  2. The Lincoln administration released the two diplomats and disavowed the actions of Captain Wilkens but did not issue a formal apology. (True or False?)
    1. True
  3.  Name either one of the two Confederate diplomats that were detained and then released?
    1. James Mason or John Slidell
 $10:               Lindsey
   $5:               Dick Stevens (In absentia to be donated back to the club.)
Card:              Joyce              3 of Cl
Business Meeting
President Carol conducted a business meeting with the Rotary members present.  She brought up future service events for our club.  They are as follows:
Pancake Breakfast
  • Lou Bolduc is in charge and providing effective leadership for the gleeful griddle gang.
  • Planned date for the Pancake Breakfast will be December 9, 2017 at the Senior Center.
  • Lindsey will take care of “Crafts for Kids.”
  • There will be a table for saleable goods.
  • Julie C volunteered to address publicity for the event.  She will work with Scott to ensure output on facebook.
  • Lou also commented on the fact that the pancake breakfast will include Cheryl Leary’s famous blueberry sauce.  Lou says it is great over ice cream as well.  Jo Ann want a formal tasting of the goods.
Loaves and Fishes
  • Scott K and Bryan are leading the charge on this service event.
  • Grease traps and new prep table to be installed after the new year.
  • Scott suggested that we, as a club, provide a day of service to perhaps prep the site for the installation of the prep table etc.  It would have to be on a weekend …a Saturday.  All members present were in favor of conducting the service event as discussed.  More details to follow. 
Basketball Tournament
  • It was brought to the club’s attention that this year will be the 25th anniversary of the Basketball Tournament that was started by Larry Tracey 25 years ago.   Larry was present today to receive the club’s praise for his dedication to the youth of our community.
  • The dates for this year’s tournament will be 12/28/17 and 12/29/17.  Games are 5:30 PM and 7:00 PM.
  • We will need help selling ads for the ad book to be published.
  • Ridgefield Hall and Weaver HS will play Enfield HS
  • We need help with the concession stand and Lou will make his famous chili
  • Shop Rite needs to be contacted for donations of hot dogs etc.
  • Awards and More and Merricks need to be contacted for their services for the tournament.
  • We hope to have nice sweatshirts that will be print screened for th
SPUR Nov 9 2017 Christopher Leary 2017-11-09 05:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Nov 8  2017

It was a chilly November day as Rotarian ambled along their way to Salon C at the Holiday Inn in scenic Enfield.  All were greeted with warmth and a smile from Lou Bolduc, the ever-stalwart greeter and front desk person, who is indefatigable in his willingness to serve in this capacity. 
Flag Salute:              Jim Kuhn
Four-Way Test:        Larry Tracey
Invocation:               Scott Kaupin
Editor Pro Tem:       Chris Leary in place of Kevin Mayo, who will cover for Chris on 12/27/17
Visitors:                     No visitors today
Sergeant at Arms:  Jo Ann Walk
  • Larry and Michelle Tracey wedding anniversary on 11/11/17.  This lovely couple have been married for 51 years.   Happy anniversary to the Traceys.
  • Jo Ann W is happy because of her trip to Oceanside, CA last week and she lucked out in renting an Infinity Q-50 to tour the countryside….or is that “Oceanside?”  Jo Ann also expressed her gratitude for the services of our soon to be retired mayor, Scott K.
  •  Jim Kuhn is happy about a recent month-long road trip that he and his lovely wife just finished.  They visited such places as North Carolina, Oklahoma (Where the corn is as high as an elephant’s eye and it looks like it’s climbing clear up to the sky…).  Other places they visited consisted of a lodge in the Ozarks, the Clinton Library, and Memphis, TN. They finished their journey with a brief stay in Cape May, NJ.
  • Jerry Bell offered a late dollar and enjoyed playing golf at the Normandy Golf Course in St. Louis.  I understand that the St. Louis Arch was deemed a human-made hazard and Jerry could move his ball at liberty anywhere on the course.  Jerry also gave a gratitude dollar for Scott K and his service to the town as mayor.
  • Cheryl Leary also offered a gratitude dollar for the service of our retiring mayor.  She also commented on how she enjoyed the Rotary meeting at Asnuntuck and the opportunity to tour the new academic environment there.   Having had a life-long career in higher education, Dr. Leary could appreciate the importance of establishing an efficient and up-to-date academic setting.  Kudos to ACC and all who work to provide a high quality education for all.  Cheryl also gave a happy dollar because of a recent vist with our granddaughter at Virginia Tech followed up by a visit with family in Sterling, VA.
  • Larry Tracey gave a happy dollar for the service of retiring mayor Scott K.
  • Kiran gave a late dollar and a dollar for retiring mayor Scott K.
  • Joyce gave a dollar for retiring mayor, Scott K and she also expressed sadness over the loss of a very good friend recently.  May she rest in peace.
  • Julie C gave a happy dollar for Scott K and she also was delighted to spend time with her son in NYC.  She attended a show on Sunday evening and got an early train on Monday and arrived for work on time at ACC.
  • Julie’s colleague Keith also gave a happy dollar for Scott K and commented on how supportive the town has been toward ACC under Scott’s leadership.
  • Lindsey gave a happy dollar in honor of her daughter Emma who turned six on Saturday.  Lindsay had a great time with the kids at a skating party as well and returned home happy but tired.
  • Bryan gave a “Dine and Dash” dollar as well as a lament dollar because of no heat in the building at work.  He also expressed his gratitude for Scott and his service to the town with a happy dollar.
  • Scott gave a happy dollar in gratitude for all the praised for his service as mayor.  He commented on the fact that his history as mayor coincided with his history in Rotary and that reality is special for him.  Although, he did say that he became mayor after joining Rotary.    
Fallon Mystery Minute
United States Navy Captain, Charles Wilkens, commander of the USS San Jacinto boarded a British mail ship and removed two Confederate diplomats thereby insulting British honor and brought the United States to the brink of war with England.
  1. What is the historical name for this incident?
    1. The Trent Affair
  2. The Lincoln administration released the two diplomats and disavowed the actions of Captain Wilkens but did not issue a formal apology. (True or False?)
    1. True
  3.  Name either one of the two Confederate diplomats that were detained and then released?
    1. James Mason or John Slidell
 $10:               Lindsey
   $5:               Dick Stevens (In absentia to be donated back to the club.)
Card:              Joyce              3 of Clubs
Business Meeting
President Carol conducted a business meeting with the Rotary members present.  She brought up future service events for our club.  They are as follows:
Pancake Breakfast
  • Lou Bolduc is in charge and providing effective leadership for the gleeful griddle gang.
  • Planned date for the Pancake Breakfast will be December 9, 2017 at the Senior Center.
  • Lindsey will take care of “Crafts for Kids.”
  • There will be a table for saleable goods.
  • Julie C volunteered to address publicity for the event.  She will work with Scott to ensure output on facebook.
  • Lou also commented on the fact that the pancake breakfast will include Cheryl Leary’s famous blueberry sauce.  Lou says it is great over ice cream as well.  Jo Ann want a formal tasting of the goods.
Loaves and Fishes
  • Scott K and Bryan are leading the charge on this service event.
  • Grease traps and new prep table to be installed after the new year.
  • Scott suggested that we, as a club, provide a day of service to perhaps prep the site for the installation of the prep table etc.  It would have to be on a weekend …a Saturday.  All members present were in favor of conducting the service event as discussed.  More details to follow. 
Basketball Tournament
  • It was brought to the club’s attention that this year will be the 25th anniversary of the Basketball Tournament that was started by Larry Tracey 25 years ago.   Larry was present today to receive the club’s praise for his dedication to the youth of our community.
  • The dates for this year’s tournament will be 12/28/17 and 12/29/17.  Games are 5:30 PM and 7:00 PM.
  • We will need help selling ads for the ad book to be published.
  • Ridgefield Hall and Weaver HS will play Enfield HS
  • We need help with the concession stand and Lou will make his famous chili
  • Shop Rite needs to be contacted for donations of hot dogs etc.
  • Awards and More and Merricks need to be contacted for their services for the tournament.
  • We hope to have nice sweatshirts that will be print screened for the tournament event.

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SPUR Nov 8 2017 Christopher Leary 2017-11-08 05:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Nov  1  2017

Carol called meeting to order.
Chris Casey—Salute Flag
Carol—4-Way Test
Greg Stokes—Grace
Kevin—happy/Sadds/Fine—Not wearing pin.
            Birthdays—Dave o’Connor
                                    Mike Helechu—Spouse and Wedding Anniv.
                                    Club Anniv.-Chris Casey
                                    Sean—Leave early
                                    Sandy Zukowski—Gone next 2 weeks
                                    Bill Squires—Daughter ran marathon
                                    Stuart Barowsky—Props for new knee at Brigham& Womens’s
                                                                        Hospital and Dr. Wolfgang Fitz.
                                    Carol—Finally Halloween
                                    Nick—no pin
                                    Jerry—Traveling to St. Louis-Business/Golf
                                    Steve Damon—Computer problems
                                    Dick Stevens—Grandson in Swimming marathon
                                    Kevin---Playground getting a lot of use.
Raffle                         Cards—Rich T. 10 Spades
                                    ?          --$10
                                    Eric Moody---          $5
History Minute                    November 1,  1800
                        John Adams, the second President of the United States of America, became the 1st President to live at the “White House” at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave..
  1. The White House was set on fire by British Troops during what war?
    The War of 1812
  2.  What federal agency owns the White house?
    National Park Service
  3.  Who was the designer of the White House?
    Irish born James Hoban
                Announcement—Rotary Convention—Toronto 6/23—27, 2018
                                                  Zone conference, Montreal,   9/20-22, 2018
                            Speaker: Bill Squires, Carol and Milt
                            Rotary Zone Institute—attended by all three 2 weeks age.
                            Details of meeting and experience being there.
                            Meeting adjourned—1:30PM
                            Submitted by:  Stuart Barowsky
SPUR Nov 1 2017 Stuart Barowsky 2017-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Oct 25  2017

DATE:            10/28/2017                 
TO:                 File
Subject:          Meeting  at ACC and tour, SPUR 10/25/2017
Carol Bohnet opened the meeting at Asnuntuck Comm. College
            Also thanked ACC for hosting the event and showing the  new construction at the ACC.
Pledge by Keith Madore
4 Way by Larry Tracy
Prayers by Julie Cotnoir
Guests : None
The great lunch was provided by ACC food service.
Guests : ADG Gov Pam Lupoli
              Bill McGurk
              Mike Weber
              ACC Staff Tim St James and Student Madison Beckett
Happy Dollar:
SA Joann Walk  leaving for California in a week. Allison Roderick happy. Scott Kaupin 10 yr Club anniversary. Jerry Bell time in Manhattan and medical procedure. Rich Tcaz in ST Marten. Bill McGurk happy attending meeting. Keith Medore at a conference where Enfield was mentioned for recognition. Joyce Keating at Atlantic City at Ms U.S. Senior Pageant. Julie Cotnoir happy to host. Shawn Stevens happy with Yankees?, Mike Helechu at a Bloomfield Brewery. Cathy Baronpride in staff members, TV with sen Kissel. Chris Casey announced Purple Event 11/3. Wine Tasting, 11/15 at Holiday Inn. Eric Moody happy for Scott Kaupin. Larry Tracy about grandchild. Chris Leary finishe spring courses teaching. Cheryl Leary happ, busy in retirement and retreat. Pam Lupoli happy attending. Adrian happy announcing wife’s birthday. Nick Deni attended Kascuisko School and played Basket ball in this room/Gym, scored 21 points, long time ago!!
Joe Fallon’s History Mystery Minute:
Prof Golfer William Payne Stewart died at age 42 when the Learjet in which he was a passenger depressurized and all aboard died of hypoxia somewhere over Florida with the plane eventually crashing in South Dakota, a scant four months after Stewart had won his second US Open.
  1. Who did Stewart edge out by one stroke when he won the US Open at Pinehurst in 1999?
            Phil Mickelson
2. Stewart was famous for his golf attire of Ivy caps and knicker-like pants that are more commonly known as what?
            Plus fours
3. Stewart won his first US Open in 1991 in a 18 hole playoff at Hazeltine National Golf Club when he defeated what golfer?
Scott Simpson
Raffle - ?? kitty
Nick Deni a bum card,  and Ryan Lawless $5.
Zone Lunch, Convention Center, Hartford, Oct 20th attended by Carol B, Bill and Milt.
Polio Day yesterday. For every $ Rotary collects, Bill Gates Foundation matches $3.
Rotary after 5, 10/26 at The 99 Restaurant.
Foundation Dinner Chez Josef, Nov 2nd.
RLI at Holiday Inn, Enfield , Nov 11th, our Club will sponsor you.
DG David at our meeting Nov 15th.
Rotary Means Business Networking event Thur, Nov 9th, 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, Rooftop 120 restaurant, Glastonbury CT
Ed Palomba announced Rotary Walking Trail maintenance by Town.
Meeting closed 1:07 pm for tour on new ACC facilities. It was an exciting tour of new front and Manufacturing building in the back; very impressive.
Beg your pardon for errors and omissions.
Respectfully submitted by Kiran Majmudar
SPUR Oct 25 2017 Kiran Majmudar 2017-10-25 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Oct 18  2017

Flag Salute: Remo Pizzechemi
Four Way Test: Carol Bohnet
Invocation: Ed Palomba
Visitors:         Christopher Drezek – Superintendent of Schools
                        Michelle Tracey
Brian              13th Wedding anniversary
                        Sad for loss of friend Jeremy due to untimely death
Kate G:          Late dollar
Ed P:               Happy re Yankees
Nick D:           Happy to get away
Carol B:         Happy to spend birthday weekend with her daughter and son-in-law
                        Sad about previous words that hurt some feelings in people.
Dick Stevens: Announcement re Dave Drinan in hospital for minor surgery.
Kiran M:        Happy he finished Hartford Marathon but tuckered out around mile 20 and needed a profound mental strength to motivate his body to complete the race.
Chris C:          Happy to spend wedding anniversary in Myrtle Beach with her aging husband Tom who reached age 60.
Eric:                Happy about the beautiful weather
Sandy:            Happy about Niagara Falls
Fallon Mystery Minute:
George Campbell Scott was born in Wise, VA, raised mainly by his father, served in the USMC, graduated from the University of Missouri and is perhaps best known for playing General George Patton in the 1970 film “Patton.”  
  1. Scott played the role of another general in an earlier movie in 1964 whose name was Buck Turgidson.  What was the title of that movie? 
    1. Dr. Strangelove or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.
  2. What was the name of the movie in which Scott played the role of a de facto Sherlock Holmes?
    1. They Might Be Giants
  3.  What Connecticut politician did Scott endorse in TV ads decades ago?
    1. Lowell Weicker
$10:    Brian
$5:      Cathy
Card:  Ed Palomba (Card was drawn by Nick D for good luck
            Queen of Spades – so very sad
Guest Speaker:        Christopher Drezek – Superintendent of Schools
            Topic:  New Enfield High School and the success of the students in the culinary program and in soccer.
Christopher Drezek, Superintendent of Enfield Schools, was the keynote speaker at the Enfield Rotary Club today. Mr. Drezek shared with the members of Rotary the importance of supporting “our kids”. He acknowledged that the Town of Enfield has a history of supporting the educational system from Kindergarten through Grade 12.  Mr. Drezek highlighted the Culinary Arts program at the High School.  Actually, he invited the members of the Enfield Rotary Club to hold one of their weekly meetings at the High School.
The Superintendent also talked about the importance of values. He shared how the educational experience at the High School has evolved. For example, there are no more traditional study halls. In place of study halls, there is time set aside every day for students to meet with their classmates and faculty. Because of this change, the students have the opportunity to attend club meetings, or get extra help support during the regular school day.  This is such a benefit for both faculty and students.  This schedule change affords time that gives students the opportunity to participate in more high school experiences because they aren’t limited by transportation schedules. The Superintendent expressed his gratitude to the members of Rotary for the scholarships made available to Enfield High School students.
The most impressive characteristics of Mr. Drezek ‘s talk was how he really seemed to take pride in the achievements of the students.  He talked about student participation in activities. It was quite clear that the students’ education and formation is the crux of his job. It was refreshing to hear Mr. Drezek speak so passionately about the students of Enfield.  Mr. Drezek spoke from his heart. A book has been donated by the Enfield Rotary Club, to the Enfield Library in honor of Mr. Drezek’s visit to the Enfield Rotary Club.
SPUR Oct 18 2017 Cheryl Leary 2017-10-18 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Oct 11  2017 

Rotary Minutes:    Date:10.11.17    
Pledge:Jason Neely         
4 way test:Carol Bohnet        
Invocation:Chris Leary         
Guests and visitors:none         
Rotarian Anniversaries:Julie, Keith, Jerry, Joanne       
Birthdays:Chris Casey, Joanne Walk       
Wedding Anniversaries:Julie Cotnoir        
Happy / Sads:          
 Joanne for birthday and club anniversary      
 Kathy - leave early        
 Brian- late dollar, missed board meeting, happy his son's tooth extraction   
  went well         
 Carol- Happy leaving for maryland to see new grandchild    
 Jerry late dollar and happy for anniversary     
 Bill - Happy father in law 90th birthday coming up and the kids will be   
 home.  Sad dollar for red sox, sang anthem at event fundraiser    
 Jason- Happy son in 3rd grade and NH trip for trains and cog railway   
 Kevin- Missed last week for wife's eye appointment happy all went well   
 sad lost a long time member of the beavers club, happy going to patriots   
 gane versus Jets        
 Kate- happy her son is doing well on golf team, misses everyone!    
 Scott- Happy for red sox season, going to oyster fest in welfleet    
 Milt- Went to Bushnell to see Les Mis and ran into Joe Fallon happy to be   
 happy to be going to the Berkshires      
 Joyce- Supporting the CT entry for MRS Senior usa      
 Joe- enjoyed Les Mis was dismayed at people using cell phones during   
History Mystery:1884 Oct 11         
 The longest serving first lady of the USA was born in New York City to socialite  
 parents Elliott Roosevelt and Anna Hall.  She later married 5th cousin    
 Franklin Delano Roosevelt.       
 Q-Who gave away Eleanor at her wedding because her parents died when she was quite young
 A- President Teddy Roosevelt her uncle      
 Q-What President appointed Eleanor as the chair person of the presidential commission on the 
 status of women?        
 A- John F. Kennedy        
 Q-What was Eleanor's first name as Eleanor was her middle name?   
 A- Anna after her mother       
Pot for card at 285Lou - drew card did not win       
 Larry - 10         
Other Business:Donations from our club for hurricane relief efforts is almost 1,200   
 please remember to sign in on the attendance list each week    
 Reminder 10/25 luch is at Asnuntuck      
 Nov 2nd foundation dinner       
 Nov 11th Leadership institute       
 Nov 15th Distric gov. coming to meeting      
 Basketball tourney set for 12/28 12/29      
 Monday pm road race committee meeting @ 99     
 Video shown on Ian Riseley on Rotary flexibility and recruitment    
 Discussion of membership retention and recruitment from the committee   
SPUR Oct 11 2017 Eric Moody 2017-10-11 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  OCT 4  2017

Enfield Rotary Weekly Meeting
President  Carol opened meeting 12:15 .  Derek Meade said Grace.  We all said Four-Way-Test and Saluted the Flag.
No visitors.  One guest, Cathy Belinkie  who is the wife the day’s speaker, Dr. Stephen Belinkie.
Happy/Sad Dollars were:  Brian- son on the Lego Robotics Team , Rich had two trips to the Caribean cancelled due to hurricanes but happy a third substitute trip is still on,  Joyce had a good time in Quebec City (she has a good time everywhere),  Nick happy for upcoming trip with family including Ed to Myrytle  Beach,  Ed happy to be starting on softball team with those half his age (he’s the pitcher),  Mike has a new pacemaker (we are ecstatic for him),  Carol is seeing Les Miserables with her daughter,  Kirhan was visited by Ed and Lois  Sharpless  who were on a camping trip,  Jerry lectured in Copenhagen and of coarse was on the course (golfing).  
History/Mystery Minute:  The first US Open was played at what country  club  in Rhode Island?  The US Open field (number of golfers playing) is composed of how many golfers?  What was the name of the first winner of the US Open?   Answers    1. Newport Country Club  .     2. 156                3. Horace Rawlins- an Englishman.
Derek got zip  with the Queen of Hearts.  A ten and fiver were won by others.
Carol asks for stragglers to sign up for committees.
Carol asks for a volunteer to mentor the RotarAct  Club with Mike.
Our October 25 Weds meeting will be at Asnuntuck for a tour and lunch.
November 2 is a Foundation Dinner where the Enfield Club will receive a prestigious award.
Dr. Stephen Belinkie, a retired plastic surgeon, spoke on American President Frankin Delino Roosevelt.  Much of the talk involved polio  and the effect it had on FDR’s life.  A tremendous amout of effort was required to maintain the image of a strong  healthy individual. Due to the large amount of material the lecture will be delivered in two parts.  Dr. Belinkie will be back to continue this lecture.  Particularly significant to us as Rotarians is the effects polio had on mankind and how Rotary has made the world a better place thru PolioPlus eradication efforts.
All in all another great meeting, 
Steve Damon, Scribe
SPUR OCT 4 2017 Steven Damon 2017-10-04 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Sept 27  2017

The Spur
September 27, 2017
The Pledge: Nick Deni
Four Way Test: Carol Bohner
Grace: Jack Welch
Guests: Don Burack, Amy Reltier, Bob Williamson
Happy/Sads: Sandy Zukowski has a birthday!
Joann Welk went home to see her family
Bryan Chad Kedesla- Billswon- Ohio U won
Milt Rosenberg- Joann doing good job
Carol Bohnet’s nephew got married
$10- Nick Deni
$5- Adrian Garcia
Cards- Chris Casey
Bloomfield Wine Festival: October 5th
Lunch with Rotary President: October 20th
District Governor to be at our meeting: November 15th
Foundation Dinner- Chez Joseph: November 2nd
History Mystery:
Who said in 1066 to conquor to Saxtons? William the Conqueror
Where did he set sail from? Normandy
Who did he take the thrown from? Hariet Godwinson
Speaker: Amy Peltier
United Way- Northeast Central Connecticut.  Covers 40 Towns, Invests in Education, transition into kindergarted, middle school and high school. Working with towns to provide food to communities for the needy.  Also involved with domestic violence in each community.
Twenty five percent of household are led by someone 65 years old or older.  The average income for CT residents for a family of four is $66,000-$74,000 to qualify for United Way assistance.
We divided into teams of two and three and did a case study that was very enlightening.  There are many CT residents that have a hard time making ends meet because of the high cost of living in the state.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jim Kuhn
SPUR Sept 27 2017 Jim Kuhn 2017-09-27 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Sept 20  2017

Flag Salute: Keith Madore
Four Way Test: Carol Bohnet
Invocation: Cheryl Leary

Joe Fallon stood in for Jo Ann Walk as Sergeant at Arms.  Joe also quizzed the membership to see if anyone could remember where Jerry Bell was traveling this week.  (The answer was Copenhagen.)
Sandy Zukowski was caught up in the car chase on I-91 while driving to Manchester.  She quickly realized what was happening when she saw 7 police cars and a helicopter. 
Kathy Barron was stuck in Florida because of Hurricane Irma.  She was happy to be back at home.
Joyce Keating enjoyed a trip to Quebec City.
Ed Palomba was happy that we had meatloaf for lunch.  He was also happy for his son's 29th birthday.  (Should we read into the order in which he presented these thoughts?)
Keith Madore was happy for the well-attended ribbon cutting at Asnuntuck Community College last Wednesday. 
Carol Bohnet was happy for her daughter's 30th birthday, and also for a dinner with her mother and sisters.
Milton Rosenberg wished a happy new year to those celebrating Rosh Hashanah.  (L'Shana Tova, Milton!)
Lindsey Weber is returning to regular club meetings after a wonderful summer vacation with her children.  The highlight of their summer was a trip to Wyoming to view the solar eclipse in totality. 
Rich Tkacz had planned a vacation to St. Maarten.  Because of hurricane destruction, they changed their plans to a cruise leaving from Puerto Rico.  This might not be the year for a Caribbean vacation.
Kiran is preparing for the October 14th marathon to support the St. Francis Cancer Center.  See Kiran if you are interested in learning more about their cause!
Chris Leary shared a happy new year sentiment.  L'Shana Tova!
Kevin Mayo also wished a happy new year to those celebrating, had a dollar for a missed meeting, and a dollar for his club anniversary.

The Drawing
$10 to Chris Leary (well, actually to Cheryl Leary after Chris won the money)
$5 to Sandy Zukowski
Card to Kathy Barron, but not the queen of hearts

Joe Fallon's "History Mystery" Question
September 20, 1878
Upton Bell Sinclair, Jr. was born in Baltimore, Maryland, did not go to any formal school until the age of ten and became known during his ninety years of life as a writer, journalist, novelist, political activist and politician.
1. Sinclair is probably best known for writing a muck-raking novel about the Chicago meatpacking industry that led to the adoption of the Federal Pure Food and Drug Act.  What was the name of that novel?

    The Jungle

2. What political philosophy did Sinclair espouse over his many years of political involvement?


3. Sinclair won a Pulitzer Prize in 1943 for the novel "Dragon's Teeth" which was the third novel in a series of eleven novels that he published between 1940 and 1953 that featured a central character for which the series is named.  What is the name of that character?

    Lanny Budd

Business Meeting

President Carol read thank-you cards from the Enfield Food Shelf and scholarship recipient Kevin Broems. 

Julie Cotnoir presented an Amber Alert update on behalf of Mike Helechu.  Last week, our club registered 129 children.  (50 more children than our previous 'best'.)  Club members were assisted by 4 outstanding students from Baypath University.  However, our ID card printer is not functioning well.  The group was able to enter information into the system, but  was not able to print all of the ID cards for parents.  This equipment is not longer supported by the manufacturer.  The Amber Alert program is still maintaining its database, but the equipment we use at events is becoming obsolete.  We have spent about $7,000 on equipment so far.  We hold about 4 Amber Alert registrations per year.  We register approximately 200 children annually.  It was agreed that our club will explore equipment replacement costs.

President Carol has updated our club website with all of our committee information.  Your committee responsibilities are now listed with your name on the site.  She is happy to report that our club has 17 committees working on projects throughout the year.  The website calendar is also up-to-date with club events.  Carol will be working with club members to record our volunteer hours for a worldwide tally, which is an initiative of the current Rotary International president. 
            our club website: www.enfieldctrotary.org

Ed Palomba announced that the district Foundation Dinner will be Thursday, November 2nd at Chez Josef.  The district is looking for nominations for the Humanitarian of the Year award.  Entries are due by September 30th.  Please see Ed for more details.

Kevin Mayo announced that he and Mary Arcouette will be holding a road race committee meeting on October 16th at The 99 restaurant.  Please contact Kevin or Mary for more information.

Field trip!!  Our club meeting on October 25th will be at Asnuntuck Community College and will include a tour of their new facility.

Guest editor,
Lindsey Weber
SPUR Sept 20 2017 Lindsey Weber 2017-09-20 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Sept 6  2017

Rotary Minutes: Date: 9/6/2017

Pledge: Martha
4 way test: Carol
Invocation: Kevin

Guests and visitors: Kathleen Souvigney Enfield Food Shelf

Rotarian Anniversaries:
Dick Stevens 45 years
Cheryl Leary 16 years

Birthdays: Eric Moody
Milt Rosenberg

Wedding Anniversaries: None

Rotarian Anniversaries:
Dick Stevens 45 years
Cheryl Leary 16 years

Birthdays: Eric Moody
Milt Rosenberg
Wedding Anniversaries: None

Happy / Sads:
Milt sad for Hurricane impact issued a challenge to match his age in donations
Ed Happy 2 weddings and great round of golf
Kevin Milt's bday challenge
Jack Milt's bday challenge
Scott Happy for trip to watch Notre Dam and Chicago bears and for milts challenge
Julie happy bdays and challenge and for Red Sox
Martha 20.00 to hurricane challenge
Eric Milt's bday challenge
Sandi Milt's bday challenge
Carol Milt's bday challenge
Joanne Milt's bday challenge
oe Milt's bday challenge
Kiran Milt's bday challenge
Rich Milt's bday challenge and Happy Kate took Sox tickets for that 19 inning game
Several others pledged to the challenge and for missed meetings
Total raised 201.00

History Mystery:
9/6/1781 236 years ago
The revolutionary war battle of Groton Heights had a small force of Connecticut
Militia attacked by a much larger British force. Sometimes referred to as the battle
of Fort Griswold or the massacre at Fort Griswold.
1. The British troops were led by Brigadier General who earlier in the war had led
colonial troops. Who was he? Benedict Arnold
2. A southeastern CT town bears the name of the Colonel who led the American
troops, who was he? William Ledyard
3. Colonel Ledyard died at Fort Griswold at the hands of a British officer.
How did he die?
He offered his sword in surrender & the British officer buried the sword in his chest.

Other Business:
Carol - we raised 135 last week for hurricane relief the board voted to match and
rounded up to 350.00 for Texas relief support.
upcoming events:
Leadership institute at Holiday Inn Nov 11 7:30 to 3:30 80.00 fee
Many speaker openings next few months please see Kathy
East Longmeadow Rotary scholarship clam bake Wed. 9/20 4pm
Zone Institute Hartford Conv ctr. Oct 16-22 "Heart of Rotary"
World Polio day 10/24/17
Asnuntuck Lunch and Tour for Rotary meeting 10/25
Adrian : Please check you info in club runner to make sure it is correct
SPUR Sept 6 2017 Eric Moody 2017-09-06 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Aug 30  2017

Spur                            August 30, 2017                                
Pledge of Allegiance-  Carol
4 Way test
Invocation-   Joe Fallon
Presidents remarks- spoke about Rotary help for hurricane victims.
Happy /sads/ bdays/anniversaries - Sargeant at Arms (for the day) :
Lots of $ re Hurricane Harvey
Joes History Mystery Minute- Theodore Samuel Williams born in San Diego. Well known as last major league baseball player to bat over .400 for season.
  1. What nickname given to him by equipment manager?  The Kid
  2. What Red Sox GM said “It wasn’t hard to find Williams. He stood out like a brown cow in a field of white cows”  Eddie Collins
  3. In last major league at back Williams hit a home run vs what pitcher?  Jack Fisher
Raffle Winners
Card- Kiran
$10- Larry
$5- Steve Damon
Speaker- ??
Club Announcements-Amber Alert in September; contact Mike Helechu
Toys For Joy in Dec- Sandy Zukowski
Wine Tasting in March
Pancake B’fast in Nov or Dec
Road Race is May 5
Chris Casey looking to form new Membership Committee
East Longmeadow Rotary clam bake Sept 20-contact Carol for details
Saintfrancisdonor.com/Events/eventView.asp?EventID=78 is link for Marathon being run by Kiran. Contributions welcome thru link.
Meeting Adjourned @ :
SPUR Aug 30 2017 Joyce M. Keating 2017-08-30 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Aug 23  2017

SPUR ---August 23, 2017


President Carol rang the bell precisely at 12:15. Your erstwhile scribe was well aware of this - as Joe Fallon was sitting across from me and waving his cell phone, with the time displayed, and beginning to lobby for a fine if she delayed one more minute. She did not.

Dave O’Connor led the pledge to our flag, President Carol the Four Way Test and me, Dave Drinan, the opening prayer.

There were no guests, and no visitors, but plenty of happy and sad dollars. Milt Rosenberg revealed 32 years of perfect attendance and Scott Kaupin some dental implants which have left him looking like a defenseman for the Boston Bruins after catching a stick in the teeth.

We received “thank you” notes from Ryan Obedzynski from EFRC for the opportunity to speak to us on the 9th and for our donation of school supplies and backpacks. Also sending thanks was Libby Vandal for our help with her trip to the HOBY World Leadership Congress.

Joe Fallon stumped us with questions about the execution of two miscreants exactly 90 years ago on August 23, 1927 as Sacco and Vanzetti went to the “chair” at the Charlestown MA State Prison. Fifty years later they were proclaimed as unfairly convicted by who (?) Michael Dukakis. This Harvard law professor and subsequent Supreme Court Justice argued for a retrial of the two (?) Felix Frankfurter. The first names of these two were (?) Nicola and Bartolommeo. (Couple of Irish lads? - Just kidding – I’m Irish.)


Our program was presented by Bill Squires who attended the Rotary International Convention in Atlanta this past spring. Bill focused on three main topics from the convention – as outlined in the three words: “Rotary”, “International” and “Convention” He presented comments on each of the words and their significance for him as he shared Rotary fellowship with an intimate little gathering of 40,000 Rotarians and guests from around the world.  He even got to break bread with former Enfield Rotarian Ed Sharpless who sent his regards to all his friends in Enfield.

President Carol then rang the bell to send us streaming out into the pre-fall sunshine to accomplish our endeavors and tasks of the afternoon. For me it was typing up these comments and then a nap.

Dave Drinan

SPUR Aug 23 2017 David R. Drinan 2017-08-23 04:00:00Z 0

Scholarships Awarded to 12 College Students from Enfield


The Enfield Rotary Memorial Scholarship Foundation awarded $12,750 to 12 students from Enfield who will be entering their junior, senior or post graduate years of college this fall. The scholarships were presented at a luncheon meeting of the Enfield Rotary Club on August 16th.

This year’s scholarship recipients include (seated l-r) Amanda Balesano, senior at Sacred Heart University - Chemistry; Kevin Broems, post graduate at UCONN - Physician Assistant; Lauren Attenello, senior at Goodwin College - Human Service; Jason Menaker, senior at Westfield State University - Criminal Justice; and Evan Leslie, junior at Elms College - Nursing.

(Standing l-r) Jie Zou, senior at Asnuntuck Community College - Nursing; Jacob Mikullitz, senior at UCONN - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Rachel Kaliff, post graduate at Springfield College - Athletic Training; and Kelly Ledoux, junior at University of Hartford - Psychology. They are joined by Scholarship Foundation President Lindsey Weber and Secretary Kevin Mayo.

Missing from photo: Anthony Deni, junior at Coastal Carolina Univeristy - Finance; Megan Phillips, junior at Westfield State University - Nursing; and Shannon Connery, junior at University of New Haven - Criminal Justice.

The Enfield Rotary Club has awarded more than $300,000 in scholarships to students from Enfield since 1956. The club will be observing its 90th Anniversary in May 2018.

Scholarships Awarded to 12 College Students from Enfield Michael Helechu 2017-08-16 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Aug 16  2017

Enfield Rotary Club Spur                                                                                                 Aug. 16, Meeting open by Kevin Mayo at 12:15 filling in for President Carol.
Pledge of Allegiance by Mike Helachu
4 Way Test: Kevin Mayo
Prayer lead by Chris Leary
The meeting opened with about 60 Rotary and guests. The purpose of today's meeting was the presentation of scholarship to deserving students who were junior and seniors in college. A total of $13,750.00 were presented to 12 college student and 2 vocational scholarships . The scholarships varied from $2000.00 to $500.00. Lindsey Webber, president of the scholarship foundation, introduced Dave Drinan who gave a brief history of the scholarship program and introduced the Rotarians who gave the scholarships to the student after giving a outline of their academic and social accomplishments. Our Sergeant of Arms.,  Jo Ann Walk skipped the fines today due to time limitation of the program. The winners of the raffles were: Keith Madore, $10.00, Rich Tkacz ,$5.00 and Derek Meade, king of diamonds. Joe Fallon was able to squeeze in the history mystery question while introducing one of scholarship recipients. Kevin Mayo reminded the club of the after 5:00 meeting at Lulu's Thursday. Mike Helachu reminded all scholarship recipients to stay for a photo shoot following the meeting. A good time was had by all. Meeting adjourned  at 1:42 p.m.
 Respectfully, submitted,
Dick Stevens
Spur edition for the day.
Scholarship Winners:
SPUR Aug 16 2017 Dick Stevens 2017-08-16 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Aug 9  2017

Rotary Club of Enfield - Meeting of August 9, 2017
President Carol called the meeting to order promptly at 12:15 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Allyson Rodricks. The Four Way Test was
led by President Carol. The prayer was led by Chris Leary. We then sat
down for a delicious lunch of pork tenderloin, swordfish, salad,
broccoli, rice, and dessert.
President Carol called the meeting back to order at 12:40 p.m. There
were no special guests or visiting Rotarians.
- Sargeant at Arms JoAnn Walk reported that Lindsey Weber has a birthday
on August 10th, and that Sandy Zukowski has a Club Anniversary (15
years) on August 14th and that her spouse has a birthday too.
- JoAnn Walk - Golfed on Monday in the Rotary District Golf Tournament
and Larry Tracey made the newspaper.
- Rich Tkacz - Missed the meeting last week. Will have 'empty nest
syndrome' since his granddaughter flew to AZ, his two daughters are
leaving for vacation, and his wife and son are going to AZ as well. His
shoulder is back to 70%, but he cannot golf until next gold season.
- Chris Casey - The Asnuntuck Community College Golf Tournament went
well. She will be a guest bartender at Suffield Country Club with all
tips supporting The Network.
- Dick Stevens - Occupational therapy on his arm progressing well.
Jerry Bell - Visited with his father last weekend. His dog won 'Best in
Show' last weekend in Canada! The Enfield Rotary team placed 2nd in the
Rotary District Golf Tournament!
Chris Leary - Offered up an inspirational quote.
Julie Cotnoir - Participated in the 'Blitz Build' last week for the new
web site at ACC. Welcomed Ryan from ERfC.
Keith Madore - Participated in the 'Blitz Build' last week for the new
web site at ACC.
Joyce Keating - Happy for the Red Sox and she wore today the same jacket
she was wearing when sworn in as a Rotarian 30 years ago. Some fashion
never goes out of style!
Eric Moody - Thankful for Rich's Oil bailing out the Holiday Inn last
Bryan Chadkowski - Happy for his wife's birthday and that she landed a
new job. Sad that he got hit by a golf ball in the chest at a golf
outing supporting Enfield EMS.
Sandy Zukowski - Donated an Anniversary dollar. Happy that her son in
law is recuperating well from congestive heart failure back in May.
Milt Rosenberg - Grandson had his bar mitzvah Saturday, and then helped
his team win a baseball championship on Sunday by pitching well.
Nick Deni - 'Bubba the Dog' got hurt getting into a car, but Dr. Bell
took good care of him. This coming Tuesday he will be at Fenway to
cheer on his St. Louis Cardinals. Last Friday he attended a Cold Play
concert in Foxboro.
History Mystery Minute:
August 9, 1974:
Richard M. Nixon officially resigned as President of the United States
of America after giving a televised address from the Oval Office the
evening before Gerald Ford Succeeded him as President:
1. What was the name of the scandal that helped bring about his
  • resignation?
    2. What past President did Nixon quote at length in his resignation
    President Theodore Roosevelt
    3. How many times was Nixon nominated to be President?
    $195 in the pot!
    #126 - Cheryl Leary - took the cards and pulled 8 of Hearts
    #140 - Jack Welch - $10
    #143 - Rich Tkacz - $5
    President Carol:
    - Strategic Planning discussion was great last week and will continue.
    - Thank you letter received from Enfield Loaves & Fishes
    - Chris & Cheryl Leary were granted Senior Active Status.
    - The Scholarship Luncheon will be held next week.
    Eric Moody - He has available spots in a foursome in a golf tournament
    next week.
    Guest Speaker:
    President Carol introduced Ryan Obedzinski, Manager of Community
    Engagement & Partnerships, of Educational Resources for Children (ERfC).
    ERfC serves over 800 children in before and after school programming.
    ERfC sees the need for more engagement than the before and after school
    programs, so they also offer Tonight in Thompsonville, Dinner at local
    elementary schools with their PTO's, and case management services. They
    sponsor fourteen events throughout the year and serve over 18,000 meals.
    ERfC also provides the Summer Lunch Bunch for both children and their
    parents. ERfC held their first Family Frisbee Jamboree at the Enfield
    Town Green in June where Julie Cotnoir and Keith Madore provided the
    child identification service. The Summer Escape Camp is being held at
    John F. Kennedy Middle School and has one week left in the summer
    program. Finally, the Backpack and School Supplies drive is running
    with distribution to be held on Friday, August 18th. The goal is to
    collect 850 backpacks. The Rotary Club of Enfield has donated 100
    The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m.
    Respectfully submitted,
    Scott Kaupin, Guest Editor
SPUR Aug 9 2017 Scott Kaupin 2017-08-09 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Aug 2  2017

Rotary Spur Notes for 8/2/2017
Meeting open 12:15
Pledge:  Cheryl Leary
4 Way test: Joyce Keating
Blessing: Ryan Lawless
Guest:  Laura Curtis guest of Catherine Williamson (Comfort Keepers)
Club Anniversary: Joyce Keating 30 years!  She said John Adams brought her in! She graciously donated $30.
It was Kevin Mayo’s and Joe Fallon’s Birthday
Steve Alminas paid a Happy Dollar that his daughter was born.
Kevin Mayo paid a happy dollar
Ryan Lawless paid a happy dollar for his Enfield HS Alumni game that will be played on Saturday.  There are 88 former students that plan on playing, it is a much bigger turnout than planned!
Bryan Chodkowski paid a happy dollar he is settling in and his wife had been on interviews.
Eric Moody paid a Birthday Dollar for Joe and Kevin.
Several fines were paid for no pins.
It was brought up by the Membership Committee, that in the future, there would be a fine for missed meetings for July and going forward ( I believe, or for 1 meeting each month) and a $2 fine if it is not made up.  It was encouraged for all Rotarians to make up meetings.  This
Joyce Keating- Said she always made up her meetings even when she was on the Queen Mary.  She said she found she had good experiences making up at different clubs.
Catherine Williamson mentioned how friendly Rotarians are everywhere. She went to Cancun to Rotary when no woman were allowed, but[i] was still welcomed.
History Mystery Minute:
President Warren G. Harding died of a cerebral hemorrhage in San Francisco and was succeeded in office by President Calvin Coolidge
1-What is the name of the major scandal that has caused Harding to be ranked as one of the worst Presidents of all time?
2 Who were the Democratic nominees for President and Vice President in 1920 who ran against Harding and Coolidge?
3. What is Harding’s Middle name?
  1. Teapot Dome Scandal
  2. James M. Cox and Franklin D. Roosevelt
  3. Gamaliel
Raffle $185  Card- Carol 2 of hearts, $10 Cheryl, $5 Ed
Zone Institute, Hartford Conv. Ctr. Friday 10/20 11:30am Carol has the Agenda and Flyers.
Backpack items are needed by next week’s meeting.  Back packs are all set, need items to fill.
Chris Casey-- Wine Tasting Announcement
The sub-committee is looking at a plan to make recommendations.
Ed Palomba- Paul Harris Fellows need addresses of all recipients that are non-members to add to the list.  Rotarians were reminded that all Rotarians should be attending the Paul Harris Dinner honoring the recipients.
The Rotary International Conference will be held in Toronto next year.
President Carol had two tasks for today for Strategic Planning.
Tables worked together to Identify the top four accomplishments you would like to see our club achieve this coming year. She will talk about the results at a later date, however, Increase Meeting Attendance, Increase Membership, finish ongoing projects, Increase funding, were some of the items that were mentioned.
The second Part of the task was to identify focus areas and allocate a percentage of available funds we should use annually for each area for up to 6 areas.
SPUR Aug 2 2017 Sandra Zukowski 2017-08-02 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  July 26  2017

Enfield Rotary SPUR – July 26, 2017
President Carol: Called the Meeting to Order with lightly tap of the Bell
Kiran Mujmudar: Lead us in the Pledge to the Flag
President Carol: Lead us in the Four-Way Test
Keith Madore: Followed with a Blessing
No Visiting Rotarians
Two (2) Guests: Murray and Priscilla Brayson – Enfield Loaves and Fishes (more to follow)
Seargant-at-Arms Joann Walk:
No Birthdays nor Anniversaries
Scott: Back from Vacation at Wellfleet on the Cape
Sandy: Leave Early Dollars
Keith: Back for an Australian Vacation/Trip and Leave Early
Julie: Happy to see Priscilla and Murray and Leave Early
Kevin: Vacation in Lancaster PA – Flat Tire on the Way Home – 2 Hour Wait for AAA!
Chris Leary: Cheryl is preparing her Blueberry Topping for the Pancake Breakfast and Chris gets to test the batches – thus the t-shirt (all his other shirts are now stained)
Nick: Back from Vacation RI and SC / Grandson’s First Birthday TODAY!
Carol: Granddaughter’s 2nd Birthday
Joann: Family visiting – Sister, Brother and Nephew / Old Saybrook visit
Gerry: Won’t be her next week – visiting his father in New Jersey
Ed: Vacation in RI / Golf Rematch with Nick (Victorious) and missed taking minutes on 07/12/2017;
But taking them today for Sean Stevens
Jersey Joe Fallon with our History/Mystery Minute
On this day in History… July 26, 1925…
William Jennings Bryan, Democratic populist and orator died on July 26, 1925,
Five days after completion of the famous Scopes Monkey trial where he had
Squared off against Clarence Darrow.
  1. What was the title of his famous speech at the 1896 Democratic Presidential convention?
    1. “The Cross of Gold”
  2. What was Bryan’s nickname?
    1. The Great Commoner
  3. From what position in the Wilson Administration did he resign in protest after Germany sank the Lusitania in World War I?
    1. United States Secretary of State
      Card – Nick Deni – 4 of Clubs
      $ 10.00 – Cheryl Leary
      $ 5.00 – Rich Tkacz
      President Carol: Announcements
      Zone Institute – Zones 24 & 32 – Leadership Conference
      Saturday, October 20, 2017 – Connecticut Convention Center – Ballroom
      Rotary International President 2017-18 – Ian Riseley and
      The First Woman Club President in Rotary – Sylvia Whitlock
      $ 45.00 per person – Lunch and Breakout Sessions
      Backpack and School Supply Drive – Lou Bolduc
      Need everything by August 9, 2017 Meeting
      Rotary District Golf Tournament – Monday, August 7, 2017
      Twin Hills CC – Longmeadow MA - $ 135.00 per person
      Enfield Club currently has one (1) team assembled
      Enfield Rotary After Five –
      Thursday, 07/27/2017 – Buena Vita in Enfield – North Maple Street
      Suffield Rotary Club Golf Tournament
      Friday August 11, 2017 – Oak Ridge CC
      District End Polio Fundraiser – Fun Night
      New Britain Bees Baseball Game
      Saturday, August 26, 2017
      Paul Harris Contact Information
      Looking to prepare a database of former Paul Harris recipients
      Non Club Members – Name, Address, Email, Telephone Number
      This way we can keep them informed of club events and Foundation Dinner
      If you have any of the information – please pass it on to Ed Palomba
      District Grant Update:
      Enfield Library Amphitheater – NO
      Enfield Loaves and Fishes – Prep Table – YES
      Wine Tasting Discussion
      Should we continue
      Change the Date
      Increase Attendance
      Committee was formed with Eric Moody at the helm
      Today’s Speaker(s)
      Scott Kaupin introduced Murray and Priscilla Brayson from the Enfield Loaves and Fishes
  1. Feeding People in Need – they call the “guests”
  2. Respect – two-ways for Volunteers and the Guests
  3. YTD they have fed over 70,000 meals – last year 125,000 total
  4. Adults and Children
  5. Feed the Educational Resources for Children – 140 children per day
  6. $ 200,000.00 Operating Budget (+/-)
  7. Networking for Support
  8. Over 200 volunteers (probably more)
  9. Voted Five-Star Soup Kitchen of the Year by Fox News
  10. Thanks to Rotary for your Support and Assistance
  11. Presented a check for $ 3,990.00 to the Enfield Loaves and Fishes for a new Grease Trap
SPUR July 26 2017 Ed Palomba 2017-07-26 04:00:00Z 0


Spur              July 19 2017
Pledge of Allegiance-            Larry Tracey
4 Way test-                             Pres Carol Bohnet
Invocation-                             Sean Stevens
Happy /sads/ bdays/anniversaries - Sargeant at Arms  : Jo Ann Walk
Birthdays - Cherky Leary, Greg Stokes, & Joyce Keating
Jo Ann - had a great trip to Salt Lake city in Denver 
Jerry Bell- had a great visit with kids and went to New York City
Kathy - successful tournament and thank you for the help of Chris Casey and Rich T.
Sandy - Happy to see her son
Kiran -happy about picture taken in Rio DeGenero next to a Rotary monument. Had a great trip to Brazil and went paragliding.
Julie - happy about guest speakers today and happy the Red Sox won
 Mike H. - 97 year old all dad moved in with him.
Carol - gave Birthday donation dollars including for her granddaughters birthday.
Chris L. - Happy to see some past students 
Sean - happy the Red Sox won
Chris Casey - Had a nice trip to Boston last weekend.
Cheryl- happy that Big Y made a donation to the pancake breakfast
Catherine - Happy to be working with fellow Rotary memebers on the Enfield TV talk show Senior Views. 
Mike H. Spoke about the club's 90th anniversary coming up next year. He is looking back through the clubs history to share with us every once in a while. 
Joe's history minute- July 19, 1922
George asked McGovern was born in Avon South Dakota and later served as the United States congressman and senator from South Dakota and was the 1972 presidential nominee of the Democratic Party.
1. Who was McGovern's choice to be vice president after he was selected to run as president?
Senator Thomas Eagleton
2. McGovern was discharged as a first lieutenant from what branch of the United States Armed Forces at the end of World War II?
Army Air Force
3. McGovern received 17 electoral votes in the 1972 presidential election where did he win to gain these votes?
Massachusetts and the District of Columbia 
Raffle Winners
Card- Chris Casey 4 of hearts
$10- Rich T.
$5-  Lou
Guest Speakers - Sherry Paquette & Tracy Ouellette from Asnuntuck's The Pantry 
The pantry started with a women's leadership institute social action project by Tracy Ouellette.
It took over two years to get the pantry started and it opened in February 2017. It is available to all students, regardless of their income and background. 24 students volunteer their time to help in the food pantry. They receive a lot of support from the Enfield's food shelf. 
SPUR Allyson Rodricks 2017-07-19 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  July 19  2017

Spur              July 19 2017
Pledge of Allegiance-            Larry Tracey
4 Way test-                             Pres Carol Bohnet
Invocation-                             Sean Stevens
Happy /sads/ bdays/anniversaries - Sargeant at Arms  : Jo Ann Walk
Birthdays - Cherky Leary, Greg Stokes, & Joyce Keating
Jo Ann - had a great trip to Salt Lake city in Denver 
Jerry Bell- had a great visit with kids and went to New York City
Kathy - successful tournament and thank you for the help of Chris Casey and Rich T.
Sandy - Happy to see her son
Kiran -happy about picture taken in Rio DeGenero next to a Rotary monument. Had a great trip to Brazil and went paragliding.
Julie - happy about guest speakers today and happy the Red Sox won
 Mike H. - 97 year old  dad moved in with him.
Carol - gave Birthday donation dollars including for her granddaughters birthday.
Chris L. - Happy to see some past students 
Sean - happy the Red Sox won
Chris Casey - Had a nice trip to Boston last weekend.
Cheryl- happy that Big Y made a donation to the pancake breakfast
Catherine - Happy to be working with fellow Rotary memebers on the Enfield TV talk show Senior Views. 
Mike H. Spoke about the club's 90th anniversary coming up next year. He is looking back through the clubs history to share with us every once in a while. 
Joe's history minute- July 19, 1922
George McGovern was born in Avon South Dakota and later served as the United States congressman and senator from South Dakota and was the 1972 presidential nominee of the Democratic Party.
1. Who was McGovern's choice to be vice president after he was selected to run as president?
Senator Thomas Eagleton
2. McGovern was discharged as a first lieutenant from what branch of the United States Armed Forces at the end of World War II?
Army Air Force
3. McGovern received 17 electoral votes in the 1972 presidential election where did he win to gain these votes?
Massachusetts and the District of Columbia 
Raffle Winners
Card- Chris Casey 4 of hearts
$10- Rich T.
$5-  Lou
Guest Speakers - Sherry Paquette & Tracy Ouellette from Asnuntuck's The Pantry 
The pantry started with a women's leadership institute social action project by Tracy Ouellette.
It took over two years to get the pantry started and it opened in February 2017. It is available to all students, regardless of their income and background. 24 students volunteer their time to help in the food pantry. They receive a lot of support from the Enfield's food shelf. 
SPUR July 19 2017 Allyson Rodricks 2017-07-19 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  July 12  2017

Spur                July 12  2017
Pledge of Allegiance- R Tkacz
4 Way test- 
Invocation- Chris Leary
Joes History Mystery Minute- Henry David Thoreau was a supporter of what famous Civil War abolitionist?  John Brown
What is title of his famous essay on individual rights?  Resistance to Civil Government
What did Thoreau say when asked if he made peace with God? “Did not know we quarreled”
Club Announcements-
Dues increasing to $125 per year
Make-ups should be submitted to Adrian
Rotary District golf tournament 8/7/2017 at Twin Hills -$135 fee
ZONE Institute on 10/20/2017 at Hartford Convention Center
B’fast meeting 7/14/2017 at Country Diner 0800 hours
Rotary After 5 7/27/2017 Buona Vita at 5:30
Backpak drive coming soon 7/26/2017
Pres Carol expressed thanks to Kevin Mayo for taking over as President last year
Pres Carol’s vision: would like to develop a strategic plan as a Club to include budgeting how we spend our money for local community projects, International Projects, Polio Plus, Foundation etc.  Would like to identify a strategic plan to support a multi-year project addressing basic human needs here in the Enfield community and Internationally.
Highlighted that Rotary is not just lunch and monetary support
All in all, an inspiring introduction to the upcoming Rotary agenda for the few who attended today
Meeting Adjourned @ :
SPUR July 12 2017 Ghost Writer 2017-07-12 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  July  5  2017

Spur                July 5  2017
Pledge of Allegiance-            Derek
4 Way test-                             Pres Carol Bohnet
Invocation-                             Kevin Mayo
Presidents remarks-              At meeting start, Pres Kevin handed off the gavel to incoming President Carol
Happy /sads/ bdays/anniversaries - Sargeant at Arms  :
Jerry Bell- kids are in town
Nick-Tanglewood Concert
Numerous $ for new President Carol
Kevin M- son’s birthday and RED SOX ARE IN FIRST PLACE11111
Eric- neighbors finally used all of their fireworks
Carol-in Maryland to see new grandson
Chris-Myrtle Beach
Bill McGirk- nice to visit and god-son
Joes History Mystery Minute- One of two founders of Colony of Connecticut was born in England and later helper to write the first written Constitution that formed basis of all later democratic government.
What is name of that founder?           Thomas Hooker
What is name of the Constitution that he helped write?                   The Fundamental      Orders of Connecticut
 Who is generally recognized as the other founder of the Colony of Connecticut?
            Governor John Hayes of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
Raffle Winners
Card- Joe Fallon 2 of diamonds
$10-     Ed P
$5-       Eric
Speaker- Lt Willi Pedimonti, Chief of Detectives of the Enfield Police Department.
Spoke to us about the Enfield Police Explorers and their role in the Enfield community. The 30 member group logs over 3,000 hours per year of community service ranging from working at various fairs in town to helping at other similar events throughout the State. The Group of 13-20 year old youth has been in existence since 1967 providing helpful services to the Town.
Office Rebecca Ledger accompanied Lt Pedimonti
Club Announcements-
Bill Squires provided a flag from Peace Convention
Meeting Adjourned @ :
                        GHOST WRITER     
SPUR July 5 2017 Ghost Writer 2017-07-05 04:00:00Z 0

District 7890 Installs New Rotary Presidents

Congratulations to incoming Enfield Rotary Club President Carol Bohnet, who was officially installed along with 59 other District 7890 Presidents at a banquet in South Windsor on June 22. Carol's year officially begins July 1.
Prior to taking the oath of office, Carol accepted an award from outgoing District Governor Frank Wargo on behalf of Enfield President Kevin Mayo. The certificate recognizes the Enfield club's efforts to welcome four new Rotarians in 2016-17, which was the most in Area 7.

District 7890 Installs New Rotary Presidents Michael Helechu 2017-06-26 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  June 21  2017

Rotary Notes:                                                              Date: 6/21/17
Pledge:                 Jack Welch
4 way test:           Kevin Mayo
Invocation:          Rich Tkacz
Guests and visitors:    Libby Vandal – Student
Rotarian Anniversaries: Rich Tkacz 16 years,  Joanne Smith 8 years
Birthdays:            Derek Meade June 24     Dick Berozsky 26th
                             Spouse birthday Vange Chadis
Wedding Anniversaries: Joanne Smith June 23rd 26 years
Happy / Sads:
Joe = happy for Joanne
Rich T = Back from Formula one race in Canada had a great time
Jack = Back from a fishing camp in Maine
Allyson = Happy bdays
Carol = Happy for Libby speaking today
Kiran = Happy off to Rio on vacation
Ed = Happy he and his son won a tournament for father’s day
Keith = Happy for the new Tech center at Asnuntuck  and wants everyone to see it
Julie = Happy for Rich
Brian = Happy family is finally moving to Enfield
Dick S. = Happy for fathers day fishing trip to Canada with record catch of 12 salmon 26 -38 pounds
Steve = missed a couple of weeks
History Mystery:
June 21 1964
Three civil rights activists were murdered near Philadelphia Mississippi by members of the KKK because of their efforts to register black voters.
1 = What was the name of the 1988 movie that memorialized the heinous crime? = Mississippi burning.
2 = The deaths of these three young people served as a catalyst to pass what two major pieces of federal legislation that continue to have importance to this day? = The civil rights act of 1964 and voting rights act of 1965
3 = Name any of the three murdered men. = James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner
Other Business:
Ed recapped the Paul Harris Dinner and awarded Sandy Zukowski a Paul Harris Pin for her Donations to Rotary International
Card = Steve Damon Ace of Diamonds
10 = Kevin Mayo
5= Dick Stevens
Guest Speaker Libby Vandal spoke about her leadership seminar and why she is raising funds to go to Chicago to an international leadership conference.  She recapped her community and school involvement on may projects and what she hopes to do in the future.
SPUR June 21 2017 Eric Moody 2017-06-21 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  June 14  2017

Minutes of the June 14, 2017 Meeting of the Enfield Rotary Club- in the Springfield Room in the Holiday Inn at Enfield, Connecticut.
“And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come perfect days; Then Heaven tries the earth if it be in tune, And over it softly her warm ear lays.”
James Russell Lowell- The Vision of Sir Launfal
Opening Pledge:   Allyson Rodricks
4 Way Test           Ed Palomba
Invocation:           Kevin Mayo
No visitants today.
No Rotarians from near or far today.
Sergeant-At-Arms Mad Milt Rosenberg announced birthdays for Doug Lombardi (6-14) and Dr. Gerry Bell (6-15) and Clun anniversaries for Ed Palomba, Kathy Barron and Adrian Garcia Sega. He then recounted the 1992 theme of Rotary – Giving is Living.
Mad Milt announced fines for no pins and no attendance at the Foundation dinner. He noted the wonderful presentation of Bill Pokorny, the father of Awardee Kyla Pokorny at the dinner. Indeed a moving tribute.
Stu Barowsky noted the Wall Street Journal about Rotary’s role in ending polio. Bryan Chadkowski told a sad tale of two deals gone bad but two more deals gone good. Both Nick Deni and Eric Moody donated happy dollars for a great Foundation dinner followed by Kathy Barron who gave kudos as well.
Jerry Bell made a nice Foundation donation in honor of his birthday noting that he looks far older than his age (a condition named golf course disease is probably responsible). Julie Cotnoir was happy to have had a great time in California. Larry Tracey opened his wallet to donate a big $1.00 for Dr. Bell’s birthday, surely a dog day afternoon. Joyce Keating donated a few dollars for leaving early to oversee a well operation. Why she didn’t consult Dr. Bell about the procedure is beyond me.
Incoming Prez Carol Bohnet had happy dollars for the Foundation dinner, good speeches and a few other things that she could not remember. Could this be a precursor to next year’s meetings?
Allyson Rodricks was happy, in general, and Lindsey Weber was sad that preschool was ending for her daughter, Emma. Ed Palomba was surprisingly (?) happy for the Yankees followed by Kevin Mayo who was happy for the Foundation dinner and the Yankees as well. Seeing the two of them end the happy/sad reminds me of the old Yogi Berraism – “You can observe a lot by watching.”
June 14, 1777
The Second Continental Congress passed a resolution which adopted a flag with 13 stars and 13 stripes that is now referred to as “Old Glory’, “The Star-Spangled Banner” and the “Stars and Stripes” and we celebrate this date as Flag Day.
  1. What is the only state where Flag Day is an official state holiday?
  1. Where are the two places outside the United States of America where our national flag is continuously displayed?
The South Pole and the Moon
  1. What signer of the Declaration of Independence is credited by many historians to be the designer of our national flag?
Francis Hopkinson of New Jersey
The correct answers were given by- #1-Julie Cotnoir; #2 Stu Barowsky (Moon) and Bryan Chadkowski (South Pole) and #3 -Nobody
Scott Kaupin             - $10.00 (who then picked the $5.00 winner-Emolument Violation?)
Bryan Chadkowski   - $5.00 (accepted the $5.00?)
Larry Tracey             - Digging deep in the deck LT hoisted the 5 of Spades.
Thought for the Day-
“The only reason that some people get lost in thought is because it is unfamiliar territory.”
                                                                                                                        Paul Fix
Our president announced that Joann Smith had a membership change approved due to her position being transferred to Hartford. He noted that Adrian Garcia Sega will be looking into the cost of updating our Amber Alert equipment and that this week’s Rotary make-up will be Thursday at 5:30 p.m. at Chicago Sam’s. Lastly he read a nice thank you from Enfield Resources For Children for our recent club donation.
Rotarian Nick Deni requested volunteers to meet next Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at the Library to help maintain the Rotary walkway which is in need of weeding. He anticipates an hour or so of work if 6 to 8 people show up. Channeling Emily Dickinson, Nick remarked that “These are the days when skies resume, The old –old sophistries of June – A blue and gold mistake”. Quite a guy that Nick.
Foundation Chair Ed Palomba expressed his concern about the low turnout of Rotarians at the dinner last Friday. He is seeking suggestions from all Club members as to how we can effectively get a larger attendance and more publicity. Please consider his request and let him know your thoughts.
President Kevin announced the Club gavel will be passed to the incoming President at our meeting on July 5, 2017
Remember – “Silence is golden when you can’t think of a good answer”. –Muhammad Ali
President Kevin Mayo adjourned the meeting at approximately 1:10 p.m. on June 14, 2017.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph E. Fallon
Guest Editor and Stand-in Scribe for King Richard Stevens-close friend of Mark William Callawy
SPUR June 14 2017 Joe Fallon 2017-06-14 04:00:00Z 0

Enfield Rotary Honors 2017 Paul Harris Fellows


Congratulations to the 2017 Paul Harris Fellows honored by the Rotary Club of Enfield at a June 9th banquet. They are (l-r) Enfield Rotarian Mary Arcouette; Bill Pokorny, who accepted a posthumous fellowship on behalf of his late daughter, Kyla Pokorny; Gary Raffia, a local businessman who has been raising money for the CT Children’s Medical Center for decades; and Charles Miller, owner of Miller Farms Family Market - ShopRite in Enfield. They are joined by Kevin Mayo, Enfield Rotary Club President; and Ed Palomba, the club’s Rotary Foundation Chairman.

Enfield Rotary Honors 2017 Paul Harris Fellows Michael Helechu 2017-06-13 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  May 31  2017

May 31, 2017
Pledge of Allegiance: Catherine
4 way Test: President Kevin Mayo
Invocation: Lindsey
 Happy/sads/bdays/anniversaries-Sgt. Arms of the day: Derek
Steve: Happy his daughter got married and he worked on the flowers for the day
Ryan: No pin
Bryan: sold his house, daughter graduated and son turned 11
Sandy: leaving early, spent 2 weeks in Aruba, was in a car accident there
Chris Casey: two happy dollars Allied Landscape crew came out to her house, St. Bernard Carnival happening this weekend. Scott Kaupin was judging Karaoke for the carnival.
Kevin: gave out high school scholarships
Joe: late dollar, leave early dollar, he will be cutting potatoes for the fries at the carnival
Joe’s History Mystery:
May 31, 1930
May 31st is the birthday of Walt Whitman, Norman Vincent Peale and Joe Namath but is also the birthday on May 31, 1930 a well-known American born in San Francisco who was nicknamed Samson by his hospital nurses because he weighed 11 pounds 6 ounces at birth.
  1. Famous as the “Man with No Name”-who is he?
    Clint Eastwood
  2. He first achieved fame in television starring in what television series?
  3. Eastwood has served as Mayor of what California town?
    Carmel by the Sea
    $95 for raffle
    Steve drew Nick, he took the card, no winner, Ed took the $10 and Scott got the $5
    Speaker: Liana Garcia-Fresher, Senior Development Officer for Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
     Reminder about banquet from Ed
    Kevin had thank you notes from ERFC. He also handed out info regarding donating to their Summer Escape Children’s Fund
    Steve reminded everyone about breakfast at Angelina’s on Friday at 8 a.m.
SPUR May 31 2017 Julie Cotnoir 2017-06-12 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  May 24  2017

Spur    May 24  2017
Pledge of Allegiance- Steve
4 Way testPres Kevin
Invocation- Chris Leary
Happy /sads/ bdays/anniversaries - Sargeant at Arms (for the day) : Ed Palomba
  • Ed Palomba:  35th college anniversary
  • Bill Squires:   b’day, but he did not come to meeting today
  • Joe Fallonm:  1 year wedding anniversary
  • Lindsey:         Jack is 8 years old
  • Steve D:          daughter getting married
  • Chris Leary:  offer pending on Brimfield house
  • Kevin Mayo:  son getting married
Joes History Mystery MinuteRobert Zimmerman born in Duluth, Minnesota went on to write & perform “Blowin in the Wind” after legally changing name.
Who is he?                 Bob Dylan
What song has Rolling Stone Magazine labeled as #1 of his hits?                        Like a Rolling Stone
Reported that Dylan song lyrics have been quoted by American judges more than any other songwriter. Who is #1?                     The Beatles
Raffle Winners
Card- Kevin Mayo   4 Spades
$10- Chris Casey
$5- Eric
Speaker- High School recognition. Elizabeth Collins and Tashana Holness.
Club Announcements-Foundation Dinner is June 9, 2017
Also, thank you received from Somers Club for support of their water project
SPUR May 24 2017 Ghost Writer 2017-05-24 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  May 17  2017

Minutes of the May 17, 2017 Meeting of the Enfield Rotary Club at the Holiday Inn at
Enfield, Connecticut.
It is no surprise that Rotarians are“As full of spirit as the month of May, and gorgeous as the sun
at midsummer” – William Shakespeare –Henry IV-Act IV
TO ORDER AT 12:15 P.M.
Opening Pledge: Dr. Jerry Bell
4 Way Test President Kevin Mayo
Invocation: Sean Stevens (not to be confused with Mark William Calaway)
No visitors today – “Everybody’s Friend is Nobody’s”
No visiting Rotarians today
Scott Kaupin had a happy $ for his 52
Ryan Lawless had a happy$ for his May 18
Carol Bohnet had a happy $ for her husband, Mike’s upcoming birthday. She also celebrates her
year Club anniversary, made a donation for Kyla and gave thanks for the birth of her brand
sparkling new grandson.
Milt Rosenberg made the Club announcement for the late Kyla Pokorny who will be awarded a
posthumous Paul Harris Award and remembered with a club donation at our annual Awards
Dinner on June 9, 2017. He sagaciously noted that the time we take to serve others constitutes a
turning point in our lives as well as those we aid. Milt also noted the birthday of Liz Kuhn and
the 19
Club anniversary of Chris Leary.
Sean Stevens, last week’s missing scribe, paid a hefty fine imposed by the missing Jack Welch.
Rich Tkacz donated a happy $ for a great London trip and a donation for Kyla.
Mike Helechu has a number of happy golf $ as well as a donation for Kyla followed by Joe
Fallon and Steve Damon who also made Kyla donations. Question for today- What do Joe and
Steve have in common other that the fact that they are handsome, witty and charming? They
don’t consider themselves bald, they are just taller that their hair.
Ed Palomba recounted his table’s good luck at winning raffle prizes at the St. Bernard golf
classic, donated a few happy dollars and lamented that he did not finish in the golf money this
week. There is always next week. The universe is made of stories, not atoms.
Bryan Chodkowski donated happy dollars for his Ohio property showings, an upcoming
graduation and for the fact that his elderly boss is making it to another birthday.
  • Kevin also stated that the final net proceeds from our Road Race event were $6,160.00.
    While the number of participants was down from prior years, the general conclusion was the
    number of entrants is pretty much dependent on the weather
    Joseph Partridge and Sara Prosinski, both students at Enfield High, were announced as our
    scholarship award winners.
    In light of this year’s topsy-turvy events, the board decided to fund the purchase of a grease trap
    for Enfield Loaves and Fishes in the amount of $5,000.00
    Carol Bohnet then announced that the Club has made a District Grant application for a prep sink
    island for Loaves and Fishes in the amount of $5500.00 as well as a grant application for the
    Library Amphitheater. She also announced that Bryan Chodkowski would serve our Club as
    Community Service Director this coming year
    Ed Palomba concluded the announcements with a Foundation presentation by naming the four
    recipients of the Paul Harris Award at our June 9, 2017 dinner. They are Mary Arcouette, Charles
    Miller, Gary Raffia and the late Kyle Pokorny.
    A thought- People will forget what you say. People will forget what you did, but people will
    never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou
    President Kevin, with bernaise and no mayo, adjourned the meeting at approximately 1:01 p.m.
    on May 17, 2017.
    Respectfully submitted,
    Joseph E. Fallon
    Guest Editor and Resident Scrivener
SPUR May 17 2017 Joe Fallon 2017-05-17 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  May 10,  2017

Editor:  Ghost Writer
Spur:              May   10,  2017                     
Pledge of Allegiance- Kathy Barron
4 Way testPres Kevin
Invocation- L. Weber
Presidents remarks-
Happy /sads/ bdays/anniversaries - Sergeant at Arms (for the day)  Ed Palomba :
Nick- wife’s b’day
Brian-Ohio house sale- first showing
Bill squires- Yard Goats game> nice game, nice ballpark, Yard Goats won
Kiran- fastest Rotarian time in road race
Jerry- speaking engagement in Cleveland area resulted in good golf
Joyce- nice vacation but came back sick
Sandy Z- son in law out of hospital recovering with 20% heart function and she is going to Aruba
Jim Kuhn- wife’s b’day and they are going to Italy
Dick Stevens- 50,000 mile check
Joes History Mystery Minute- Appointed as Director of the Bureau of Investigations, he went on to become first FBI director.
Who is he?     J Edgar Hoover
What does J stand for?                     John
What President appointed Hoover as Director?                Calvin Coolidge
Raffle Winners
Card- K Barron
$10- Eric
$5- Jim Kuhn
Club Announcements:
Upcoming Paul Harris recipients are Mary Arquette, Charles Miller, and Gary Raffia
Speaker- Guatemala Water Project. No more details as Ghost Writer had to leave.
SPUR May 10, 2017 Ghost Writer 2017-05-10 04:00:00Z 0
High School Recognition Kevin Mayo 2017-04-26 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  April 26, 2017

Date:  26 April 2017
Pledge: Nick Deni
4-way test:  Kevin Mayo
Invocation:  Kevin Mayo
Guests and visitors: Samantha Johnson and Veronica Walker, HS Recognition students plus their families and teachers
Birthdays and Anniversaries:
Sandi Zukowski celebrates 48 years with her husband Mike on the 26th
Milt Rosenberg’s wife’s birthday on the 26th, he did not forget.  Also celebrating 49 years of marriage on the 28th.  Milt put up a challenge for the club to get to $49 of happy/sads/fines.  See below for results
Stu:            A celebratory $1 for his granddaughter’s Bat Mitzvah.
Jerry:         Went to Paris and had a grand old time.  Got some calls concerning his safety, while there, but had no idea that there were terrorist attacks going on.  He was overly frisked and wanded everywhere he went.  He’s looking forward to his upcoming trip to Huron, OH to go speak to the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club.
Joe:           $10 for Milt’s Wife’s Challenge.
Nick:         A $1 pin fine.
Ed P:         A dollar for Kate since the Red Sox lost to the Yankees.
Mike H.:    A happy dollar for the Yankees.  He got a brand new Porsche 911 Turbo (it’s a Lego one…)  His grandson turned 7, and a dollar for the Milt Challenge.
Kathy B.:  $2 towards the Milt Challenge.
Kathy W.: She missed some meetings.  A new Senior Lifestyles show called the Senior View will air on Channel 15 on Th 6:30pm and F 6am  Ms. Senior CT Pageant will happen on 06 May
Rich:         His shoulder injury prevented him from going on his annual golfing trip with his friends that he has been attending for 15 years.  So his wife talked him into going to London for two weeks with the money they saved.
Lindsey:    Sad dollar for her son’s baseball game getting rained out this past weekend, but got rescheduled for this weekend.  She is looking forward to attending baseball three times a week for the next eight weeks.  A happy dollar for taking her kids to Disney World.  They had a great time and the kids were really surprised.
Adrian:      A happy dollar for going on the annual Fish Camp trip.  A happy dollar for his daughter starting soccer, and for being the assistant coach on her team.  A thank you dollar to Carol ;-)
Ryan:        Also going on the trip.  He is very excited that his uncle, Jim, is also participating after having received a double lung transplant for pulmonary fibrosis.
History Mystery:
26 April 1900:
Charles Francis Richter was born in New Peck, Ohio and moved to Los Angeles when he was nine years old.  He graduated from Stanford and later received his PhD from the California Institute of Technology.
  1. Richter developed what famous process to assess what natural scientific event?
    The Richter scale to measure the intensity of earthquakes.
    Answered by many boisterous voices.
  2. What is the name of the machine (instrument, correction by Adrian) that measures the magnitude of earthquakes?
    A seismograph.
    Answered by Jack Welch.
  3. What was the name of the scientific scale that measured earthquakes prior to the use of the Richter Scale?
    The Mercalli Scale
    Answered by Joe, after many comical incorrect guesses.
Kathy Barron took the $10.
Kevin Mayo took the $5.
Nick Deni drew the card (three of diamonds).
Two Enfield High School students were recognized by the club, Sam Johnson and Veronica Walker by the club.
Ed Palomba:  This Friday 28 April at 8am at the Country Diner will be a meeting to discuss the Paul Harris Award.  Only current Paul Harris Fellows need attend.
Respectfully recorded and edited (for humor) by Adrian Garcia Sega
SPUR April 26, 2017 Adrian Garcia Sega 2017-04-26 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  April 20  2017

Enfield Rotary Spur

Wednesday: April 19, 2017


President Kevin Mayo opened the meeting promptly at 12:15 PM.  All members present saluted the flag and then recited the Four Way Test.  The invocation was offered by this kindly editor freshly in from journeys down south.


A delectable lunch provided by the Holiday Inn included such tasty items as chicken francaise, meat loaf in gravy, asparagus, potatoes, salad, and chocolate cake for dessert.


Brian C had many guests with him to hear the presentation by our speaker.


Sergeant at Arms, Milt Rosenberg, announced that Stu Barowsy and Kevin Mayo had a birthdays and Dick Stevens had a club anniversary (46 years a Rotarian) to celebrate this week.


Happy/Sad Dollars


  • Milt was happy about “Dreams for Our Children’s Future.”
  • Jim Kuhn was happy that he won the big pot in our raffle with the queen of hearts.
  • Ed Palomba expressed his delight with having meat loaf for lunch.
  • Bill Squire was happy with a recent checkup.  All is reasonably ok but he is having some issues with eating matzos.
  • Jerry B happy about going to Paris for a dog health convention. 
  • Nick D is happy about recent trip to South Carolina
  • Joyce is getting ready for the Big Easy – a trip to New Orleans
  • Julie C is happy about the Red Sox
  • Keith survived the Easter holiday with his family and announced that Asnuntuck would like to host a Rotary meeting in the newly remodeled building once completed.
  • Cheryl and Chris happy to be back – maybe depending on warmer weather coming soon to New England.


If I missed anyone, please accept humble apologies because I could not write that fast and attention was diverted at times.




Joyce - $10

Brian C-  $5

Ryan - Card


Joe’s Mystery Minute


The revolutionary war battles of Lexington and Concord are commemorated on April 19th when “embattled farmers stood  and fired the shot heard around the world.”


  1. What major sporting event is held every year on Patriot’s Day?
    1. The Boston Marathon


  1. What are the names of the two states that celebrate Patriot’s Day as a legal holiday?
    1. Massachusetts and Maine


  1. According to Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poem “Concord Hymn”, the shot heard around the world was fired in Concord, Massachusetts at what location?
    1. The North Bridge




Kevin Lembo, State Comptroller, gave a presentation on the financial and economic outlook for the state.  He began by clarifying that the state budget is really composed of two major sections, namely, discretionary budget funds versus non-discretionary budget funds.  He went on to explain that it is the pool of money in the discretionary side of the budget that funds most of our social services etc. He commented on how new legislators come to the capitol full of idealistic intent to achieve the goals of what was promised to constituents while running for elected office.  They soon loon that their primary task is to cut expenses in the budget.  Mr. Lembo also commented on how the state derived a 10-year plan to accommodate itself to the volatility of Wall Street (He said the state’s budget and economic success or lack of success is intimately connected to how Wall Street performs.)  All in all, Mr. Lembo’s presentation was very enjoyable and he is an engaging speaker.

SPUR April 20 2017 Christopher Leary 2017-04-20 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  April 19  2017

Enfield Rotary Spur

Wednesday: April 19, 2017


President Kevin Mayo opened the meeting promptly at 12:15 PM.  All members present saluted the flag and then recited the Four Way Test.  The invocation was offered by this kindly editor freshly in from journeys down south.


A delectable lunch provided by the Holiday Inn included such tasty items as chicken francaise, meat loaf in gravy, asparagus, potatoes, salad, and chocolate cake for dessert.


Brian C had many guests with him to hear the presentation by our speaker.


Sergeant at Arms, Milt Rosenberg, announced that Stu Barowsy and Kevin Mayo had a birthdays and Dick Stevens had a club anniversary (46 years a Rotarian) to celebrate this week.


Happy/Sad Dollars


  • Milt was happy about “Dreams for Our Children’s Future.”
  • Jim Kuhn was happy that he won the big pot in our raffle with the queen of hearts.
  • Ed Palomba expressed his delight with having meat loaf for lunch.
  • Bill Squire was happy with a recent checkup.  All is reasonably ok but he is having some issues with eating matzos.
  • Jerry B happy about going to Paris for a dog health convention. 
  • Nick D is happy about recent trip to South Carolina
  • Joyce is getting ready for the Big Easy – a trip to New Orleans
  • Julie C is happy about the Red Sox
  • Keith survived the Easter holiday with his family and announced that Asnuntuck would like to host a Rotary meeting in the newly remodeled building once completed.
  • Cheryl and Chris happy to be back – maybe depending on warmer weather coming soon to New England.


If I missed anyone, please accept humble apologies because I could not write that fast and attention was diverted at times.




Joyce - $10

Brian C-  $5

Ryan - Card


Joe’s Mystery Minute


The revolutionary war battles of Lexington and Concord are commemorated on April 19th when “embattled farmers stood  and fired the shot heard around the world.”


  1. What major sporting event is held every year on Patriot’s Day?
    1. The Boston Marathon


  1. What are the names of the two states that celebrate Patriot’s Day as a legal holiday?
    1. Massachusetts and Maine


  1. According to Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poem “Concord Hymn”, the shot heard around the world was fired in Concord, Massachusetts at what location?
    1. The North Bridge




Kevin Lembo, State Comptroller, gave a presentation on the financial and economic outlook for the state.  He began by clarifying that the state budget is really composed of two major sections, namely, discretionary budget funds versus non-discretionary budget funds.  He went on to explain that it is the pool of money in the discretionary side of the budget that funds most of our social services etc. He commented on how new legislators come to the capitol full of idealistic intent to achieve the goals of what was promised to constituents while running for elected office.  They soon loon that their primary task is to cut expenses in the budget.  Mr. Lembo also commented on how the state derived a 10-year plan to accommodate itself to the volatility of Wall Street (He said the state’s budget and economic success or lack of success is intimately connected to how Wall Street performs.)  All in all, Mr. Lembo’s presentation was very enjoyable and he is an engaging speaker.

SPUR April 19 2017 Christopher Leary 2017-04-19 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  April 19  2017

Enfield Rotary Spur

Wednesday: April 19, 2017


President Kevin Mayo opened the meeting promptly at 12:15 PM.  All members present saluted the flag and then recited the Four Way Test.  The invocation was offered by this kindly editor freshly in from journeys down south.


A delectable lunch provided by the Holiday Inn included such tasty items as chicken francaise, meat loaf in gravy, asparagus, potatoes, salad, and chocolate cake for dessert.


Brian C had many guests with him to hear the presentation by our speaker.


Sergeant at Arms, Milt Rosenberg, announced that Stu Barowsy and Kevin Mayo had a birthdays and Dick Stevens had a club anniversary (46 years a Rotarian) to celebrate this week.


Happy/Sad Dollars


  • Milt was happy about “Dreams for Our Children’s Future.”
  • Jim Kuhn was happy that he won the big pot in our raffle with the queen of hearts.
  • Ed Palomba expressed his delight with having meat loaf for lunch.
  • Bill Squire was happy with a recent checkup.  All is reasonably ok but he is having some issues with eating matzos.
  • Jerry B happy about going to Paris for a dog health convention. 
  • Nick D is happy about recent trip to South Carolina
  • Joyce is getting ready for the Big Easy – a trip to New Orleans
  • Julie C is happy about the Red Sox
  • Keith survived the Easter holiday with his family and announced that Asnuntuck would like to host a Rotary meeting in the newly remodeled building once completed.
  • Cheryl and Chris happy to be back – maybe depending on warmer weather coming soon to New England.


If I missed anyone, please accept humble apologies because I could not write that fast and attention was diverted at times.




Joyce - $10

Brian C-  $5

Ryan - Card


Joe’s Mystery Minute


The revolutionary war battles of Lexington and Concord are commemorated on April 19th when “embattled farmers stood  and fired the shot heard around the world.”


  1. What major sporting event is held every year on Patriot’s Day?
    1. The Boston Marathon


  1. What are the names of the two states that celebrate Patriot’s Day as a legal holiday?
    1. Massachusetts and Maine


  1. According to Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poem “Concord Hymn”, the shot heard around the world was fired in Concord, Massachusetts at what location?
    1. The North Bridge




Kevin Lembo, State Comptroller, gave a presentation on the financial and economic outlook for the state.  He began by clarifying that the state budget is really composed of two major sections, namely, discretionary budget funds versus non-discretionary budget funds.  He went on to explain that it is the pool of money in the discretionary side of the budget that funds most of our social services etc. He commented on how new legislators come to the capitol full of idealistic intent to achieve the goals of what was promised to constituents while running for elected office.  They soon loon that their primary task is to cut expenses in the budget.  Mr. Lembo also commented on how the state derived a 10-year plan to accommodate itself to the volatility of Wall Street (He said the state’s budget and economic success or lack of success is intimately connected to how Wall Street performs.)  All in all, Mr. Lembo’s presentation was very enjoyable and he is an engaging speaker.

SPUR April 19 2017 Christopher Leary 2017-04-19 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  April 12, 2017

SPUR April 12, 2017
President Kevin opened the meeting at 12:15. Pledge: Sandy Zukowski; 4-Way Test: Kevin; Invocation: Derek Meade
Guest: Ryan Lawless—attending as a guest for the last time; induction today.
Visiting Rotarian: Ed Sharpless, Washington, NJ—a pleasant surprise for all who know Ed from his 10+ years with our club before retiring and moving to Jersey to be closer to family.
Sgt. at Arms: Milt Rosenberg began with an interesting and timely Rotary quote from 1917 (just before he and Mike Helechu were born) about the waste and brutality of war and the need for everyone (especially Rotarians) to be involved in working toward and maintaining peace.
- Birthdays: Kate Garvey; Stu Barowsky; Tom Leary; and Kevin’s wife, Jill.
- Many Rotarians wished Kate a Happy Birthday.
- Many Rotarians happy to see Ed Sharpless.
- Kate announced a new part-time job with the Solicitor’s Office in Springfield, was happy for her birthday and her son’s upcoming birthday; and especially happy to have received tickets to an upcoming Red Sox – Yankees game.
- Lindsey looking forward to an upcoming trip to Disney World.
- Bryan proud of his daughter.
- Jerry happy to have attended Final Four games and golfed five times.
- Carol happy that Ryan would be inducted today (Carol is his sponsor). She also announced an opening for a data entry clerk.
- Ryan happy to become a member of Rotary.
- Adrian happy to be “just another pretty face.”
- Julie happy to have women from Pakistan visiting Asnuntuck.
- Mike, Joyce, Kate, Ed P. and Chris happy for the successful Asnuntuck Murder Mystery.
- Ed S. happy that his small club in Washington, NJ (14 members) is a high-energy group that gets involved in a lot of projects. He was asked to serve as Treasurer after a couple of weeks in the club.
- Kevin happy that he will be attending another Patriot’s Day game at Fenway Park on the 17th.
Since we had a winner last week, Joe was quick to point out that this was the first time he observed Milt playing with a full deck. Milt won $10 but donated it to the Queen of Hearts kitty; Joe did the same with $5; and your Editor isn’t playing with a full deck because he forgot to write down the name of the person who drew a card. At any rate, it wasn’t the Queen of Hearts.
HISTORY MYSTERY—April 12, 1945
President Franklin D. Roosevelt died from a cerebral hemorrhage at the “little White House,” a presidential retreat and vacation spot, while he was sitting for the painting of a presidential portrait.
  1. A short while prior to his death, Roosevelt had met with Winston Churchill and Josef Stalin at what famous meeting?
    A: The Yalta Conference
  2. Where was the “little White House” located?
    A: Warm Springs, Georgia
  3. What was the name of the painter who never completed the famous “Unfinished Portrait of Franklin Delano Roosevelt?
    A: Elizabeth Shoumatoff
Ryan Lawless was inducted as a new member of the Rotary Club of Enfield by President Kevin Mayo and sponsor (and incoming President) Carol Bohnet. Welcome Ryan! We will look forward to hearing your “New Rotarian” talk.
Kevin announced that Nancy Berube has resigned due to work commitments.
Kevin announced that the Board approved a donation of $200 to K.I.T.E for purchasing two bikes for the group’s upcoming “Bike Bash” at Higgins Park on April 30th. The Board is also coordinating an Enfield Little League sponsorship. (Our club has sponsored Little League baseball in town since it was organized in the early 1950s.)
Cinco K Mayo Road Race—Kevin announced that the number of sponsors is low and urged Rotarians to actively solicit or recommend contacts for the committee to pursue. The number of runners is consistent with previous years.
The response to Joyce’s challenge for 10 Rotarians to contribute $25 to purchase a “Club Sponsorship” exceeded the goal with the following Rotarians raising their hands and saying “count me in”:
Joyce K.
Kevin M.
Allison R.
Carol B.
Bryan C.
Steve D.
Joe F.
Sandy Z.
Kate G.
Eric M.
Mary A.
Mike H.
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED for the morning of May 6 at the former Enrico Fermi HS (right across the street from Minuteman Press). Please let Allison Rodricks know if you can help out during the day. We need ALL HANDS ON DECK—this is our biggest fundraiser of the year.
Job Shadowing—Kate announced that she’s working on placing the last of 28 students for the April 19th event. She needs everyone’s Placement forms.
Incoming President Carol Bohnet invited discussion about planning for 2017-2018 and where we as a club want to focus our attention and donate money where it is needed most. She will continue to solicit suggestions from club members as she prepares for the new Rotary year. Carol needs someone to step forward to serve as Community Service Director. In our club, this is basically an overseer/coordinator position, because most of our Community Service activities are already in the hands of very capable committees and chairpersons. Please contact Carol if you would like to assist in this area. Attending monthly Board meetings would be required.
Carol also noted that the club will be celebrating its 90th anniversary in May 2018 and asked members to start thinking of ways we might want to celebrate this milestone.
Ed Palomba noted that planning was proceeding on a possible amphitheater at the Public Library, near our Accessible Playground. He and Kiran are working on design options and costs to present to the club for consideration.
Next week’s speaker will be State Comptroller Kevin Lembo. President Kevin encouraged all to attend and bring guests. He adjourned the meeting at 1:20 p.m.
Guest Editor: Mike Helechu
SPUR April 12, 2017 Michael Helechu 2017-04-12 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  April 5, 2017

Date:  05 April 2017
Pledge: Steve Damon
4-way test:  Kevin Mayo
Invocation:  Julie Cotnoir
Guests and visitors: none
Birthdays and Anniversaries:
Cheryl Leary
Julie Cotnoir
Larry Tracey, paid last week with Ed Palomba (attributes his luck to this, see below)
Kiran celebrates his 45th anniversary with his wife Yogini on 01 April.
Jack Welch celebrates 37 years in Rotary
Sandy:       A celebratory $1 for her son’s birthday.
Brian:        A pin fine, and a happy birthday dollar for those previously mentioned.
Kathy:       A happy dollar for going on vacation and a sad dollar for having to come back.
Joyce:        A happy dollar for the murder mystery dinner.
Jack:          A happy dollar for the undefeated Red Sox.
Scott:         A pin fine.
Julie:         A happy thank you dollar for Brian Chodkowski for coming to speak to some HS students about business careers.
Milt:          A fine for missing last week while he was at four Broadway shows in four days.  Visited the 9/11 memorial.  Also plugged the “The Goodspeed” in East Haddam.  If you are interested, let him know.
History Mystery:
Joe printed out the wrong date (06 April).  Therefore, we were privy to TWO history mystery question sets;
Ad Hoc Questions:
This week (11 April) in 1961 Bob Dylan played his first major concert in New York City
  1. What is Bob Dylan’s real name?       Robert Zimmerman
    Answered by Rich Tkacz
  2. Where does Dylan come from?          Author Dylan Thomas
    Answered by Kevin Mayo
  3. Which artist did Dylan spend a lot of time with in New York?
    Depending on which Dylan.  Adrian said that Bob Dylan spent a lot of time caring for Woody Guthrie while he suffered from Huntington’s Disease.  Joe was actually referring to Dylan Thomas and was referring to a writer for one of the New York City papers, with whom Thomas would get drunk with all over town.
    Actual Question for 06 April:
    Two noteworthy historical events took place.  Pioneer 11 was launched from Cape Canaveral, FL and Major League baseball rule 6.10 was put in effect.
  1. What was the purpose for which Pioneer 11 was launched?
    It was launched to explore the outer solar system beyond the planet, Mars.
    Answered by Joe himself.
  2. What is major league baseball rule 6.10 about?
    It is the designated hitter rule for the American League.
    Answered by Ed Palomba.
  3. Who was the first designated hitter and what pitcher did he face?
    Ron Bloomberg of the Yankees was walked by Luis Tiant of the Red Sox
    Answered by Steve Alminas.
#639 Ed Palomba who took the $10.
#621 Larry Tracy who took the $5.  Ed and Larry attributed it to “birthday-boy luck”!
#649 Kevin Mayo who made a joke that Milt pulled out the queen of hearts for him and then pulled the queen of hearts, placing an air of suspicion and collusion into the drawing itself.  Kevin won $85, but Milt couldn’t give him the winnings.  Milt left Kevin to find the money himself.
There was a minor kerfuffle about the total amount being $95 v. $85, but it was settled by the trusty sheet that keeps the money totals and dates.
As there was no speaker, and the meeting was opened up for announcements:
Carol:  Brought flyers for the Rotary International Conference in Atlanta 10-14 June.
            Milt is trying to talk his wife into going.
            Pre-PETS is happening on 10 May at the Holiday Inn.  New members are encouraged to attend.  Tickets are half price for new members!
            Rotary Zone Institute is coming to Hartford 16 October.
Kathy: Soliciting the membership for speaker ideas.  Get her the info on the speaker and she will begin the coordination process.
Ed:      The Paul Harris Dinner will be 09 June.
Kiran:  Cinco K Mayo Race will be 06 May.  We still need more sponsors due to a decrease in support from prior sponsors.  Joyce suggested that Rotary members donate $25 each and use it as an opportunity to advertise for the club.  $250 (ten members) would get the club on the shirt.
Respectfully recorded and edited (for humor) by Adrian Garcia Sega
SPUR April 5, 2017 Adrian Garcia Sega 2017-04-05 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  March 22  2017

Rotary Notes:                                                              Date: 3/22/17
Pledge: Nick Deni
4 way test: Kevin Mayo
Invocation: Carol Bohnet
Guests and visitors: Paul Salva- Somers Rotary
                                    Tom Baxter-Hartford Yard Goats
 Jack’s Birthday
 Bill’s 41st Anniversary with Club
Happy / Sads:
Bill: 41 years in Rotary, late, sorry about the passing of John Adams
Jerry: late, sad about John Adams, visited his Dad in NJ, scholarships will be named for 2 Enfield Rotarians who just passed, had to put his 15 year old beloved dog to sleep
Bryan: daughter decided on Eastern Michigan University
Jason: missed last week
Lou: leaving early
Julie, Joe, Derek: Jack’s Birthday
Mike – Has magnetic Rotary pins for sale for $4
Thank you Notes from:
Safe Grad
Milt brought $250 donation to Bloomfield Rotary and they presented him with one of their banners
Paul Salva announced that The Enfield Society for the Detection of Thieves and Robbers will hold their 195th annual meeting on Tuesday, May 2nd at 6 p.m. in St. Bernard’s Fitzmaurice Hall. The speaker will be Robert Killian JD. Contact Paul at 860-882-2813 for tickets.
Kate Garvey was the only female to attend the last Rotary breakfast
Ed reminded group that the Annual Rotary dinner will be June 9th at the Enfield Holiday Inn. He is looking for nominations for the Paul Harris Awards. Past Paul Harris recipients will be invited to a breakfast to discuss possible nominees.
Next Rotary After 5 will be at 5:30 at Backyard Bar and Grill
Tickets-$65 part of pot
5 – Allyson
10- Sandy
Card- Stuart
History Mystery:
March 22, 1820 Commodore Stephen Decatur, Jr. died on March 22, 1820 from wounds suffered in a duel with James Barron who Decatur had criticized after Barron had undergone a court martial.
  1. Decatur was well known as a naval officer because of his service during what United States wars?
    The first and second Barbary Wars
  2. Decatur holds the distinction of being the youngest US naval officer promoted to what rank?
  3. What U.S. President ordered Decatur to attack the Barbary pirates in 1815?
             James Madison
Tom Baxter, from the Hartford Yard Goats spoke to the group. He told the group Hartford’s Rotary would be using their location for meetings every other week. Opening day on April 13th is sold out. They will have 70 games home and 70 games on the road. Enfield Rotarian Bill Squire will be singing the National Anthem for a July game. 
SPUR March 22 2017 Julie Cotnoir 2017-03-22 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR March 15  2017

Rotary Notes:                                                              Date: 3/15/17
Pledge: Richard Stevens
4 way test: Kevin Mayo
Invocation: Eric Moody
Guests and visitors: Frank Wargo
                                    David Mangs
                                     Pam Lapoli  (not sure if I spelled her name right)
Rotarian Anniversaries: Lou B. 18 years and Bill Squires 41 years
Birthdays: Lou B. March 17th
Wedding Anniversaries: N/A
Happy / Sads:
Mike: sad at the passing of John Adams (there were some shared stories) Happy for Lou’s Birthday Happy for Murder Mystery fundraising dinner coming up soon.
Keith, Julie, Derrick, Chris, Sandy: happy for Lou’s b-day
Kathy: missed last week happy to be going to St Martin next week
Richard: Sad for John Adams, Happy for Lou and for St Patrick’s Day this week
Lou: sad for John Adams
Keith: a plug for the fundraising efforts on behalf of Asnuntuck with Murder Mystery Dinner
Steve: Happy for Lou happy to announce he and his wife expecting first child…a girl
Joe: Happy for Lou
Ed: Happy for Lou and sad for John also sad for the anniversary of his sons passing
Larry and Nick:  Happy for Enfield High Girls Basket Ball team
Carol: Happy for P.E.T.S. training
Steve D : Happy St Patrick’s
Kevin: Happy Frank showed up sad for John Adams
Frank: Happy for Steve and his first child and happy to speak today
David M:  Happy to see Carol at PETS
Tradition in West Hartford club to sing happy birthday and happy anniversary which he did….
Mike – Murder Mystery coming up the end of this month
Kiran- Cinco K Mayo road race meeting and date reminder
Ed- Still looking for Paul Harris Fellow nominations
David M -looking to do Rotary Leadership Meetings at the hotel
Mike H - brought his latest and very cool Lego project to show off
Thank you Notes from:
Enfield Family Resource Center for the coat drive donations special Thanks to Julie Cotnoir
Rotary club of Somers thanks us for the donated funds for the clean water project 645.00
5 – Steve – save it for the baby fund!
10- Derrick
Card Mike H ace clubs
History Mystery:
March 15, 1956 famous musical my fair lady premiered on Broadway.
Who wrote the music and lyrics for my fair lady?
Loewe and Lerner
What are the names of the two main characters?
Henry Higgins and Eliza Doolittle
Where did the musical have it’s off Broadway tryout?
Shubert Theater in New Haven CT
Speaker Frank Wargo gave an inspiring Rotary talk on the Polio Efforts and other initiatives.
SPUR March 15 2017 Eric Moody 2017-03-15 04:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Mar 8  2017 


SPUR    March 8, 2017



Spur March 8, 2017



Pledge of Allegiance- Julie Cotnoir


4 Way test-  Kevin Mayo


Invocation- Adrian Garcia Sega



Guests:   Carolyn Tkacz & Michelle Tracey



Happy /sads/ bdays/anniversaries - Sargent at Arms (for the day) : Milton Rosenberg


Anniversary – Eric Moody 2 years


Happy / Sads – Ed Palomba - Happy for UCONN

                         Jerry Bell – Reported Sad that John Admas is not doing well

Mike Helechu – Happy Rich Tkacz is doing well from surgery.

Kevin Mayo – Happy Rich is doing well and UCONN Women

Rich Tkacz – Happy to be on the mend from surgery. Happy his wife Carolyn has been his nurse, chauffeur and best friend.


Fine for a table with no women



Joes History Mystery Minute- The New York Stock Exchange was formed when a number of New York stockbrokers who had been operating under the Buttonwood Agreement reorganized and gave birth to what is now the world’s largest stock trading institution.

Question #1 - The New York Stock Exchange is currently located where? Wall Street, Manhattan, New York

Question #2 – The NYSE is commonly referred to as what? The Big Board

Question #3 The trading day at the NYSE begins and ends with a bell at what times? Begins at 9:30 and ends at 4 pm.



Raffle Winners


Card- Mike Helechu Ace of Hearts


$10- Eric Moody


$5- Rich Tkacz



Speaker- None


Foundation Dinner will be Friday June 9th.  Ed reported checks are still being accepted for the foundation.


End of April is the district conference and we need someone to go.


The international conference will be held in June in Atlanta GA.


Our club donated $250 to the Russian Woman’s Shelter


ERFC – we donated $250


We donated $250 to Enfield Loaves and Fishes / Enfield Food Shelf


Editor:  Allyson Rodricks




SPUR Mar 8 2017 Allyson Rodricks 2017-03-08 05:00:00Z 0

SPUR    Feb 22, 2017

Spur  February 22, 2017
Pledge of Allegiance- Eric Moody
4 Way test-  Kevin Mayo
Invocation- Jo Ann Walk
Guests:           Rick Cheney & Dave Reed of Somers Rotary Club  
Brian Lawles
Happy /sads/ bdays/anniversaries - Sargeant at Arms (for the day) :
Milt extorted $130 for no pins, no women and an assortment of other items
Birthday – Tim Reynolds    Anniversary – Kevin Mayo
JoAnn – happy trip home; mom is healthy.  Mike Helechu – loves retirement; every day is Saturday.    Julie – toured ACC with Sen Chris Murphy.    Nick – Enfield HS Girls State Championship 22-1;
Joes History Mystery Minute- Questions re George Washington. Who were parents’ names?  What party did he belong to?
Raffle Winners
$10- Brian K
$5- Lou Bolduc
Speaker- Somers Rotarians presentation showing water filters being directly installed in homes in Puerto Rico with alliance of Rotary in Puerto Plata. Appliances convert very polluted water to 99.9% pure for drinking, preventing many illnesses. Very poor area in need of pure water for families. Somers Rotarians going next week to install more filters. Cost is about $55 each for cement units which last up to 25 years. Club looking for donation which is fully tax deductible.
Editor:  Joyce Keating
SPUR Feb 22, 2017 Joyce M. Keating 2017-02-22 05:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Feb 15  2017

Spur  February 15, 2017
Pledge of Allegiance- Julie Cotnoir
4 Way test-  Pres Kevin
Invocation-Rev Helechu
Presidents remarks- Rotary After Five @ Chicago Sam’s 2/23 at 5:30; Rotary B’fast @Angelina’s 2/24
Ryan Lawless – proposed new member. Classification: Insurance
Happy /sads/ bdays/anniversaries - Sergeant at Arms (for the day) :
Carolyn Tkacz birthday; Adrian’s daughter art show; Asnuntuck CC opening a food pantry; Mike Helechu heart ok; Nick vacationed at Myrtle Beach; Bill Squires in Florida; Mike H gave lots of $$; Kevin Mayo recognized UCONN Women 100th straight win.
Joes History Mystery Minute-On Feb 15, 1898, the USS Maine exploded and sank in Havana harbor, precipitating the Spanish-American War.
  • What popular phrase supported the war?   “Remember the Maine, to hell with Spain”
  • What NY City publishers fanned the flames of the war?  William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer
  • Joe Fallon condusts research in what location that was ceded to US by the Treaty of Pareis?  Puerto Rico
    Raffle Winners
    Card- Scott Kaupin   Queen of Hearts;   side note- Jim Kuhn MIA since his win  
    $10- Kevin Mayo
    $5- Bryan
    Speaker- Alex Nasty from the Bloomfield Rotary Club spoke to us about the Nizhny Novgorod Women Crisis Center in Russia. He pleaded for financial help to support the Center, one of only two such facilities in all of the Soviet Union.
    Founded in 2003, the Center served 40 families last year in a region that finds domestic abuse effects 25%+ of the families. Already the beneficiary of a Rotary District grant, more funding is needed to keep the Center afloat financially.
    Club Announcements-Ed Palomba gave a Foundation Minute.
    Rotary Ghost Editor
SPUR Feb 15 2017 Ghost Writer 2017-02-15 05:00:00Z 0

SPUR February 8, 2017

Spur February 8, 2017
Pledge of AllegianceMilt
4 Way testChris Casey 
Invocation- Pres Kevin himself
Happy /sads/ bdays/anniversaries - Sargeant at Arms (for the day) :
            Bryan Chodkowski b’day
            The Learys anniversary
            Nick Deni & Lou Bolduc celebrated Club anniversaries
            EdPalomba & Rich Tkacz both in Myrtle Beach for, what else,  Golf
            JoAnn Mom is well after surgery
            Jerry Bell speaking re Genetics at Bay Path College after a short detour
              to Asnuntuck
            Mike Helechu had a bunch of $ for Patriots….not bad from a Giants fan
            Carol PETS training went well
Sergeant Milt fined for Rotary pins today.
Joes History Mystery Minute-   
What is Boy Scout motto?  “Be prepared”
What is Boy Scout slogan?  “Do a good deed daily”
What is name of Chicago publisher who founded Scouts?  “WD Bryce”
Raffle Winners
Card- Kiran….drawn by Joyce
$10Ed Palomba
$5- Larry Tracey
SpeakerBusiness Meeting. Items of interest:
  • Need a Community Service Director for next year
  • District Conference April 28-30 in Providence
  • Installation Dinner June 22
  • Proposed new Club member – Ryan Lawless of Longmeadow, classification- Insurance
    Club Announcements-
    Meeting Adjourned @ :
SPUR February 8, 2017 Ghost Writer 2017-02-08 05:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Feb 1  2017

SPUR – February 1, 2017
Kevin Mayo, acting president for today, opened the meeting.  
Pledge of Allegiance – Joyce Keaton
4-Way Test – Jack Welch
Prayer – Kathy Barron
Guest – Margret Smith-Hale From Senior Rides
Fines from Sgt. of Arms Milton Rosenburg:  Not wearing Rotarian Pin.
Pot was $295.00
Jim Kuhn 1st winner and drew the Queen of Hearts for the win
2nd – Rich Tkacz for the $10.00
3rd – Kevin Mayo for the $5.00
Mike Helechu – Gave 99.00 to club for anniversary and a Birthday dollar. 
Jason Neely – Back from Vermont
Ed Palomba – Granddaughter is 6 months old.
Kevin Mayo – His daughter turns 26
Jerry Bell – Happy Dollar
Joanne Walk – Happy Birthday and Anniversary to Mike Helechu
Joe Falon – Happy Ground Hog Day
Lyndsey Webber – Was happy to be able to volunteer at her sons school
Joyce Keaton – Happy 12th Birthday to her granddaughter and a welcome back from Florida dollar.
Carolyn Bhonet – Happy Dollar
Joe Fallon's mystery minute:
A.  United States Space Shuttle Disintegrated while attempting to land after the completion of its mission. 
    1.  What was the name of the Shuttle?
             a.  Columbia
    2.  Name any two of the seven crew members who perished?
             a. Rick Husband, William McCook. Michael Anderson, Ilan Ramon, Kalpana Chawla, David Brown and Laurel Clerk
    3.   All but Ramon were US Citizens.  Ramon was a citizen of what country?
             a. Israel
ANNOUNCEMENTS:  2/1/17 is Foundation Month.  Send in all donations to Ed Palomba.
On 2/15/17 Jerry Bell will be doing a presentation on Genetics.
SPEAKER:  Today's presentation was done by Nutmeg Senior Rides (Margaret Smith-Hale)
They provide rides to the senior community to help them stay connected.  This can be for any reason such as Doctors appointments to enjoying a football game.  This program started in 2008.  Margaret gave an example of a legally blind couple who needed to make 3 stops.  One of which was to DMV to turn his drivers liscense into an ID card.  With out this service they would have either not been able to accomplish these task or would have had to pay more than what this service charges which is:
Up to 2 miles $5.00 Each Way
3-5 Miles $10.00 Each Way
6-7 Miles $14.00 Each Way
8-13 Miles $19.00 Each Way
Over 14 Miles $25.00 Each Way
Senior buses in town cannot provide rides to work so without this program a lot of seniors would have no way of getting to work.
Ride are invoiced on a monthly basis and there is no tipping.
They are seeking new volunteers to reduce the use of their 3 Part Time Paid employees to reduce costs.  
At the end of this week they will have provided 50,000 rides to seniors in the area.
QUOTE FOR THE DAY:  "Doing what you like is freedom.  Liking what you do is happiness."  (Frank Tyger)
SPUR Feb 1 2017 Nancy Berube 2017-02-01 05:00:00Z 0

SPUR Jan 18, 2017

SPUR -- January 18, 2017
Kevin Mayo, acting president for today, opened the meeting.  
Pledge of Allegiance -- Chris Casey
4-Way Test -- Ed Palomba
Prayer -- Kevin Mayo
Guest -- Bryan Chodkowski, Enfield Town Manager (technically a Rotarian in Ohio, but soon to be joining us)
Fines from Acting Sgt. of Arms Jo Ann Walk:
Jo Ann -- missed last week's meeting; at Cinco K Mayo meeting, Mike Helechu attended, looking good from his recent surgery.
Milt Rosenberg -- mobile phone ringing during meeting
Chris Casey -- returned from Las Vegas, attending a trade show and winning nothing at the casino (that's what they all say, Chris)
Bryan Chodkowski -- will miss next week's meeting because of a dentist appointment (but Rotary won't be painful, Bryan; so you could make the appointment for -- wait for it -- 2:30!)
Joyce Keating -- late dollar, going next week to daughter's to celebrate youngest granddaughter's 12th birthday, and will attend Gasparilla Festival in Tampa (what's a pirate's favorite letter?  RRRR!)
Joe Fallon -- glad to see Steve Damon back
Steve Damon -- glad to be back (but no horn playing today??)
Kevin Mayo -- Patriots success this past Saturday (and Roger Goodell couldn't even show up??)
Julie Cotnoir -- celebrating birthdays of both mother and son
Joe Fallon's double mystery minute:
A.  Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 in Boston, one of seventeen children, finished his formal schooling at the age of ten and went to Pennsylvania at the age of seventeen to seek his fame and fortune.
    1.  Franklin had many interests serving not only as a diplomat, politician and statesman but also as an author, scientist and inventor.  Name any two of his three most famous inventions.
             a.  Lightning rod, bifocals, and the Franklin stove (so he could see the light and take the heat)
    2.  What character in the long-running television series "M*A*S*H" is tied to Franklin?
             a.  Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce
    3.   In 1733, Franklin wrote "Poor Richard's Almanack" under what pseudonym?
             a.  Richard Saunders
B.  Actor Ernest Borgnine was born January 24, 1917 in Hamden, Connecticut and raised in New Haven.
    1.  In the TV show, McHale's Navy, what was the rank and full name of his character?
             a.  Lieutenant Commander Quinton McHale.
    2.  In what film did he win an Academy Award?
             a.  Marty
    3.  What cartoon character in SpongeBob SquarePants did he do the voice (for thirteen years, no less)?
             a.  Mermaid Man
ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Rotary After 5 will be Thursday night at Lulu's.  Monthly Friday Breakfast will be this week at Molina's Cafe at 8 A.M.
SPEAKER:  Today's New Rotarian career talk was poignantly presented by Keith Madore, Director of Institutional Advancement and Community Engagement at Asnuntuck Community College.  Originally from the north country of Grand Isle, Maine, where his first language was French, Keith's family, which included his parents and four older sisters, moved to Southington, CT for work, then returned to Maine and attended University of Maine at Presque Isle, changing his major from journalism to marketing after he worked here at Riverside Park as Food Dome Manager.  While at UMPI, he became coordinator at Presque Isle Mall; and then worked in many jobs at the University for eighteen years, finishing as director of development and alumni relations, as well as being president of the local Kiwanis club.  With his desire to move south and near his sisters, he started working at Asnuntuck while being a caregiver to his mother.  Over the years, he found that there is a sense of community here, with a warm and nurturing feeling at Asnuntuck.  His family always taught him to give back to his community, and he is glad to do it here with Asnuntuck and with Rotary.  We are so glad to have you here, Keith.  Thank you for  a wonderful talk.
QUOTE FOR THE DAY:  "Doing what you like is freedom.  Liking what you do is happiness."  (Frank Tyger)
SPUR Editor (for today):  Bill Squires
(In tribute to long-time SPUR Editor, A. Jackson Green -- "nuf sed")
SPUR Jan 18, 2017 Bill Squires 2017-01-18 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR Jan 18 2017

SPUR -- January 18, 2017
Kevin Mayo, acting president for today, opened the meeting.  
Pledge of Allegiance -- Chris Casey
4-Way Test -- Ed Palomba
Prayer -- Kevin Mayo
Guest -- Bryan Chodkowski, Enfield Town Manager (technically a Rotarian in Ohio, but soon to be joining us)
Fines from Acting Sgt. of Arms Jo Ann Walk:
Jo Ann -- missed last week's meeting; at Cinco K Mayo meeting, Mike Helechu attended, looking good from his recent surgery.
Milt Rosenberg -- mobile phone ringing during meeting
Chris Casey -- returned from Las Vegas, attending a trade show and winning nothing at the casino (that's what they all say, Chris)
Bryan Chodkowski -- will miss next week's meeting because of a dentist appointment (but Rotary won't be painful, Bryan; so you could make the appointment for -- wait for it -- 2:30!)
Joyce Keating -- late dollar, going next week to daughter's to celebrate youngest granddaughter's 12th birthday, and will attend Gasparilla Festival in Tampa (what's a pirate's favorite letter?  RRRR!)
Joe Fallon -- glad to see Steve Damon back
Steve Damon -- glad to be back (but no horn playing today??)
Kevin Mayo -- Patriots success this past Saturday (and Roger Goodell couldn't even show up??)
Julie Cotnoir -- celebrating birthdays of both mother and son
Joe Fallon's double mystery minute:
A.  Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 in Boston, one of seventeen children, finished his formal schooling at the age of ten and went to Pennsylvania at the age of seventeen to seek his fame and fortune.
    1.  Franklin had many interests serving not only as a diplomat, politician and statesman but also as an author, scientist and inventor.  Name any two of his three most famous inventions.
             a.  Lightning rod, bifocals, and the Franklin stove (so he could see the light and take the heat)
    2.  What character in the long-running television series "M*A*S*H" is tied to Franklin?
             a.  Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce
    3.   In 1733, Franklin wrote "Poor Richard's Almanack" under what pseudonym?
             a.  Richard Saunders
B.  Actor Ernest Borgnine was born January 24, 1917 in Hamden, Connecticut and raised in New Haven.
    1.  In the TV show, McHale's Navy, what was the rank and full name of his character?
             a.  Lieutenant Commander Quinton McHale.
    2.  In what film did he win an Academy Award?
             a.  Marty
    3.  What cartoon character in SpongeBob SquarePants did he do the voice (for thirteen years, no less)?
             a.  Mermaid Man
ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Rotary After 5 will be Thursday night at Lulu's.  Monthly Friday Breakfast will be this week at Molina's Cafe at 8 A.M.
SPEAKER:  Today's New Rotarian career talk was poignantly presented by Keith Madore, Director of Institutional Advancement and Community Engagement at Asnuntuck Community College.  Originally from the north country of Grand Isle, Maine, where his first language was French, Keith's family, which included his parents and four older sisters, moved to Southington, CT for work, then returned to Maine and attended University of Maine at Presque Isle, changing his major from journalism to marketing after he worked here at Riverside Park as Food Dome Manager.  While at UMPI, he became coordinator at Presque Isle Mall; and then worked in many jobs at the University for eighteen years, finishing as director of development and alumni relations, as well as being president of the local Kiwanis club.  With his desire to move south and near his sisters, he started working at Asnuntuck while being a caregiver to his mother.  Over the years, he found that there is a sense of community here, with a warm and nurturing feeling at Asnuntuck.  His family always taught him to give back to his community, and he is glad to do it here with Asnuntuck and with Rotary.  We are so glad to have you here, Keith.  Thank you for  a wonderful talk.
QUOTE FOR THE DAY:  "Doing what you like is freedom.  Liking what you do is happiness."  (Frank Tyger)
SPUR Editor (for today):  Bill Squires
(In tribute to long-time SPUR Editor, A. Jackson Green -- "nuf sed")
SPUR Jan 18 2017 Bill Squires 2017-01-18 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR  January 11, 2017

PLEDGE – Adrian
4-WAY TEST – Lindsey
INNVOCATION – President Greg
Guests:  Brian Chadkowski – Dayton OH visiting Rotarian requesting transfer to our Enfield Club
NOTICE:  Ryan Lawless has been proposed as a new member
Guest Sargent – Adrian
Bdays / Anniversaries --  None to report
  • Carol is happy to report that Mike Helechu underwent surgery on Tuesday and all went well.  He will be going home next Tuesday
  • Nick is happy with the Clemson win in the College Football Championship
  • Rich is unhappy that he fell in the driveway and hurt his shoulder and spent 5 hours in the emergency room.  Good news is there are no fractures.  Also, Rich had a hearing test and the results confirmed that he cannot hear women or children.  Nevertheless, hearing aids are forthcoming.
  • Kiran is happy to announce the birth of his 5th grandchild on Tuesday 1/10/17.  Congrats Kiran and family!
  • Ed P is happy for those UCONN Women Huskies!
  • Greg had a sobering dollar watching his Lions not score a single TD
  • Adrian was happy to be back after his trip to Sedona AZ
    Joe Fallon History/Mystery:
  • January 11, 1952 – The American golfer, Ben Crenshaw, who won Three NCAA golf championships at the University of Texas, was born in Austin, TX
    • Which major golf championship has he won twice?  The Masters
    • Who was his mentor and longtime golf coach and what book did that mentor write?  Harvey Penick who wrote “The Little Red Book”
    • Crenshaw holds which PGA distinction shared with Robert Gamez, Marty Fleckman, Garrett Willis, & Russell Henley?  All of them won their very first PGA tour event that they entered. 
      Card – Adrian pulled the 9 of Diamonds
      $10 – Nick Deni
      $5 – Scott Kaupin
      Business Meeting
  • Julie is collecting NEW coats for the Enfield Family Resource Centers.  They are in need of extra-large boy’s coats (sizes 18-20), women’s sizes medium, large and extra-large, and men’s large.  Also, sizes 8-10 in boys and girls.  They prefer that the coats are the winter type that can be used in cold weather, rather than wool or more fashionable coats.  Please bring your donated NEW coats to the next Rotary meeting on 1/18/17
  • Bobbi Mazurek is now home from the hospital and doing well
  • Rotary BOD elected to donate $250 to KITE
  • Rotary BOD elected to donate $2,500 to the Guatemala Water project
  • Kathy Baron is looking for speakers.  Any recommendations can be emailed to Kathy at kbarron@thenetworkct.org
  • Scott announced that the recent Girls’ basketball tournament raised approximately $1,800.  The funds will be used to purchase new sideline chairs for teams to use in the gym and a new scoring table.
  • Carol announced that we need 2 volunteers to attend a 1 hour webinar regarding District Grant rules so that our club can be able to submit applications for future grants. 
  • Kiran announced that our Cinco K Mayo 5K road race is approaching and the committee is looking for participants – Runners/Walkers, and Sponsors.  This is our largest fundraiser of the year and we’d need help to keep it growing.   
    Respectfully submitted by Derek Meade
    Meeting adjourned at 1:10 pm
SPUR January 11, 2017 Derek Meade 2017-01-11 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR  January 4, 2017

                                          Rotary Spur 1/4/2017
Scott Kaupin (filling in for President Greg Stokes ) opened meeting with the Pledge
Chris Casey led us in the 4 Way Test
You may know who gave the invocation, but I don’t
No visitors or guests today
Sargent Arms – Kevin Mayo – Pin fine for all those forgetting theirs or not wearing it. Yay.
  • Carol Bohnet has not one but two daughters who are pregnant – and theay are both having boys.
  • Joyce Keating – Joyce was just happy
  • Joanne Walk – Sad couldn’t make the BB tournament – Planned to but flight delays put in at Bradley at 8:30 pm, just as it was wrapping up
  • Jerry Bell – Late today, and missed two weeks, Grandchildren throughout the holidays & 94 yr old uncle passed
  • Ed Palomba   - Back after recuperating 3 weeks with men’s operation, holiday, 4 month old grandchild Emilia & now a new Facebook member!
  • Scott Kaupin - No pin and a big Thank You! to all 24th Annual Rotary BB Girls Basketball Classic tournament helpers, New Years at Cape.
    History/Mystery Minute – Joe Fallon
    January 4, 1943, Pulitzer Prize winning author historian & biographer Doris Kearns, now Doris Kearns Goodwin, was born in Brooklyn, NY
    What was the title of the first book that launched her career as a writer…  
    Lyndon Johnson & The American Dream
    Kearns Goodwin was the first female journalist to enter locker room of what prominent sports team… The Boston Red Sox        
    What is the title of the book for which Kearns Goodwin won the Pulitzer Prize…
    No Ordinary Time; Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt: The American Homefront During World War II
    Eric Moody     Queen of Spades
    Nick Deni       $ 10.00
    Joyce Keating             $  5.00
    Announcements from the Club/Membership
  • Road Race Meeting 1/17/17 6:00 pm           Powder Hollow Brewery           
  • Basketball Tournament netted $1900 in proceeds – which will be donated to the Enfield High Girls BB program for new Team Seats & Scorer Table .  TY to major sponsors, Rileys of Connecticut, Awards & More, Shop Rite of Enfield, Minuteman Press, Marek Jewelers
Our Program today was a New Rotarian Talk by Mr Jason Neeley – New Director of the Enfield Public Library
Jason has now been the Director of the Library for almost one year.  Jason came to us by way of Pittsburgh, where he worked at the Carnegie Science Center – Spent time as a Marine on the USS Naval ship, where he met his wife .  Jason and his wife & moved to Buffalo NY , and served in the Department of Adult Services.   It was then his wife suggested he consider Library Sciences, which Jason did do, eventually landing a job at the Jacksonville FL – Director of Library Services, Jason later moved on to be Director of Libraries in West Hartford CT & Middletown CT, before landing the job here in Enfield in February 2015.
His interest include Photography (Jason volunteered his services as photographer for Rotary events!),Travel, and he has a claim to fame of a photo of his dog making it onto the cover on National Geographic.
Jason feels the staff at the Enfield Central Library is very dedicated and devoted & competent, and a great asset to the Enfield Community.   The Library is close to unveiling a new website, which will include streaming downloads, a section of which has been up and running since July and gets heavy use.
We are lucky to have Jason with us in the Enfield Central Library, our community & and as new member of our Enfield Rotary Club .  Welcome Jason
And that’s it for today & this week.
Guest Spur Editor – Nick Deni
SPUR January 4, 2017 Nick Deni 2017-01-04 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR Dec 28, 2016

Enfield Rotary Spur
Wednesday: December 28, 2016
President Greg Stokes opened the meeting promptly at 12:15 PM.
Flag Salute:              Joyce Keating
Four Way Test:       Jack Welch
Invocation:             Kevin Mayo
A lovely lunch provided by the Holiday Inn included such delectable items as fried chicken, roast beef in gravy with baked potatoes, salad and dessert.
Guests included visiting Rotarian Dale Nelson of the East Windsor Rotary Club and Carol Sauerhoefer (guest speaker) and her daughter Abby.
Sergeant at Arms, Kevin Mayo, announced that other than for a club anniversary for Mary Arcouette, there were no other birthdays or anniversaries to celebrate this week.
Happy/Sad Dollars
  • Carol Bohnet announced that she was not present for two meetings.
  • Eric wished everyone a Happy New Year
  • Greg Stokes wished all a happy New Year and announced that he will not be present next week.  Scott Kaupin will preside over the coming Rotary meeting.  Greg also congratulated Carol Bohnet on her election to the presidency of the Enfield Rotary Club for the next Rotary year.
  • Scott Kaupin announced the Girls Basketball Tournament at Enfield HS taking place this evening at 5:30 and 7:00.  If the snow is problematic tomorrow evening, the games will be rescheduled.  All help will be appreciated.
  • Mike H welcomed Dale and Carol and Abby from the East Windsor Rotary Club.  He also announced the fact that Santa brought him a kayak for Christmas.  He is determined to lose some weight so that he doesn’t displace too much water when he sits in his kayak either fishing, taking pictures, reading, or contemplating which came first – the chicken or the egg.  Mike also announced that the Lego Millennium Falcon will return to the Enfield Public Library at the close of its galactic tour through the empire. Mike closed his comments by wishing a happy new year for the New York Yankees and the Patriots. 
  • Joe Fallon gave a “Leave Early Dollar.”
Chris L - $10
Mike H - Card
Kevin M = $5
Joe’s Mystery Minute
William Mitchell, the son of a prominent Wisconsin senator was born in Nice, France.
  1. Mitchell is generally regarded as the Father of what military service?
    1. The US Air Force
  1. What airplane is named after him?
    1. B-25 Mitchell Bomber
  1. What famous World War I fighter ace testified for Mitchell at his court martial in 1925?
    1. Eddie Rickenbacker
Carol Sauerhoefer gave a presentation on mitochondrial disease.  Her daughter Abby, who suffers from a mitochondrial disease was present.  Mitochondria are specialized organelles within a cell that produce energy for the cell to thrive.  When the mitochondria fail to work, the impact on organ systems and the entire body can be quite extensive.  Such disorders as autism and Alzheimer’s disease can be the result of mitochondrial malfunction. 
Information on their program states that, “Inspired by their daughter Abby and the overwhelming support of East Windsor and the surrounding communities, the Sauerhoefer family formed Abby’s Helping Hand.  Established in 2013, its mission is to improve the lives of those afflicted with mitochondrial and other chronic diseases through support, education, and research.”  The organization serves East Windsor and the surrounding communities by providing support for in-home services, medical equipment, and scholarships.  More information can be obtained at www.abbyshelpinghand.com.
Abby’s Helping Hand as an organization conducts several fundraising events throughout the year.  These events include an annual walk in April, a Ladies Brunch in November.  In 2011, when they conducted the first “Walk for Abby” they raised over $50,000.  The following year, they raised $45,000. 
On February 11, 2017, there will be Abby’s Helping Hand Winter Gala from 6:00 to 11:00 PM at Maneely’s Banquest and Catering, 65 Rye Street, South Windsor, CT.  There will be dinner and dancing and a 50/50 raffle. 
Dr. Cheryl A. Leary
Guest Spur Editor

SPUR Dec 28, 2016 Cheryl Leary 2016-12-28 00:00:00Z 0

Enfield Rotary Supports Police Department's "Toy For Joy" Program

DECEMBER 7, 2016—The Enfield Rotary Club recently hosted Enfield’s police chief and officers involved in the department’s “Toy For Joy” program, which provides toys and holiday gifts to more than 450 families in Enfield. The Rotary club, which is dedicated to community, vocational and international service, has supported Toy For Joy for the past 35 years. Rotary Club President Greg Stokes is standing next to Police Chief Carl Sferrazza. Officers kneeling in front are Paul Dubiel and Mike Krzynowek.

Enfield Rotary Supports Police Department's "Toy For Joy" Program Michael Helechu 2016-12-11 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR  November 30, 2016 

Minutes of Enfield Rotary meeting of November 30, 2016
Meeting convened by President Greg ringing the bell at 12:15
Pledge:  Joyce Keating
4 Way Test:  Derek Meade
Blessing:  Kevin Mayo
Guests:  Justin from ServPro – Bloomfield Rotary and Ashley Levesque, speaker from KITE
Birthday’s and Anniversaries:  Alan Drinan and Richard Tkacz December 4th Birthday (both were not at meeting)
Happy/Sads:  I apologize a head of time if I missed any as people spoke quickly and softly.
Derek, Steve, Sandy, Stuart, Jim, Ed, Joe all needed to leave early.
Sandy happy for oldest granddaughter birthday.  She also announced December 7th was Toys for Joys – bring unwrapped gifts for children up to 10 yrs old.
Greg, happy his football team won – I think it was the Lions.
Michael Helechu – Today 18th anniversary with Allied.   Saturday Mike, his son and grandson will be going to the Lego Kids Fest.
Joyce Keating – Happy she is going on the Asnuntuck Bus trip to  NY, xmas spectacular
Carol – Happy/Sad for Michael retirement after 18 yrs, Allied received another Mass Mutual grant to expand the lawn care business. Also paid a secret $2.00 for her 2 daughters announcing they are pregnant.
Keith – Missed last week, spent time in New Hampshire.
Ed – other than leaving early, happy for the meatloaf again, UConn game, Saturday and Sunday – he will be Santa!!!
Bill-  Happy for his improved health, lost some weight, looks good, feels good.
Richard – Wonderful Thanksgiving, to Bill’s Health
Justin,  Thank the club for welcoming him.
Joe’s History Mystery
Samuel Langhorne Clemens a/k/a Mark Twain was born in Florida, Missouri
  1.  What astronomical event took place at the time of his birth, and ironically, at the time of his death?     A Visit by Halley’s Comet
  2. Twain lived in Hartford, Connecticut from 1874 to 1891.  He moved to Hartford to be close to his publisher.  Who was his publisher?    American Publishing Company
  3. The pen name “Mark Twain” allegedly came from the river boatman’s cry indicating safe passage.  How many feet in this marine unit of depth of “Mark Twain”?  Twelve feet or fathoms
Not sure who answered the questions  _ most likely Kevin or Greg.
Road Race meeting Tuesday, Dec 6th, Powder Hollow
Ed taking donations for the foundation next week.
Scott announced they are collecting for the ads for the girl’s basketball tournament in December. (28th and 29th)
Pancake Breakfast on December 10th
Rotary Breakfast Friday, December 2nd, at Country Diner.
Chamber Annual Meeting, December 8th at the Holiday Inn.
Speaker Presentation
Ashley Levesque, coordinator of KITE, which stands for Key Initiatives to Early Education.  KITE is a collaborative organization that brings together numerous community members who all have a passion for enhancing the lives of Enfield’s youngest residents.
Their mission is to ensure that all Enfield Children, ages birth through age 8, are healthy, safe and happy, live in thriving families, and are ready to learn the skills they need to succeed in school and flourish in the 21st century.  That can seem like an overwhelming mission when you say it out loud.  But KITE’s ability to be successful id due to our variety of partners, and our multiple sub-committees who are each working towards KITE’s mission with a focused approach toward Health, Family engagement & Support, and Early Care & Education.
One of their most recent areas of effort has been concerning the importance of play.  Think back for a moment.  When was the last time you’ve said, “When I was a kid, we were outside playing until the streetlights came on!” It feels as though play has taken a back seat because of the busy lives of parents and the overabundance of technology in the home.  Even in some schools, the rigors of early educational standards have left little time for play.  She is proud to say that KITE has helped turn the curve towards more playful opportunities in Enfield.  Our Age 3 to Grade 3 committee recently helped Enfield Public Schools integrate dramatic play opportunities in ALL Kindergarten classrooms.  Dramatic play means when you walk into a class, you might see an area set up to look like a grocery Store where each child will be playing a role like cashier, customer, shelf stocker and baggers.  KITE feels that both Enfield private and public sectors support, value, and respect children’s play.
After watching short documentary called, “Caines Arcade” KITE was inspired to take play in Enfield to the next level.  The video encouraged KITE members to create a focused campaign which will allow us to inform, incorporate and increase paly in our community.  Enfield Plays On will provide ample opportunities for fun and togetherness, free of charge, in Enfield.
We are looking for community partners, groups, or organizations that would like to host a play event.  The committee is offering several grants in the amount of $200 each that you can use to fund your event. Events can be anything play centered, such as a chance for children to engage in a specific type of play, or a speaker or presentation to educate parents, caregivers, and community members about play.  The only limit is your imagination. 
KITE’s work is imperative to the future of Enfield because children who enter kindergarten ready to succeed grow up to be the book-smart, team capable, job ready workers who help businesses prosper and the good neighbors who help communities thrive.
Thank you
SPUR November 30, 2016 Joann Smith 2016-11-30 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Nov 23, 2016

Enfield Rotary Spur November 23, 2016
Meeting convened by President Greg ringing the bell at 12:15.
Pledge: Chris C.
4 Way Test: Jo Ann
Blessing: Kevin
Guests: Joyce’s grandson Owen (PHF).
Birthdays & Anniversaries: Friday is Jerry and Candice’s 31st anniversary.
Happy for Thanksgiving: Kevin, Ed, Joe, Jerry, Greg, Jo Ann, Steve, Scott, Chris C, Mike
Joyce: Owen got one B+ and all the rest A’s on his report card. Saw Calendar Girls at Asnuntuck.
Jerry: Anniversary Dollar
Adrian: Missed giving for Wife Bday, 5th Aniv, own Bday. Next month goes to Vegas for a wedding, AZ for Christmas.
Ed: Starts Santa gigs next week.
Greg: Detroit Lions, grandchild report card, and excellent B&B.
Jo Ann: Aruba
Steve: missed weeks
Mike: Black Friday Allied Attic w/silent auction, played golf once with Joyce & Owen, Rotary after hours
Nick: 19 year old home from college
Joes’ History Mystery:
Franklin Pierce was born in Hillsborough, NH – the first president to be born in the 19th century and the only NH resident to become president of the US.
1) He holds what distinction as a result of his swearing-in ceremony as President? Affirmed his owth on a law book, and not a Bible.      Answered correctly by Ed
2) What famous figure of the Confederate States of America served as his Secretary of War? Jefferson Davis.            Answered correctly by Adrian
3) As a result of his support for the Kansas-Nebraska Act (which nullified the Missouri Compromise), he is considered as one of the most effective, or least effective Presidents of the US? Least effective.                                Answered correctly by Kevin.
The Queen is worth $205
Kevin - $10
Eric – a card not the Queen
Carol - $5
Greg: Toys for Joy is Dec. 7th
           Coat Drive for Educational Resources for Children – we need a club volunteer to coordinate
Ed: Nov 29 is Giving Tuesday. Please give on-line to the Rotary Foundation
Scott: 24th Annual Enfield Rotary Girls Basketball Classic is Wed 12/28 and Thurs 12/29 at Enfield High School. Games are 5:30 & 7:15 both days. Teams are EHS, Bacon Academy, Rockville HS and Wethersfield HS.  We need sponsors (deadline 12/15) and volunteers.
Lou: Pancake breakfast is 12/10. Please sign up for volunteer slots.
No Speaker – Pres. Greg disbanded the meeting at 1:00.
Your scribe, Jerry
SPUR Nov 23, 2016 Jerry Bell 2016-11-28 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Nov 16, 2016

Rotary minutes—11/16/16
Submitted by:         Stuart Barowsky
Greg brought meeting to order at 12:15pm
Pledge:  Kathy Barron      
4 Way Test:  Kate Garvey
Invocation:  Chris Leary
Visitor:   Dan Burak—E. Long. Chapter
Chapter Birthdays:    Steve Damon, Joanne Smith
            Mike for Milt’s 32 years in Rotary
            Powder Hollow—2 years in Rotary
            Rich’s Oil—Turkey give away and Special Olympics
            Nick Deni/Sad—No women at table
            Dick Stevens—Cataract surgery
            Larry Tracy:  Saw great show
            Chris Casey—Rich’s Turkey/Ham benefit/N.Y trip.
            Chris Leary—American in Paris show
            Kate Garvey—Finally here at Rotary           
            Ed Palomba—Meatloaf for lunch
            Joyce Keating—Orlando trip, Somers Rotary Homeless Veteran benefit
           Greg Stokes—Shop Rite food drive, daughter’s birthday
           Milt Rosenberg—32 years in Rotary     perfect  attendance                                                Granddaughters birthday.
            Rich Tkaz—Company food drive, Chris Casey-great job for his company,
                        Alzheimer’s week
           Powder Hollow Brewery—1st check towards Cinqo de Mayo race
History/Mystery quiz:
William Clark Gable died in Las Angeles, CA after a long and successful movie career.
  1.  His most famous role in the movies had him playing what named character?
    Rhett Butler in Gone With the Wind
  2.  In his final movie, he co-starred with Marilyn Monroe.  What was its name?
    The Misfits
  3.  Gabe had five wives.  His third wife, a famous actress, died in a plane crash in 1943.  Who was she?
    Carole Lombard
Announcements:  Ed—Foundation money—give before end of year.
Lou—Please fill out volunteer sheets for Pancake Break-
Kevin—Rotary After 5 announcement
Speaker:  Noreen Tassinari on  Big E Centennial this year.
            Greg closed meeting at 1:30PM
SPUR Nov 16, 2016 Stuart Barowsky 2016-11-16 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR November 2, 2016

Enfield Rotary Spur: November 2, 2016
Editor: Carol Bohnet on behalf of Stu Barowsky
President Greg opened the meeting at approximately 12:15.
Eric Moody led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Carol Bohnet led the Four Way Test.
Kevin Mayo gave the blessing.
Announcements and Guests:  President Greg announced guests Remo, Holiday Inn and Mark Barbieri from the East Windsor Rotary Club.  Ryan Lawless was the guest of Carol Bohnet.
Sergeant at Arms Kevin Mayo announced a Fine in the spirit of the Halloween Grinch for anyone who did not go Trick or Treating, dress up or give out candy. Several members paid the fine.
Anniversaries/Birthdays: Mike Helechu’s wedding anniversary and wife Dora’s birthday.  Chris Casey’s Club anniversary of 26 years next week.
  • Lindsey: daughter turning 5 years old
  • Joann Walk: Glad there will be a 7th game for the World Series and for Trick or Treat fun (without kids)
  • Katherine: visit to the Windsor Locks Rotary Club
  • Sandy: 2 weeks in Florida
  • Carol: guest today
  • Scott: Notre Dame game and leave early dollar for Town Council Conference Call
  • Julie: happy for Chris Casey’s anniversary and Asnuntuck’s Valley Rep up-coming production of Valley Girls this month.
  • Jack: Lots of Trick or Treaters at his house
  • Kiran: Hindu New Year’s today
  • Greg: Trick or Treating with his grandkids
  • Kevin: Trick or Treat with his grandson over facebook
  • Remo: good Chamber meeting
  • Mark Barbieri (EW Club): Thanked our club for supporting the EW Club’s Wine Tasting event.
  • Chris Casey: Anniversary dollar
  • Chris Leary: anniversary of when he quit smoking and today, his first meeting/day as an official retiree.
HISTORY - Joe Fallon: November 2, 1947, the largest flying boat plane ever built made its maiden and only flight near Long Beach, California.
  1. What was the nickname of the plane? The spruce Goose
  2. What was its official name? The Hughes H-4 Hercules
  3. The plane, powered by eight Pratt & Whitney engines, was flown by what pilot and co-pilot? Pilot – Howard Hughes, Co-pilot – Dave Grant
  • CARDS for $175 -  Kevin Mayo drew the ten of clubs.
  • $10 - Remo
  • $5 – Jim Kuhn
The Pancake Breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, December 10th at the Senior Center.  Signups to follow.
Bobbi M is recuperating and wishes she was here – the food is better.
Katherine announced an Aging Seminar about Grief during the Holidays at the Enfield Senior Center today at 1:00 PM.
GUEST SPEAKER - Linda Shorette, of Nomads of Hope was introduced by Jack Welch. 
Linda asked the Club to visualize the best thing we’ve done and then equated that feeling with Nomad’s work with youth. Their mission is to build youth leaders through meaningful work – traveling to community service projects. They conduct three different trips – somewhat locally, like upstate New York, out west to various Indian reservations, and to Ecuador.
Linda was pleased and surprised to recognize Holiday Inn employee, Zach who volunteered with Nomad starting in 7th grade.
The Nomad program provides youth with exposure to other cultures, youth and adults. Through service projects they can learn to become leaders in their own communities. The business office in Monson would assist with the startup of Nomad chapters in other locations.
For partner trips with GroupCares in the U.S., ages 12 – 20 are included. For Western U.S. trips, ages 14 – 20 are included. For the Ecuador trip, they have youth as young as 12 years old, but if with a sibling or family, they could be even younger. In Ecuador they have built homes, a community center and water facilities.  The city has 200,000 people living in a two square mile space. The volunteers live with local families for one week.
Linda relayed a sentiment from one young girl who changed over the years through her service – being an inspiration to someone is the best feeling anyone could ever have. She challenged the Rotary members to make a moment for a youth that results in them saying “Wow, that’s the best thing I ever did!”
The meeting was adjourned at 1:13 PM.
Respectfully submitted by: Carol Bohnet
SPUR November 2, 2016 Carol Bohnet 2016-11-02 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Oct 26  2016

President Greg opened the meeting
Pledge by Kiran Majmudar
4 Way by Mike Helechu
Prayers by Chris Leary
Guests : None
The usual great lunch menu thanks to Eric Moody; deserts are even better!
Joe Fallon’s History Mystery Minute:
The gunfight at OK Corral took place in Tombstone in the Arizona territory.
1. What were the names of the three Earp brothers who were involved in the shootout?
            Wyatt, Morgan and Virgil
2. What is the name of the John Ford movie that immortalized the shootout?
            My Darling Clementine
3. In 1969 episode of Star Trek entitled “Spectre of the Gun”, Captain James T. Kirk and Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott of the Starship Enterprise portrayed what two brothers involved in the original shootout?
Ike and Billy Clinton respectively.
Happy Dollar:
-Scott Kaupin for Halloween
- Kevin Mayo for missed meeting/s
-Cheryl Leary for early retiring husband (new job, titled CEO Chief Janitor!) Chris Leary
-Mike Helechu for Golf at Foxwood, Allied Walk, missed meeting, etc.
-Shawn Stevens for
-Lou Bolduc for late
-Scott Kaupin for 9th anniversary, Notr Dame game, UConn, etc
-Joyce Keating for 1 week, Atlantic City
-Joann Smith
-Chris Casey for Golf
-Greg Stokes
-Jerry (Vet) for Golf, Maui
-Ed Palomba for Deni Family
-Nick Deni for 1 grandchild month ago and an engagement
Raffle - $165 kitty
Lou Bolduc $10,  Nick Deni a bum card and Scott Kaupin $5.
Greg Stokes wish and prayers for Bobby’s health; she is in a hospital.
Mike Helechu Members who have not visited our Website, need to visit and update information such address, phone , emails, etc.
Wine Tasting event was a success at $6,200; thanks Eric and Committee
December 10 is Pancake Breakfast
Nov 15 is 5k committee meeting, 6 pm, Powder H Brewery
11/4 Friday (Steve D) breakfast at Angelina’s
Beg your pardon for errors and omissions.
Respectfully submitted by Kiran Majmudar.
SPUR Oct 26 2016 Kiran Majmudar 2016-10-26 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR  Oct 19, 2016

President Greg Stokes called the meeting to order at 12:40.

Julie Cotnoir led us in the pledge of allegiance.
Rich Tkacz led the 4-way test.
Chris Leary said our invocation.

We didn't have any guests at the meeting.

Ed Palomba filled in as sergeant-at-arms in Kevin Mayo's absence.

Ed Palomba was happy about his softball playoffs. He was also happy that his daughter came home to visit, even though she was really coming home to see Ed's new granddaughter and not Ed.

Jo Ann Walk was happy to play golf last weekend at Rolling Meadows and win $100 prize.  She was also happy for our beautiful fall foliage.  She describes it to her midwestern family as "driving through a postcard".

Eric Moody was happy for the fall weather.  He was also happy for the LAST presidential debate.

Julie Cotnoir had a happy dollar for her weekend and a good luck dollar to Ed Palomba for softball.

Lindsey Weber was happy to celebrate her 13th wedding anniversary. She had a sad/happy dollar for losing Jack at a family corn maze but then finding him shortly thereafter, safe and sound.

Nick Deni had a hurricane dollar for living through Hurricane Matthew.  He was happy to report that his house didn't have any damage.  He also had a happy dollar for a grandchild visit.

Greg Stokes had a happy dollar about a conference in Nashville, but wasn't happy about coming home feeling sick.  (airplane germs)  He had a happy dollar that his two oldest granddaughters visited the 9/11 Memorial in NYC and understood that solemnity of the experience.  He noted that for us, 9/11 was an experience, and for his grandchildren, it's a history lesson.

Catherine Williamson was happy to be presenting to our club today.

Carol Bohnet was happy to be at Mass Mutual pitching Allied for a grant.

Joe Fallon's History/Mystery Question:

Oct 19, 1810
This emancipationist, 1832 graduate of Yale College and cousin to the Great Compromiser, was born in Madison County, Kentucky to one of Kentucky's wealthiest slaveholders.
1. Who was he?

Cassius Marcellus Clay

2. Which famous athlete was named after him?

Muhammad Ali

3. Which famous abolitionist was his inspiration?

William Lloyd Garrison

The Raffle
Chris Leary drew a card - no luck
Eric Moody won $10
Keith Madore won $5


We're wondering if their luck was 'in the cards' or if something else was going on because the three tickets holders were all seated together!


Save the date!  Our club's pancake breakfast will be December 10th.

Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) will be Saturday, Nov 12th in Chicopee.  Attendees needed!  There must be 8 people registered in a session or it will be cancelled.  RLI is a great way to learn more about Rotary and enhance your membership experience.  Rotarians who participate report being happier in their Rotary membership.  See Bobbi Mazurek or Greg Stokes if you're interested in learning more.

The district Foundation Dinner will be Thursday Nov 3rd at Chez Josef.  See Ed Palomba for more details.


Catherine Williamson, one of our newest members and a Gerontologist, spoke to us about the struggles and stereotypes associated with aging.  Catherine works in home care and aging services.  She speaks to many groups, both young and old, about aging.

She suggested an online test designed to measure our implicit bias. The test results help people understand how they feel about a particular culture or segment of our population.  The test can be found here:


Catherine defined "ageism" as a form of discrimination against people because they are old.  She compared it to racism or sexism. She said that ageism manifests itself in how we treat older people.

To illustrate the challenges of aging, Catherine gave several club members bags containing "challenges".  She asked them to put on "blurry glasses" and ear plugs to simulate vision and hearing loss. They wore rubber gloves and rubberbanded several fingers together to simulate arthritis and the loss of dexterity.  They were then asked to open a pill bottle, sort colored candies, and fill the pill bottle with a specific color candy.  The task proved to be quite frustrating!

We then watched an ABC News video about living with Alzheimers. Participants in the video experienced a simulation of Alzheimers and were asked to perform simple tasks.  They were amazed at their frustration level with simple tasks like finding socks or setting the table.  One participant said, about people battling Alzeimers, "They need your help.  They need your understanding."  It was truly an exercise in patience and understanding.

Thank you to Catherine for a hands-on, lively demonstration and discussion of a topic that will affect every one of us.


Submitted by Lindsey Weber

SPUR Oct 19, 2016 Lindsey Weber 2016-10-19 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR  October 12, 2016

Kevin brought the meeting to order

Pledge:  Dave O'Connor
4-way test:  Chris Casey
Grace:  Chris Leary

Birthdays / Anniversaries
Chris Casey's birthday today
Joanne's birthday tomorrow and club anniversary

Happy / Sad
Kiran-  Finished the Hartford marathon in 5 hrs 13 mins
Kathy - Happy for the annual purple event on Nov 4th.  Wine tasting event for the Network
Joanne - Went on a zip line tour and happy the Cubs are moving on in the playoffs
Rich - Back from his trip to Europe where he toured several countries
Ed - Team finished in 2nd place in a golf tournament (1 stoke behind).  Went on a vineyard and wine tasting tour.
Joyce - Going to Atlantic City for Miss Senior America with her friend
Sandy - Going to Florida for 2 weeks upcoming.  Enjoyed her time in Maine with her son
Scott - Sad for Red Sox loss but going to Wellfleet for Oysterfest.

Eric pulled the card but the Queen of Hearts is still in the deck.

History minute

Glasses were found at the meeting 2 weeks ago.  Still looking for the owner. 
The commission on aging is looking for volunteers to help at the public access tv station in Enfield.  They will be helping seniors in the community.
Rotary leadership institute will be hosting a regional event at the Massmutual center in Chicopee to learn more about Rotary and its history
Asnuntuck is inviting the community to visit and participate in their annual Fall Fest

Sent from my iPhone
SPUR October 12, 2016 Steve Alminas 2016-10-12 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR  October 5, 2016

Enfield Rotary Spur
October 5, 2016
Our weekly Rotary Meeting started promptly at 12:15 pm.  President Greg led the opening ceremony calling on Damon for Pledge-of Allegiance,  Walk forFour-Way Test and Chris Leary for the Prayer.
Jason Neeley of the Enfield Library was our guest.
Sargeant-of-Arms Kevin oversaw Happy Dollars: Milt Rosen challenged the Club to raise funds for the Warming Center at Holy Trinity Church in Hazardville.  Milt put in $100 and Dick Stevens matched with $100 if the Club would donate at least $100 .   Individuals more than matched with another $223 making our funds raise on the spot a total of  $423 for the Warming Center.  More proof of the Good Deeds of Rotary!
Many Rotarians commented being happy for a very successful Wine Tasting and for the three new members being inducted on this day.
 Jerry Bell happy for his 27 years in Rotary and for upcoming trip to Hawaii.  Steve happy for his recent  trip to Switzerland and Austria. Sandy happy for her trip flying to Maine today with her son in the pilot seat.  Joyce happy for new program that provides coats that convert to sleeping bags for Vets.  Ed happy for the Dennys being safe in Myrtle Beach with the upcoming storm.  Kiran happy for upcoming Hartford Marathon and his run to raise money for Fight Against Cancer.  Chris Leary happy he is retiring from New Directions after 25 years on October 31.  Greg happy he is going on a trip to Nashville.
Joe's History Mystery:   A nationwide recall of Tylenol was issued on October 5, 1982.  Why was it issued?  Seven people from Chicago died from Tylenol laced with potassium cyanide.  What company issued the recall?  Johnson and Johnson.   Who was was convicted of extortion in this incident?  James W. Lewis.
Raffle:  Sandy did not draw the Queen of Hearts.  Greg got $10 and Kevin got $5.
Eric announced the Wine Tasting  gross income was $6525 and the net income was $6223.  Many Rotarians complimented Eric and Chris for the great job on the Wine Tasting.  It was a new Wine Tasting record for numbers attending and dollars raised.  Go Rotary!!  
Three new members were happily installed today.  They are: Julie Cotnoir whose sponsor is Sandy Zukowski, Catherine Williamson sponsored by Nick Deni and Keith Madore sponsored by Chris Casey. All received pins and Certificates. 
Our speaker of the day was Jill Osborn.  She is Chairperson and Organizer of the Jack-O-Lantern Festival.  This takes place on the Enfield Green on October 15 from 4-8 pm. It is their 16th year.  It is a great family event with over one thousand carved pumpkins being brought by school children and families.  There are games, hayrides, face painting, magicians, and a trick or treat tent.  They depend on sponsors at $300 each who showcase their goods and services.  Volunteers are also needed.  The Rotary Rotaract Club volunteers there every year.
Meeting Adjurned at 1:30 pm
Respectively Submitted,
Steve Damon
SPUR  October 5, 2016 Steven Damon 2016-10-05 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR  September 28, 2016

SPUR 9/28/2016
Pledge: Nick Deni
Four Way Test: Martha MacLeod
Blessing: Chris Leariy
Guests: Keith Madore, July Dotnoir, Jason Neely
Happy/Sads:  Bill Squire sang the National Anthem at the Alzheimers Walk.
Joann Walk travelled 8 times in 6 months.
Nick Deni has four ladies at his table!
Ed Palumba won golf tournament (finally)
Jim Kuhn just got back from vacation.
History Mystery:  The “Father of Supercomputing” was born in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin.  He died in 1996…
  1. Who is he?
    Seymour Roger Cray
  2. Name any one of the many companies with whom he was associated?
    Control Data Corp.- Cray Research- Cray Computers- SRC Corporation
  3. He received his degrees in Engineerying and Applied Mathematics from what school?
    University of Minnesota
Raffle:  $10: Scott Kaupin.  $5: Ed Palumba.  Draw: Scott Madore 2 spades- LOSER!
Club is already for the wine and beer tasting extravaganza!
Guest speaker- Mary Holland from Enfield
Warming Center – a center held at Holy Trinity Church to keep people warm during cold weather.  Guests must be from Enfield.  Many guests last year were placed in housing by 3/25 which is the end of the season.  The budget is $24,000 and some transportation is provided for guests. 
There is a fundraiser October 21st at Silvia’s Restaurant for wine tasting and dinner.  There is also a charity auction held by the Golden Gravel Auction Co. on Nov 17 from 6-7.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jim Kuhn, Scribe
SPUR  September 28, 2016 James D. Kuhn 2016-09-28 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR September 21, 2016

Rotary Spur 9-21-2016
Pledge of Allegiance- Eric Moody
4 Way Test- Bill McGuirk
Invocation- Kevin Mayo
Guests & Visitors- Keith Madore, Julie Cotnoir, Catherine Williams
Anniversary’s and Birthdays- Mike Zukowski 9/27
Happy/ Sads
Chris Casey-spent Happy time in Myrtle Beach
Joyce Keating- grateful surgery went well to remove a Basel cell, it took 20 stitches with Mole surgery which will only leave a very fine line.   She wanted to remind everyone that if they have any marks that last more than 4 weeks with or without symptoms, to please get them checked.  She had no symptoms.
Ed Polumba- had a busy weekend going to Somers Four Town Fair, and playing Golf in the tournament for Little Sisters of the Poor.
Bill Squires-sang at Fenway.  He lost 10lbs after his hear problem and is now doing cardio, he is happy to still be here.
Bill McGurik-Traveled to several places including Nigeria  and is happy to be back.
Lindsey Weber-Minuteman Press had their Grand Opening for there New Business in Springfield last week!
Catherine Williams-missed meetings speaking,  At ACC and is teaching at the 2nd Chance Program at ACC.
Mike Helechu-happy with Allied Track and did lots of things over the weekend.
Julie Cotnoir-was happy to be seeing her daughter for Family Week, at college.
Kate Garvey-had a great dinner at the cape based on a recommendation from a Rotary Member.  She is very excited to be changing her job as of 10/3 doing Elder Law in Bloomfield!
Milt Rosenberg- Bloomfield Club is also a good club, if Kate wants to visit.
Carol B         - Her youngest daughter is turning 29.
Larry Tracey-stayed with two teen grandsons and a dog for four days and was happy to be able to go home and rest!
Joe’s History Minute:
Te famous editorial “Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus” was printed and distributed in New York City.
1-What was the name of the newspaper in which the editorial was printed?  The New York Sun
2 What was Virginia’s last name?  O’Hanion
3 What was the name of the editor who penned the editorial?  Francis  P. Church
Kevin reported there was $115 in the card kitty.
Milt- drew a card but didn’t win
Eric took $5  Lindsey took $10
SPUR September 21, 2016 Sandra Zukowski 2016-09-21 00:00:00Z 0

Rotaract Volunteers Register 62 Children at Amber Alert Booth

Four members of the Bay Path University Rotaract Club volunteered to staff our Amber Alert Child ID Booth at Enfield's Family Day event on Sunday, Sept. 18th.
(L-R) Miranda Gilman, a senior majoring in Forensic Science, serves as Rotaract Secretary; Ami MacDowell, a senior majoring in Clinical Psychology, is the Club's Vice President; Hali Doyon, a freshman majoring in Neurobiology, joined Rotaract this year; and Brianna Lively, a junior majoring in Forensic Science, serves as the Club's Treasurer.
The Rotaract team registered 62 children in four hours for the national Amber Alert database and printed plastic ID cards for their parents. Scattered rain showers affected attendance; Rotarian Mike Helechu believes the team may have registered even more children if the sun had been shining. 
"We couldn't have done this important community service event without the Rotaract volunteers," Mike states. "Their teamwork, efficiency and enthusiasm helped us hit a home run. We truly appreciate the commitment to 'service above self' these students have demonstrated."

Rotaract Volunteers Register 62 Children at Amber Alert Booth Michael Helechu 2016-09-19 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary SPUR Sept 14, 2016

Rotary Minutes:         Date: 9/14/2016  
Pledge: Al Drinan            
4 way test: Milt Rosenberg          
Invocation: Chris Leary            
Guests and visitors: Minnie Treadwell - Guest of Bobbie Mazurek    
  Keith Modore  soon to be new member      
  Julie Cotnoir soon to be new member      
Rotarian Anniversaries:              
Birthdays: Kathy Baron  9/18  …30 again!        
Wedding Anniversaries: None            
Happy / Sads:              
  Milt Happy for Maine trip        
  Julie happy for walking with students in Be Like Brit walk  
  Joanne busy 2 weeks happy to settle her mom into assisted living Friday
  and happy about participation in closer to free cancer ride in New Haven
  Rich happy for upcoming vacation to Austria and ending in Prague
  Mike Happy there is a new lego set out Cinderella castle 4k pieces
  Jerry  spoke to American Kennel Club delegate body on breeding practices
  Sandy happy for grandsons birthday and weekend in Vermont  
  Kiran Running Hartford Marathon in October for St Francis cancer patients
  Greg happy for vacation in Maine ran into Milt, Happy for Michigan win
  and happy for Detroit Lions win.      
History Mystery: 14-Sep-01            
  President William McKinley died eight days after being shot by assassin
  Leon Czolgosz.          
  1- McKinley was the last veteran of what war to serve as president
  Civil War            
  2- Who did McKinley defeat in the 1896 election to become president?
  William Jennings Bryant        
  3-Theodore Roosevelt became president when McKinley died during his 
Other Business: second term.  What position did Roosevelt hold during McKinley's first 
  term in office?   Assistant Secretary of the Navy.    
Rotary SPUR Sept 14, 2016 Eric Moody 2016-09-14 00:00:00Z 0
Enfield Rotary Wine & Beer Tasting Sept. 29 Michael Helechu 2016-09-14 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR September 7, 2016

Rotary Club of Enfield Meeting of September 7, 2016
Vice President Scott Kaupin called the meeting to order at 12:15.
Allyson Rodricks led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Sandy Zukowski led the Four Way Test.
Kevin Mayo said our invocation.
Julie Cotnoir and Keith Madore from Asnuntuck Community College
Happy/Sad Dollars (led by Sgt. at Arms Kevin Mayo):
Kevin Mayo - Happy to be on vacation next week and that the Red Sox are in first place in September!
Joe Fallon – Donated a Leave Early Dollar.
Steve Damon – Will be serving as Den Leader for a Wolf Group (2nd graders) of Cub Scouts in Agawam
Ed Palomba – Happy for the meatloaf and that the fall softball league started last evening.  He also successfully moved his daughter into her new apartment in Boston after some renovations issues and delays.
Mike Helechu – Donated some cash for missing a couple of meetings and in honor of some Rotarian health issues.  Mike had a nice Labor Day weekend taking in Beethoven’s Ninth in Boston plus a round of golf.
Nick Deni – Donated a Leave Early Dollar plus let us know that he did not win the Myrtle Beach Golf Tournament last week.  Bubba the Dog did enjoy his vacation in Myrtle Beach though.
Scott Kaupin – Spent a long Labor Day Weekend at The Gorge in George, Washington for three Dave Matthews concerts overlooking the Columbia River Gorge.
History Mystery:
September 7, 1942:
  1. What was the nickname of the B-32?
A – The Dominator
  1. What company made the B-32?
A – Consolidated Aircraft
  1. What plane served as the base model for the B-32?
A – The B-24 Liberator
Raffle - $95 in the pot:
$10 – Lindsey Weber
Card – Kathy Barron – 5 of Spades
$5 – Steve Alminas
The East Windsor Rotary Club will be holding their Annual Wine & Beer Tasting event on Saturday, September 24th from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Second Chance Farm, 42 Rice Road, East Windsor, CT.  Cost is $30 per person at the door or $25 pre-purchase.  Contact Dan Tarbell (dstarbell@gmail.com) or Dave Menard (dpm194901@gmail.com).  Tickets can be purchased online at http://events.eventease.com/wine-beer-tasting/.
Eric Moody passed out a sign-up sheet for our Wine Tasting for people to bring hot and cold appetizers.  He also has two tickets to the Bloomfield Wine Tasting on September 8th if anyone would like to go.
Kevin Mayo announced that the Rotary After 5:00 has been cancelled for this month due to scheduling issues.
Foundation Dinner will be held on Thursday, November 3rd at Chez Josef.
Kathleen Souvigney, Executive Director of the Enfield Food Shelf, was our guest speaker.
The Enfield Food Shelf, Inc. - Ensuring no Enfield family in need is without food assistance
About the Enfield Food Shelf:
  • Founded in 1968
  • Mission is to ensure no Enfield family in need is without food assistance
  • 501(c)3 Charitable Organization
  • Governed by Board of Directors
  • 50+ regular volunteers working 2 to 25 hours per week – one original volunteer from 1968!!
  • One employee (part-time)
  • Average of 350 families served per week/2,830 individuals/37% children
  • 600,000+ Pounds of food distributed annually
  • Equivalent of 241,722 meals provided to date this year
  • 512 monthly food boxes provided to seniors in CSFP program this year (with 224 home deliveries)
Why Is Addressing Hunger Important To Our Community?
  • Impacts of Food Insecurity
  • Pregnant women more likely to experience birth complications
  • Children at higher risk for chronic health conditions such as anemia and asthma
  • Seniors more likely to experience depression, heart attacks, asthma or congestive heart failure
  • Students who are food insecure have greater number of chronic absences, more visits to the nurse, a shortened attention span and diminished academic achievement
  • 2015 survey of all JFK Middle School students reported:
  • 19.5% of students worry that sometimes, often or always/almost always worry their family would run out of food before their families had money to buy more
  • As a community, without full participation of children eligible for Free/Reduced in the School District, Enfield misses out on almost $275,000 in Federal funding as well as Title I funding.
Who is Food Insecure?
  • Fixed Income
    • Seniors
    • Disabled
    • Veterans
  • Working Families with limited earning potential
  • Families in Emergency Situations
  • College Students – 70% of Asnuntuck students qualified for free/reduced lunch prior to graduation
What programs and resources does EFS provide?
  • Weekly Food Assistance for registered families
  • Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) for seniors only with home delivery option
  • Supplemental Food Assistance Program (SNAP) Enrollment assistance available each distribution
  • Free and Reduced Lunch Enrollment Assistance
  • Strength-based Case Management
  • Partnership with UCONN Nutrition Program
  • Health checks during food assistance
  • Resource Table for other agencies
  • Pet Food Program
  • Laundry Detergent Distribution
  • Volunteer and Training Opportunities
  • Reclaim, Redirect and Recycle Efforts
EFS Community Outreach Efforts
  • Provide emergency food baskets for Neighborhood Services and other agencies
  • Hub for distribution of perishable foods and non-food items to other agencies including (but not limited to):
    • Enfield Loaves and Fishes
    • Enfield WIC
    • Enfield Senior Center
    • Enfield Youth Services
    • Enfield Family Resource Center
    • Enfield Warming Center
    • Mark Twain and other Enfield Senior Housing
    • Five Corner Cupboard
    • Pauline’s Stockpot Kitchen
    • Catholic Charities of Hartford
    • East Granby Food Pantry
    • South Park Inn, Hartford
  • Raise hunger awareness in the community through presentations
  • Assist businesses to create charitable giving programs
  • Actively Participate in Local Initiatives – Enfield Hunger Action Team (EHAT)
  • Healthy Meals=Healthy Minds Initiatives (collaboration with ERfC)
“I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that.  Then I realized I was somebody.”
---Lily Tomlin
The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Scott Kaupin
SPUR September 7, 2016 Scott Kaupin 2016-09-07 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR August 24, 2016

President Greg Stokes opened the meeting promptly at 12:14 pm
Allyson Rodricks led us in the Pledge of Allegiance
Chris Casey led us in the Four Way Test
Kevin Mayo led us in prayer.
Guests included:
Keith Madore of ACC guest of Chris Casey
Julie Cotnoir of ACC guest of Sandy Z
Michelle Tracey wife of Larry Tracey
Fine – No Pin…pay a $
It was a tough week in the Bell Household as they had to put down a dog and then Jerry’s mom passed away suddenly.  Our condolences go out to the Bell Family.
Adrian has returned to a new Job at WNEU, His new son is letting him sleep now & Grand Mother in Law has been a great help.
Ed P is sad his undefeated softball lost in the playoffs.  He is still a happy doting Grandpa of 2.5 weeks & he is happy his brother-in-law (aka Nick) carried his golf team this weekend!
Jim Kuhn has been away as usual. ;-)
Mr. Mayor is back after 2.5 enjoyable weeks at The Cape
Bobbi M has a new Grand Niece.
Kate is embarking on big changes & is again proud of her son who won his club Jr. Championship at Twin Hills!
Eric has a wedding anniversary to celebrate.
Nick (aka – Ed’s Bro-in-law) is happy to finish 1st in Crestview Invitational with his team & says Ed did contribute.  Now he is off toe Myrtle for the World Amateur so feel free to log on & follow!
Allyson is happy to have a new job & is officially now a mortgage broker!
Julie C.  had a nice trip taking her daughter to school & then going to visit more family.
August 29, 1989
Pete Rose, also known as “Charlie Hustle” accepted a permanent place on baseball’s ineligible list
Q1.  Who was Commissioner of Baseball that made this deal with Rose?
        Bart Giamatti
Q2.  What was Peter Rose’s uniform #?  
Q3. Who gave Rose the nickname “Charlie Hustle”?
        Whitey Ford
Raffle –
Dick S won $10
Sandy Z won $5
Chris Leary drew the 2 of Diamonds
We received Thank You cards from scholarship students Haley Cotnoir & Heather Muir
Wine Committee Report – Chris Casey
Wine Tasting is September 29th so Mark your calendars if you haven’t already. Tickets will be distributed next week.  4 per Rotarian.  There will also be Sign Up sheets for specific food items to bring as well.
Dictionary Project – Ed P asked for a status of the Dictionary project since Henry is no longer here to spearhead.  He will contact the current librarian to find out need & timing.
Our speaker was Enfield Town Manager, Bryan Chodkowski.
Bryan comes to Enfield after serving 9 years in Riverside, OH which is the Dayton OH area.  He is originally from the area as well.  He has a BA from OH University not to be confused with OH State.  Ohio University holds a Guinness record for most bars per square mile as one of its many distinctions!  His degree is in Political Science and Public Administration.  Bryan is married with 3 children ranging in age from Senior in high school to 6 year old.
The choice to come to Enfield was made based on a few criteria including the larger population base, proximity to both Hartford & Springfield for ease of finding his interior designer wife employment & that opportunity to serve in a town with no county government structure as there is in the Midwest.  Bryan states that he enjoys his job & it’s challenges.  Some of the challenges he feels we need to tackler are; after continuous growth we have had a flat population for the past 2 census counts; State Economy issues;  Perception issues of being predominantly a blue collar town when we actually have a good mix of all as well as what he calls ‘The Thompsonville Effect”.  On the positive side he notes that the company handling Enfield Square Mall has agreed to invest $1 million in improvements.  Strip malls continue to thrive.  The Hallmark facility has already sold & been re-leased with plans for significant expansion.  He also noted that the leadership in his office has quite a bit of experience outside of Enfield.   He notes that he has a very strong (negative) reaction to the comment “because that’s the way we’ve always done it”.
Bryan pointed out that statistics show our state continues to grow & we are the 2nd wealthiest state in the country.  His plan to move the community forward is based on the idea Cute Sells!  He would like to work on making the town more aesthetically attractive.  Some ideas include adding a rent/least guarantee program & working on housing to compliment the train station development where we should not only export but import workers.  Adding boutique restaurants & shops to attract additional traffic to the area is also part of the plan.
He is currently working toward hiring a Director of Development Services who will have responsibilities over multiple departments including both Planning & Zoning as well as Building.  He wants to bridge the gap between these to both physical & otherwise which is obviously hindering development in this town.
Bryan believes in constant improvement and development that starts with funding education to bring families to town & in turn attract businesses/employers.
He welcomed anyone to come down to Town Hall & visit or contact him with issues.
Meeting adjourned at 12:30 pm
SPUR August 24, 2016 Jo Ann Walk 2016-08-24 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR  August 17, 2016

Rotary Minutes:         Date: 8/17/2016    
Aug 17, 2016
Pledge: Larry Tracy              
4 way test: Dick Stevens              
Invocation: Kevin Mayo              
Guests and visitors: Frank Wargo & Marcel Schmidt Rotary District      
  Bart Raser Pittsfield Rotary          
  Julie Cotnoir Keith Modore          
Rotarian Anniversaries:                
Birthdays: none              
Wedding Anniversaries: Eric & Carolyn 29th wedding annv. 8/22        
Happy / Sads:                
  Ed P. Has a new Grand daughter          
  Rich T. California trip            
  Catherine Adjunct Prof @ Asnuntuck        
  Frank Wargo Happy for GPS! Happy to be here      
  Sandy Z  Sad that her daughters High school band director passed away  
  Bobbi M Happy Frank is here today and brought a flag for the district  
  Bart R happy to be here from Pittsfield and happy to announce the new   
  hardware store opening soon          
  Marcel S. Happy to be here          
  Carol B Happy and sad missed last week she had family visiting    
  Bill S.  Happy to see Frank again, thanks for the Fenway park photo and    
  for being able to sing for and attend little league tourney in Westfield  
  Julie Happy for the scholarship awarded to her daughter last week  
  Mike H. Happy for the scholarship meeting and happy to see Frank  
History Mystery:                
  August 17,1913            
  The person who gave information to Woodward that allowed him  
  to uncover the Watergate cover-up that resulted in the resignation of   
  Richard Nixon was born in Twin Falls Idaho      
  1) what was the person's code name - deep throat      
  2) Who was deep throat - W Mark Felt        
  2) What government position did he hold at the time of the cover-up -   
  Associate Director of the FBI          
Other Business: Drawing               
  5 = Dick S.              
  10 = Steve D.            
  Card = Bill S. drew queen of Diamonds        
SPUR  August 17, 2016 Eric Moody 2016-08-17 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR  August 10, 2016

Enfield Rotary August 10, 2016 Spur
President Greg Stokes opened the meeting at 12:15
Pledge of Allegiance led by Dick Stevens
Four Way Test led by Lindsey Weber
Invocation by Mike Helechu
Guests & Visitors:
              Keith Madore, Guest of Chris Casey
              Michele Tracey, Guest of Larry Tracey
              Julie Cotnoir, Guest of Sandy Zukowski
Guests of Scholarship Recipients were introduced by recipient or hosts.
Sargent of Arms – birthdays, anniversaries and happy/sad dollars
  • Lindsey birthday and happy for scholarship recipients
  • Sandy Zukowsky club anniversary and happy for scholarship recipients
  • Kevin Mayo happy for scholarship recipient, certain Boston team and Rotary After 5 at Buona Vita Restaurant on 8/18
  • Scott Kaupin congratulated scholarship recipient Adam Scavotto and happy to be heading back to the Cape
  • Jerry Bell back from San Antonio from conference and round of golf
  • Mike Helechu happy for scholarship recipients and hopeful for the Yankees
  • Bill Squires was at baseball game
  • Larry Tracey happy for scholarship recipients and their parents
  • Cheryl Leary happy for scholarship recipients and sent hello wishes to Chris Leary who was sitting at another table this week
  • Kate Garvey proud mom and happy Cape vacation
  • Milt Rosenberg happy for scholarship recipients and going to Cooperstown
  • Joyce Keating happy for scholarship recipients and looking at colleges for her grandson Owen
  • Guest Adam Scavotto , school starts in three weeks dollar
Attorney Joe Fallon’s History Minute
On August 10, 1850 Millard Fillmore was inaugurated as the 13th President of the United States
1.) Elected as vice-president in 1849 he became President when who died? Zachary Taylor
2.) What political party was Fillmore a member of when he was elected? The Whig Party
3.) What University in Western New York did he help to found? University of Buffalo
Raffle: Guest Pam Maynard - $10.00; Nick Deni - $5.00 and Joe Fallon the card but not the Queen of Hearts! Sorry Joe.
Today’s meeting was the Scholarship Awards Luncheon. Jerry Bell welcomed everyone stating that over a quarter of a million dollars has been given in scholarships since its inception. This year, $12,000 will be distributed in scholarships. Enfield Rotary members, who hosted students, introduced them to the club and presented them with their scholarship check. Those who received scholarships and their hosts were:
Amy Jacques – Junior, Elms College - Nursing  Roger Mullins Award, $2,000 - hosted by Chris Leary 
Jason Menaker – Junior, Westfield State University – Criminal Justice  Charles Nirenberg Award, $2,000 – hosted by Cheryl Leary 
Jacob Mikullitz – Junior, University of Connecticut – Ecology and Revolutionary Biology  Theodore P. Tenerowicz Family Award, $1,000 - hosted by Jo Ann Walk 
Abigale Shaughnessy– Junior, University of Maine – Marine Biology  Irene Tranghese  and Ella B Affhauser Award, $1000 – hosted by Nick Deni 
Adam Scavotto – Senior, American International College – Nursing  Dr. Edward A. Palomba, $1,000 – hosted by Scott Kaupin 
Rachel Kaliff – Senior, Springfield College – Athletic Training  Robert and Irma Squires Award, $1,000 – unable to attend 
Ian Maynard – Junior, University of Connecticut – Math  Robert B. Berger Award, $1,000 – hosted by Milton Rosenberg 
Heather Murray– Senior, Eastern Connecticut State University – Business Administration, HR Management  Richard E. Stevens Award, $1,000 – hosted by Sandy Zukowski 
Haley Cotnoir – Senior, High Point University – Business Administration  Omer S. Muchmore, Jr. Award, $1,000 – hosted by Michael Helechu  
In addition to the scholarships listed above, this year, we also presented two vocational scholarships of $500 each to seniors at  Enfield High School and Fermi High School.  
SPUR  August 10, 2016 Chris Casey 2016-08-10 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR August 3, 2016

  •  %!
    Minutes of the August 3, 2016 Meeting of the Enfield Rotary Club at the Holiday Inn at Enfield, Connecticut.
    It was one of those perfect summer days – The sun was shining, a breeze was blowing, the birds were singing and the lawnmower was broken – James Dent
    Meeting gaveled to order at 12:15 p.m. by President Greg Stokes
    Opening Pledge:   Christine Casey
    4 Way Test:           Bobbie Mizurek
    Invocation:             Kevin Mayo
    Remember “ Everyone you will ever meet know something that you don’t” – Bill Nye
    Chris Casey hosted Keith Madore of Asnuntuck Community College
    Larry Tracey was accompanied by his better half, Michelle Tracey
    Sandy Zukowski  feted Julie Cotnoir
    Sgt-at-Arms: Kevin Mayo
    Sgt. Mayo announced that he and the worthy scribe, Joe Fallon, were celebrating birthdays on August 7. (Now you know how he gets so many correct answers on the History quiz).
    He further announced Joyce Keating’s 29th club anniversary.
    Carol Bohnet celebrated her granddaughters first birthday. She also was happy that Allied Rehab received grants from the State of Connecticut.
    Ed Palomba waxed philosophical about the recent Yankee baseball trades and kept us up to date on his undefeated softball team. Clearly he wasn’t speaking about then Yankees when he used the word “undefeated”
    Jerry Bell was happy for his recent rotary golf experience and even more happy that he gets to go to San Antonio and go there as well.
    Joann Smith offered a happy $5.00.
     She was followed by Bill Squires who offered a sad dollar for the passing of a good friend and mentor, a happy dollar for a good time with his family and a very happy dollar for some possible great advances in ending the scourge of polio.
    Joe Fallon offered a donation to the Enfield Rotary scholarship Fund for his birthday celebration and agreed with Dick Stevens that it is better to be seen than viewed.
    President Greg Stokes offered a happy birthday dollar.
    Mike Helechu reported that Ed Sharpless is alive and well in New Jersey, that he appreciated the fact that his teammates carried him In the golf tournament on Monday, that the Yankees should do well in 2018 and that the Allied blood drive will be on August 23, 2016.
    Kirhan Majmudar is happy/sad  that his daughter and her family go to Brazil as part of the US embassy staff and that he and Yogini will get to visit them there.
    Joyce Keating was very happy to celebrate her 29th club anniversary.
    Sandy Zukowski was happy for family visits.
    Kathy Barron was happy for a great golf experience on Monday.
    Chris Casey celebrated a great time in Rhode Island (little Chris and little rhody-seems appropriate).
    Bobbie Mizurek wrapped up the comments with an overall happy-happy.
    HISTORY MYSTERY - Joe Fallon
    August 3, 1923
    John Calvin Coolidge, Jr.  was sworn into office as the 30th President of the United States after the untimely death of Warren Harding.
  • What was distinctive about the birthday of Coolidge?
  • He is the only President born on the 4th of July – July 4, 1872.
  • Prior to holding Federal office, what political position did Coolidge hold?
  • Governor of Massachusetts
  • Who administered the Presidential oath of office to Coolidge?
  • His father, John Calvin Coolidge, a Vermont notary public.
    Dick Stevens - $10.00
    Julie Cotnoir - $5.00
    Joann Smith –Jack of Diamonds (not a girl’s best friend)
    I never learned anything while I was talking – Larry King.
    Chris Casey announced that she and Erik Moody were chairing the Rotary wine tasting which will be held on September 29, 2016. The will be having a committee meeting for all interested I n helping them on next Wednesday, August 10, 2016 at 11:30 am at the hotel.
    Kevin Mayo reminded everyone that the meeting on August 10 (next week) is the Scholarship luncheon and urged all to be present.
    Joyce Keating inquired whether there was any interest in a general anyone golf tournament as was once hosted by John Adams. President Stokes and Joyce will consult on the issue.
    President Stokes reminded everyone that our Rotary District Governor will be at our August 17, 2016 meeting.

    Kirhan Majmudar introduced our guest speaker, Kirti D. Patel, the CEO of Eppindorf of Enfield. Mr. Patel gave an expansive and informative presentation on the mission and focus of Eppindorf. The company commenced business in Germany as a startup of two scientists. It has now grown into a multimillion dollar enterprise whose main focus is to improve living conditions. The company oversees the production of very high-end equipment that handles liquids, cells and samples. Sustainability is the watchword of the company. The Enfield operation produces roughly 19% of all company revenues and employs approximately 315 people. Mr. Patel and Eppindorf are quite proud of their association with Asnuntuck Community College and their combined efforts which have resulted in multi-faceted courses to educate and train skilled technicians.
    The meeting was closed by President Greg Stokes at 1:33 p.m.
    Respectfully submitted,
    Guest Editor Substitute Joe Fallon pitch hitting for the far more capable Lindsey Weber
SPUR August 3, 2016 Joe Fallon 2016-08-03 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR July 27, 2016

Enfield Rotary Club SPUR July 27, 2016
President Greg opened the meeting at 12:15 p.m.
Joe Fallon led the Pledge of Allegiance
Scott Kaupin, with assistance, located the banner with the 4-Way Test. With more
assistance and after two or three false starts, he got the hang of it and finished
reciting the Test in record-breaking time (somewhere short of four minutes), leaving
Chris Leary to “thank God” for all of us.
Guest of Nick Deni: Catherine Williamson
Sgt. at Arms: Scott “I hope I can do this right” Kaupin. Still reeling from the 4-Way
Test, Scott let us off the hook for fines because it was such a nice day.
There were no birthdays or anniversaries, although some Rotarians fessed up to
being absent when the announcements were made in previous weeks.
- Joyce celebrated a “big” birthday by going on a cruise and watching the British
Open. She had to wear four layers (Scott shuddered) because it was so cold.
- Cheryl had $20 happy dollars (you should have seen how big Chris’ eyes got!) for
her recent birthday celebration that included spending time with Larry and Michele
- Chris was happy for his wife’s birthday (and sad for his wallet).
- Mike was happy to be part of an Enfield Rotary foursome (Scott twitched a bit) that
would be playing in the District 7890 tournament on Monday Aug. 1, including Kathy
Barron, Jerry Bell and Nick Deni.
- Nick was very excited to be a brand new grandparent for the first time. He also
spent some time at the beach, but said it was too hot.
- Jerry was looking forward to the District Tournament.
- Scott had a great vacation in Cape Cod.
- Stu had a leave early dollar.
- Greg went deep sea fishing for the first time in his life and caught a 36-inch blue
Joe Fallon’s History/Mystery—July 27, 1789
The very first Executive Department of the United States Government was
  • established.
    1. What was its name?
    A: Department of Foreign Affairs (now the State Department)
    2. In what Washington, D.C., neighborhood is the Dept. of State located (the name
    of which is also used as a nickname for the department)?
    A: Foggy Bottom
    3. The Secretary of State is the fifth in line of Presidential succession. Who is ahead
    of the Secretary?
    President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, and President Pro Tempore of the
    Raffle: $10: Lou; $5 Scott (good thing it wasn’t $4 and change); card: Eric
    - Scholarship Luncheon will be August 10.
    - District Governor’s Visit August 17; also last day for bringing in backpacks and
    school supplies.
    - President Greg has been in contact with the woman who has a complaint about
    the walking path at the Library; he will be making an appointment to meet with her.
    Past President Nick volunteered to accompany Greg.
    - President Greg read a certificate of appreciation received from the Loaves &
    Fishes Soup Kitchen.
    - Our Wine Tasting event is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 29 at the Holiday Inn.
    Please mark you calendars.
    Guest Speaker: Ryan Obedzinski, Manager of Community Engagement for
    Educational Resources for Children (ERfC).
    Ryan started off by thanking the Enfield Rotary Club for its extensive support of
    ERfC programs, such as the annual backpack and school supplies drive, Summer
    Lunch Bunch and their fundraisers. He noted that Mass Mutual awarded ERfC a
    Community Impact Grant that is supporting nutrition and education activities and
    events such as “Tonight in Thompsonville.”
    This year’s Summer Lunch Bunch is running five days a week for eight weeks this
    year— June 27 - Aug. 19. It’s open to anyone who wants to come for a free meal.
    Ryan never knows how many children and family members will show up, but there’s
  • always enough food ready to serve. ERfC has been receiving outstanding support
    from the community for this effort, with many volunteers coming forward to prepare
    and serve food, play with and tutor the children, clean up, etc.
    The community has also provided an outpouring of support for the backpack
    program. Last year, Rotary and others came through with enough donations to give
    every child a backpack. They actually ran out the previous year. This year’s
    distribution day will be August 23rd at St. Patrick’s. Drop off sites include the Enfield
    Food Shelf and North Thompsonville Fire Dept.
    Ryan invited anyone interested in seeing the priceless looks on children’s faces to
    come over to St. Pat’s on the 23rd between 10 a.m. and noon. In answer to a
    question, Ryan stated that they don’t get enough school supplies geared toward 8th
    graders and high school students.
    It’s clear that Ryan enjoys serving the community and that he appreciates the value
    of service to others. He also appreciates the contributions that Rotary makes that
    serve to enhance what organizations like his bring to others. Thank you for sharing
    your time with us today.
    Guest Editor: Mike Helechu
SPUR July 27, 2016 Michael Helechu 2016-07-27 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR July 20, 2016

SPUR July 20, 2016
Allyson Rodricks
Kate Garvey started meeting at 12:17 pm

Pledge - Mike Helechu
4 way test - Kiran Majmudar
Grace - Dick Stevens

Meal was - chicken, beef, salmon, pasta and sauce, mixed veggies and salad

Guest and Visitors - Lynnette, (Jo Ann's mother)
Be Like Britt presenters - Julie Cotnoir, Joe Stalker and Andrew St Amand.

Happy / Sads
Kathy Baron - Happy golf tournament went well, and thanks to all that helped.
Jo Ann Walk - Happy her mom and sister are visiting from Missouri
Carol Bohnet - Happy to have Be like Britt presentation today.
Mike Helechu- happy for good weather, happy for the Yankees.
Julie Cotnoir (Asnuntuck Guest) - happy Greg Stokes is enjoying his birthday at the Cape.
Chris Casey - golf Tournament went well and happy to hear the be like Britt presentation.
Dick Stevens - happy went salmon fishing
Rich Tkacz - happy to be traveling next week
Kate Garvey - happy spent the weekend at the Cape

History Mystery
July 20th 1968

The first international Special Olympics Summer Games were held at Soldier's Field in Chicago

1. Who is generally considered to be the founder of Special Olympics?
Eunice Kennedy Shriver.
2. What foundation provided the initial funding for the first Special Olympics?
The Joseph P Kennedy Foundation
3. What is the oath of the Special Olympics?
Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.

Dick Stevens - won $10
Rich Tkacz - won $5
Eric Moody - drew card, Jack of clubs

Speakers were from the asnuntuck be like Britt trip to Haiti.  They talked about their trip in March. They explained they were well accepted by the community there. They really enjoyed being with the kids and being a part of building a house. They showed a short version of the video from their week there.  They explained the video was just a small piece of all the wonderful experiences they had. Julie Cotnoir will share the you tube link to the entire video.

Kate's thought for the day - Be Like Britt and do something to help others!

Meeting adjourned at 1:15 pm
SPUR July 20, 2016 Allyson Rodricks 2016-07-20 00:00:00Z 0

Enfield Rotary Club Welcomes New Members

The Rotary Club of Enfield recently welcomed two new members: Bobbi Mazurek of East Windsor (seated) and Nancy Berube of Ellington (standing, center). Bobbi is a registered nurse and Rotarian who transferred her membership to Enfield from the Broad Brook Rotary Club. Nancy is Vice President and Branch Manager of First Niagara Bank on Hazard Ave. in Enfield. The new members were inducted on July 6th by Rotary President Greg Stokes, left, and past President Nick Deni, right.

Enfield Rotary Club Welcomes New Members Michael Helechu 2016-07-19 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR July 13, 2016

Enfield Rotary Meeting

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


President Greg Stokes called the meeting to order with the ringing of the bell

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Allison Rodricks

4-Way Test was led by Bobbi Mizurek

Kevin Mayo said the Blessing


Our Meal consisted of Vegetable Lasagna and Swordfish, Roasted Potatoes, Mixed Vegetables, and Salad


No Visiting Rotarians nor Guests


HAPPY/SAD Dollars (there were many):

Carol Bohnet: Happy 60th Birthday – a Milestone and Hosted Husband’s Family Reunion

Kevin Mayo: Vacation next week

Chris Leary: Fabulous Enfield 4th of July Celebration

Martha McLeod: Michigan Family Visits; Brother’s successful eye surgery, both grandsons playing on the same Arena Football League team

Sandy Zukowski: Son visiting from North Carolina

Larry Tracey: 4th of July Celebration and LATE Cellphone Ring during the meeting

Jim Kuhn: Asnuntuck CC Foundation Golf Tournament and Bill Squires rendition of “God Bless America” from Fenway Park on Father’s Day – June 19th – right off of Jim’s cellphone

Ed Palomba: Vacation next week and Asnuntuck CC Foundation Golf Tournament and Rotarian support

Mike Helechu: ACC Golf, Network Golf, District Golf (does he work?) and recent new members

Steve Damon: Rotary Breakfast – Friday 07/15/2016 – Country Diner

Gerry Bell: Missed 2 weeks, Helping Mother, and North Carolina visit – Doggy Camp (find a hotter spot?)

Lou Bolduc: Anniversary next week and Vacation next week

Scott Kaupin: 4th of July Celebration, Status of the future of the event, and Vacation next week

Bobbi Mizurek: 4th of July Parade and the Honoring of Vietnam Veterans – 50 years!!!

Kate Garvey: Missing her son and visiting him on Cape Cod this weekend

Allison Rodricks: 4th of July Celebration and Recovering from the LONG weekend of Volunteering

Cheryl Leary: ACC Golf and she and Chris and team didn’t finish last!

Chris Casey: ACC Golf and 4th of July Celebration

Nick Deni: 4th of July Celebration, Fireworks (best in the area), ACC Golf, Upcoming Rotary District Golf Tournament, Grandson coming soon (possibly), and Vacation next week

Greg Stokes: 4th of July Celebration, Birthday next week, and Vacation next week


Common trends here: 4th of July Celebration (Great Weekend) and  ACC Golf (Great Day)


Joe Fallon’s History/Mystery Moment:

July 13, 1787 – The Northwest Ordinance, also known as the Freedom Ordinance, which established the Northwest Territory, became a Law in the United States

1)      What was the name of the legislative body that passed the act establishing the North West Territory? The Congress of the Confederation of the United States

2)      What did Ordinance prohibit? Slavery

3)      What critically important precedent did the Ordinance establish that would make the United States what it is today? It established that westward expansion would be made by the creation of new States, not the expansion of existing states

Business Meeting – Greg Stokes and others

1)      Honored Nick Deni with a President’s Plaque – Appreciated his year as President

2)      A lot to Learn and a lot to understand

a.       Goals for 2016-17

                                                               i.      Membership – Increase by 20%

                                                             ii.      Foundation - $ 4,000.00 in Member contributions to Foundation

                                                            iii.      Visability in the Community

                                                           iv.      Community Outreach

                                                             v.      Younger Generation of Membership – New Members

b.      Welcome any input and advice

c.       Will be working with Committees – Get involved join a committee

3)      July 17 – Asnuntuck CC – “Be Like Brit” Group presentation

4)      August 10 – Scholarship Foundation Luncheon

5)      August 17 – District Governor’s visit – Frank Wargo

6)      2016 Backpack & Supplies Drive – need items by 08/17/2016 Meeting (Distribution 08/23/2016)

7)      Mike Helechu – Enfield Family Day – Sunday, September 18th – Town Green

a.       Amber Alert – looking for volunteers – 11:00 AM until 4:00 PM

8)      Bill McGurk is heading to Nigeria with the Polio vaccination team – Good Luck Bill

9)      Thursday, July 14 – Rotary After Hours – Chicago Sam’s – 5:00 PM – Kevin Mayo

10)   Friday, July 15th – Rotary Breakfast – Country Diner – 8:00 AM – Steve Damon

11)   Walking Path Issue was discussed – FaceBook post

a.       Proximity of the Path to the homes along the East side of the Library

b.      Possibly resolutions were discussed

c.       Greg is going to meeting with the homeowner

d.      Overly active dog

e.      More to follow


President Stokes Closed the Meeting


Respectfully Submitted – July 13, 2016

Ed Palomba – Scribe for the day



Ed Palomba – Enfield

SPUR July 13, 2016 Ed Palomba 2016-07-13 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR July 6, 2016

Spur                July 6, 2016     SPUR Editor did not show this week. Notes are limited.
Pledge of Allegiance-                        Kevin Mayo
4 Way test-                             not sure
Invocation-                             Chris Leary
Presidents remarks-
Happy /sads/ bdays/anniversaries - Sargeant at Arms (for the day) :
Kevin Mayo- son’s b’day
Bill Squires- sang Natl Anthem Pittsfield and looking forward to singing at future Bosox game
Ed Palomba- played 45 holes of golf
Nick Deni- happy to be ex-President
Joes History Mystery Minute
The first All-Star game played at Comiskey Park in Chicago.
  • What bigger event was it originally a part of?  1933 Chicago World Fair
  • What is name of most valuable player award and what was original name? Ted Williams Most Valuable Player Award- The Arch Ward Trophy
  • Who was last player to win award two years in a row?  Miguel Cabrera – Detroit Tigers
    Raffle Winners
    Card-              Joe Fallon – 2 Spades
    $10-                 Eric Moody
    $5-                   Greg Stokes
    Speaker-         Chief Ed Richards of Enfield Fire District #1 spoke on Security & Terrorism….more specifically on Active Shooters.
    This is happening ore frequently, can happen anywhere. Refer to ready.gov for info.
    Urged situational awareness….be aware of what is going on, not staring at your phone as you walk.
    FEMA says- Run, Hide and Fight in that order as best way to deal with active shooting situation.
    Enfield FD does have a response plan should situation arise.
    Club Announcements-  Rotary After 5  7/14/16  Chicago Sam’s
    Meeting Adjourned @ :
SPUR July 6, 2016 2016-07-06 00:00:00Z 0

Greg Stokes is 88th Enfield Rotary President

Incoming President Gregory T. Stokes has been a member of our club since January 2007. He was proposed for membership by Al Drinan. Greg is Pastor at Cornerstone Church in East Windsor and is currently serving as an Enfield Town Councilor at Large.
Greg was officially sworn in as President at the Rotary District 7890 Installation banquet at Chez Josef in Agawam on June 16th. In addition to Greg's wife, Dawn, the banquet was attended by outgoing President Nick Deni and his wife, Lisa, and Rotarians Bill Squires, Milt Rosenberg and Mike Helechu.
Our club's "change-of-command" ceremony was held on June 29th. Our thanks to Nick Deni for an excellent year. (Nick received the District 7890 Presidential Citation for meeting or exceeding the goals he set for 2015-2016; he was quick to acknowledge the great support he received from officers, directors, committee chairs and the membership in general.) And best wishes to Greg as his year gets underway at the July 6th meeting.

Greg Stokes is 88th Enfield Rotary President Michael Helechu 2016-07-05 00:00:00Z 0

Enfield Rotary Supports Guatemala Clean Water Project

The Enfield Rotary Club joined more than 30 other Rotary clubs in CT, FL, MA, RI, Canada and Guatemala to fund a project that will bring fresh drinking water to needy communities in Guatemala. With matching funds from The Rotary Foundation, more than $118,000 has been raised this year to support this international service project. 

In 2016, fresh water systems, latrines and vented stoves will directly benefit 146 families (875 people) in two rural communities. The families contribute local labor and in-kind services, stretching the dollars that are used to purchase equipment and building supplies.

Manchester Rotarian Rick Lawrence and his wife have coordinated efforts to bring clean water to rural areas in Central America with assistance from ALDEA, a non-governmental organization (NGO). More than $525,000 has been raised in the past 10 years. The Enfield Rotary Club has donated $2,500 annually since 2012.

In the photo, former ALDEA Vice President Zoe Kopp receives Enfield’s 2016 donation from International Service Director Carol Bohnet. 

For more information about the International Service projects supported by the Rotary Club of Enfield, please click on the “International Service Projects” site page (above, left).


Enfield Rotary Supports Guatemala Clean Water Project Michael Helechu 2016-07-05 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR June 29, 2016

Minutes of the June 29, 2016 Meeting of the Enfield Rotary Club at the Holiday Inn at Enfield, Connecticut.
“ And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come perfect days” – James Russell Lowell
Opening Pledge:   Mike McManus
4 Way Test:           Mike (Chuckie) Helechu
Invocation:            Greg Stokes
Lisa Deni – Better half and Guest of Nick Deni
Bobbie Mizurek – East Windsor Rotary and soon to be Enfield Rotarian
Bill McGurk – Roustabout and Rockville Rotary Member
Stand-in Sgt-at-Arms: Kevin Mayo announced that no fines were being imposed this week but that next week would see fines for those not properly attired in the Red, White and Blue. He also announced that Sandy Zukowski is celebrating a birthday and that he is happy that his son also celebrates a birthday.
  • The following contributed happy-sad dollars and made comments related thereto:
Chris Casey offered her congratulations to Nick for his service as president. Mike McManus offered a few happy dollars for a wonderful vacation in South Africa and noted that upcoming vacations would cause him to miss a few July meetings. Carol Bohnet offered a happy dollar for her mother’s birthday. And Mike Helechu stepped up to the plate with a donation recognizing Nick.
Bill McGurk, erstwhile Purple Crusader, was happy to join us in fellowship (AMDG). Kate Garvey was happy for Nick and Greg. She also was happy that her son had a great week of baseball and golf-  her son clearly inheriting his talent from his grandfather. Sandy Zukowski gave thanks for the birthday kudos and was also happy for Nick and Greg. Greg Stokes offered a happy for Nick. Bobbie Mizurek followed with another happy for Nick and Greg.
Nick Deni was happy that he got to see his college roommate, happy that he got to see the golf skills of Joe Fallon but most of all he was happy that he had a great year due to the efforts of all of the Enfield Rotarians.
Joann Walk offered happies for Nick and Greg followed by like sentiments from Joann Smith.
Ending his day with five stitches at JMH, Ed is now recognized as a “bloody good sport” A day of happy and sad was ended by the tale of woe of Ed Palomba who recounted his experience with the tools of ignorance as a catcher with his Somers softball team. who bleeds softball almost as much as he bleeds Rotary.
 June 29, 1852
Henry Clay, having served as a Congressman, Speaker of the House, United States Senator and  Secretary of State, died in Washington, DC  at the age of 75.
  1. What was his nickname?
The Great Compromiser
  1. The “Immortal Trio” consisted of Clay and what two other US Senators?
Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun
  1. Clay was the first person to ever “lie in state” in what building?
The United States Capitol
The correct answers to all three questions were given by Kevin Mayo,
Thought for the day- You can always tell a real friend;  when you made a fool of yourself, a real friend doesn’t feel that you’ve done a permanent job –Laurence J. Peter
Joann Walk - $10.00
Ed Palomba- $5.00
Larry Tracey – Dug a hole with the eight of spades
This was a business meeting for our Club.
President Nick Deni presented service awards to Ed Palomba and Scott Kaupin. He also announced, with regret, that Jeff Tingley resigned due to an increased business workload. Nick also noted that Bonnie Mizurek and Nancy Berube would be inducted into the Enfield rotary Club next week.
Mention was made that the District golf tournament will be held on August 1, 2016 at Twin Hills CC in Longmeadow and that Enfield Rotarians are needed to fill out some foursomes.
Nick recognized Carol Bohnet  for her contributions and attendance at the District Water Project meetings
Nick then thanked everyone for a very good year and that I was a privilege to be President. He got to learn by doing and enjoyed many rewards for his service as President. He generously thanked everyone for making his tenure enjoyable.
THE RITE OF SUCCESSION  (“Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders”) - Tom Peters
President Nick then asked President- elect Greg Stokes to come forward. Nick pinned Greg with Presidential pin and, in turn, Greg gave Nick a Past President pin. The gavel was then passed to Greg.
Thought- “A person who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd” -Max Lucado
In his initial comments, President Stokes noted how impressed he was by the training given to incoming Rotary Presidents. He made clear that a CEO is only as good as the members that he leads. He ended his remarks by letting all of us know that he is always open to advice and counsel from any Rotarian.
THE FINALE  (“The most important part of a story is the ending. No one reads a book to get to the middle”-Mickey Spillane)
President  Nick then recognized Mike Helechu and Ed Palomba for all the work and time that both extended over the course of the last year. He also thanked Lou Bolduc, Jack Welch and Larry Tracey for their efforts as well.
Mike Helechu had a point of information for all of us. He recommended that we read the story of Rotary International’s new President in this month’s Rotary magazine if we want to get reinvigorated about Rotary.
“Poetry is language as its most distilled and most powerful.” – Rita dove
President  Nick then recited his last formal announcement as President. A wonderful poem of Tears and Cheers.
President Nick, with grace, adjourned the meeting at approximately 1:11 p.m. on June 29, 2016.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph E. Fallon
Guest Editor and Resident Dandy
SPUR June 29, 2016 Joe Fallon 2016-06-29 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR June 15, 2016

Spur    June 15, 2016   very limited SPUR this week….incomplete notes for SPUR
Pledge of Allegiance-  Rich Tkacz              
4 Way test-  Kate Garvey
Invocation- Pope in Waiting Greg Stokes
Presidents remarks- The Older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age bounds wisdom
Happy /sads/ bdays/anniversaries - Sargeant at Arms (for the day) :
Joes History Mystery Minute-  June 15, 1916 this well known group became the first youth organization to be granted Federal charter.
What is name of group?    Boy Scouts
What is motto?  Be Prepared
What is slogan?  Do a good deed daily
Raffle Winners
Speaker- none
SPUR June 15, 2016 2016-06-15 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR June 8, 2106

June 8, 2016
President Nick opened his fourth-to-last meeting at 12:15 p.m.
Pledge: Larry Tracey
4-Way Test: Ed Palomba
Invocation: Greg Stokes
Guests: Nancy Berube; Rotarian Bobbi Mazurek; Jason Nealy; Rotarian Remo Pizzichemi; Michele Tracey; and Catherine Williamson
Our soon-to-be-outgoing President Nick Deni was in a good mood and shared a joke. The fact that I didn’t write anything down may have something to do with the general tenor, but I think it elicited and equal number of chuckles and groans.
Sgt.-at-Arms Adrian Garcia-Sega was in a good mood too—probably because he’s on vacation for the entire summer—and started us off with a test joke about an elderly couple talking to their doctor. Not too bad, but he quickly turned our attention to the fine for the day. He obviously saw Remo when he walked in and, sure enough, set a fine for the flashiest shoes. Out of three possible candidates, Remo was the unanimous choice and paid up cheerfully. Adrian added a fine for anyone who would not be attending Friday’s Foundation Dinner & Paul Harris Fellowship Presentations.
Wedding Anniversary: Doug Lombardi
Club Anniversary: Kate Garvey-2 Years; Ed Palomba-11 Years
Happy/Sad Dollars
- Adrian is the proud father of a baby boy who weighed in at 9+ lbs.
- Jerry’s knees are better and he has been able to play golf again.
- Lindsey is happy to be staying home with her children this summer.
- Remo (that’s pronounced RAY-mo everyone) paid for his shoes; recalled the tornado that swept through West Springfield five years ago; announced that his company has purchased a new hotel in Scranton, PA; and set the tone for upcoming union contract negotiations in California by pointing out the Rotary 4-Way Test sign on the wall behind the hotel manager’s desk.
- Mike was happy the new Library Director, Jason Nealy, was in attendance because his LEGO Millennium Falcon is on display there for the month of June; hopes the Enfield Rotary Club will be able to field two or three teams for the District Golf Tournament on August 1; and enjoyed a trip to Cape Hatteras over the Memorial Day weekend.
- Cheryl is proud of her granddaughter, who graduated high school and has been accepted at VA Tech.
- Chris Leary tried his hand at a joke. (I’m sensing a viral phenomenon endemic to the final month of our Rotary year. . . but can make no predictions about what we can expect with Cardinal Stokes at the helm next year.)
- Chris Casey was thankful for a successful St. Bernard’s Church carnival and especially the numerous volunteers who help out every year.
- Larry was happy to have his wife attending.
- Our Foundation Chair, Ed Palomba, was sad to be missing Friday’s event because of a trip to Los Angeles.
- Guest Catherine Williamson was happy to have completed her Master’s degree.
- Guest and Visiting Rotarian Bobbi Mazurek was sad about having to disband the eight-member Broad Brook Rotary Club, but impressed by their ability to raise and donate $4,000 to the local food shelf and international clean water projects as their final gesture. She is looking forward to joining our club.
- Kate was happy and surprised to be reminded that she has been a member for two years and was happy to play golf with her son, who chipped in for a birdie on the 18th hole and carded a 44! He already knows how to tip his hat to an imaginary crowd, so don’t be surprised if we see this young man at TPC River Highlands sometime soon.
- Nick had kudos for Chris Casey and the St. B’s carnival; and is happy to be going to a Jack & Jill party for his daughter, who is carrying Nick’s first grandchild. He and his wife are heading to South Carolina early in the morning after the Paul Harris banquet.
Joe Fallon’s History Mystery
Queen of Hearts: 10-Sean Stevens; 5-Ed Palomba; Card: Jack Welch
- Paul Harris banquet Friday.
- Be Like Brit program at Asnuntuck June 13
- Checks for 4-Way Test Scholarships were delivered to the homes of the winners.
- New Member Talk at next week’s meeting.
- Nick reported that 99 Restaurant fundraiser brought in $200 and that the District grant of $3,000 for the walking path has been received. The Board approved a $250 donation to the Common Grounds Rotary Garden Committee. The Board also voted to donate $2,500 to the Guatemala Clean Water Project coordinated by Manchester Rotarian Rick Lawrence.
- Ed Palomba heard from Henry Dutcher, who pointed out an obituary for Ella? Elda? Bertrand, who was one of the first community volunteers at the Common Grounds Rotary Garden when it was established in 2006.
- Ed and Lindsey have been checking into having some of the tables and benches at the Accessible Playground repainted because they’re getting rusty. Of course, we have exceeded the manufacturer’s warranty by a few months—they checked. They’re getting quotes for sanding/grinding and repainting with quality products.
- The Common Grounds Rotary Garden Committee is looking for volunteers to help at the garden Tuesday evenings. Whether you have 30 minutes or two hours, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. (If you’re a Rotarian and have never set foot in the garden, please consider stopping by at least once to get an appreciation for the work that went into establishing the garden and the value of the fresh produce harvested every year that benefits the Enfield Food Shelf and Loaves & Fishes Soup Kitchen.)
The meeting was adjourned early by our President, who seems to be smiling more everyday.
Guest Editor: Mike Helechu (subbing for Stu Barowsky)
SPUR June 8, 2106 Michael Helechu 2016-06-08 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR June 1, 2016

Spur    June 1, 2016
The SPUR this week is abbreviated. The assigned SPUR editor did not turn in any notes.
Pledge of Allegiance- Joyce Keating                       
4 Way test-  Kathy Barron
Invocation- Bishop Stokes
Joes History Mystery Minute-The phrase “Don’t Give Up the Ship” was uttered during a sea battle in the War of 1812.
  Who said the phrase?    Captain James Lawrence
  What ship did he command?  USS Chesapeake
  The phrase became popular when made public by what naval friend?  Commodore Perry 
Raffle Winners  not available
Speaker- Today’s speaker spoke of CRIS radio. CRIS provides audio access for  blind or
Vision challenged individuals. It provides people with the same information in a verbal format that their friends and colleagues
SPUR June 1, 2016 2016-06-01 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR May 25, 2016

SPUR May 25, 2016
There is no SPUR this week. No Notes received from SPUR Editor
SPUR May 25, 2016 Cynthia Mangini 2016-05-25 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR May 18, 2016

Spur                May 18, 2016
Pledge of Allegiance- Ed Palomba
4 Way test-  Joe Fallon
Invocation- Greg Stokes
Presidents remarks-
Happy /sads/ bdays/anniversaries – Sargeant at Arms (for the day) :
  • Fine for not attending 2 of 3 events: Playground ribbon cutting, 99 Restaurant fundraiser or Road race
  • Jim- happy Grandpa
  • Greg- new Town Manager
  • Nostalgic Rotary memories:
Ed about years going from Somers Club to Enfield
Jerry- citing Jack Welch as his sponsor resulting in a great friendship
Cheryl- first Rotaract in our District
Chris- first Rotary info meeting with Pete Johnson, who forgot his dentures
Joes History Mystery Minute- Largest volcanic eruption took place at Mt St Helens
Part of what range?  The Cascades
Name of lake abutting mountain?  Spirit Lake
Name of Lodge operator who refused to leave?  Harry Truman
Raffle Winners
Card- Kevin Mayo
$10-   ??
$5-   ??
Speaker- ??
SPUR May 18, 2016 Joyce M. Keating 2016-05-18 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR May 11, 2016

Our assembled cast of Rotarian characters was jolted to awareness as President Nick rang the bell at precisely 12:15.  Mike McManus led the pledge to the flag; Ed Palomba the 4 Way Test and Greg Stokes expressed our thanks to our Creator as we paused in reverence at the start of the festivities.  
Guests included Nancy Berube and Michele Tracy.  Derek Meade ably filled in as SAA and collected fines from those not wearing white pants - now that summer weather is here.  (Or at least visible white pants.)  Joanne Smith celebrated a birthday as well as spouses Lisa Deni and Candace Bell. 
Joe Fallon challenged us with the identity of mystery man Israel Isadore Baline who came to this country and composed some of our most memorable music.  ‘Twas Irving Berlin - ably guessed by Lindsay Weber seated to my left. Berlin’s hit “There’s No Business Like Show Business” was first sung in what musical? – “Annie Get Your Gun”.  His most famous song, introduced by Kate Smith, was “God Bless America” and the proceeds were donated to the Boys and Girl Scouts. (When your erstwhile scribe heard the name Kate Smith my first thought was “When the Moon Comes Over the Mountain”.)  After the Rotary lunch I happened on a comprehensive article on the internet celebrating Berlin’s birthday, today, with the entire quiz answered right there in black  and white.
Your scribe (me) was not scheduled to be at Rotary today but duty called and I attended to write the SPUR.   Lucky me - as I pulled the Queen of Hearts and won $1.7 million – uh, no wait – uh – oh shucks it was $55.00.  Still a YUUUGE win.
Deadline for the 4 Way Test scholarships was May the First but Nick asked for any late applicants to hurry and send along paperwork.   Fundraiser at the “99” next Tuesday as diners will have 15% of their bill donated to our club. Please come and bring a sizeable party and big appetites.  The road race went well as we had 182 registrants and a probable 200 plus runners with walkups included.  Kate Garvey suggested, and the club voted, to gather at Lulu’s at 5 PM on the 19th to celebrate a successful Shadowing Program.
Carol Bohnet introduced our guest speaker Rich Lawrence of the Manchester Rotary Club. Rich was accompanied by his wife Ellen. Rich presented a program summarizing the past 9 successful years of the Rotary project to provide safe and clean drinking water to remote Mayan villages in Guatemala.  Rotarians work with the assistance of the Antigua Rotary Club in Guatemala to provide materials that enable villagers to access clean water for their respective villages.  Local labor is used on these projects. Until the assistance provided by Rotary, residents had to walk 20 minutes each way with earthen pots to collect clean water – several times a day. Villages sit in rugged terrain and are usually accessible only by four wheel drive.  In the villages assisted so far, since the project inception in 2006-2007, there has been a 33% decrease in cases of childhood dysentery.  Villagers are also taught to construct safe and well ventilated stoves for cooking. These small efforts by Rotarians from four districts, including our own 7890, reap sizeable and deeply appreciated results.  Our club board has voted to donate another $2500 to the project this year.
Your guest editor,
Dave Drinan
SPUR May 11, 2016 David R. Drinan 2016-05-11 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR May 4, 2016

                                        SPUR  May 4, 2016
Sorry there is no SPUR this week. Notes not received from SPUR editor for the assigned week.
SPUR May 4, 2016 Jeffrey Tingley 2016-05-04 00:00:00Z 0

Enfield Rotary Club SPUR April 27, 2016

Rotary meeting 04/27/16
Officiating:  President Nick                                                Place:  Holiday In, 12:00 pm
Pledge of Allegiance:  Bobbi Mazurek
4 Way Test:  Steve Alminas
Blessing:  Larry Tracey
Guests:  Michelle Tracey, Bobbi Mazurek
Sgt. at arms:  JoAnne Walk (AKA Madam Secretary)
  • Milt – happy anniversary and happy birthday to his wife
    • Challenged to match $118.00 (thanks Milt)
  • JoAnne Walk suggested fine – if NOT participating in any way for Cinco K Mayo
  • Jerry – Sad – can’t golf on trip, Mom surgery – WE wish her luck
  • Bobbi – Happy to be here
  • Cheryl – happy to see Michelle Tracey here
  • Kevin – money towards Milt challenge (TY)
  • Ed – Golf game stinks L, now has to do lawn work – spring is here
  • Mike H – ACTUALLY gave the Red Soxs some kudos
    • Poor Yankees
  • Dick S- missed a lot of meetings
    • Happy to be in Florida
    • Not sure about Salmon fishing with Drinan’s
    • Promised to donate to the scholarship
  • Nick – Happy wife and sons coming home
    • Sad he is still hungry L
    • Donated to the club $200 ½ of card winnings (Thanks Pres)
  • Sean- Birthday
  • Michelle Tracey – $10
  • Sean Stevens - $5
  • Mike Helechu – Card (no luck)
History Mystery:  presented by Rich Tkacz
  • April 27, 1777 – 239 years ago – A battle between British & American forces took place in Ridgefield, CT
    • Who won the Battle?
      • British
    • Who was the main commander of the American forces?
      • Brigadier General Benedict Arnold
    • What is the name of the local building where a British cannonball is still lodged in a corner post?
      • Keeler Tavern
  • Paul Harris recipients (Congrats)
    • Kevin Mayo
    • Jan Nierburg (Charlie’s wife)
    • Pam Brown
  • Ed P. reported he is in contact with Little Tikes about the playground and getting some things fixed.
  • Nick stated we should be getting the 3K district check soon
  • Scholarship meeting Country Diner – 8:00 am
  • May 14th 10:00 am dedication and ribbon cutting for the track
    • Waiting for the town on some items to address
    • Will get plaques to thank donors who helped
  • Update on Road Race – Kevin
    • Volunteers still needed – be there by 7:30 am
    • Approximately 110 runners
    • Course is properly marked (EXACT)
    • Kevin will need a DD for after race (or he can UBER it J)
    • Kiran said only 1 hour for 3 miles allowed (kidding – we hope)
  • May 17th 99 restaurant holding a benefit of % being donated back to Rotary
    • See Carol for more info
    • Information on desk during Rotary lunch check in
    • Kevin stated it counts as a Rotary after 5:00
Guest speaker:  Our very own Mike Helechu, presenting videos & historical items
  • Rotary Garden – 11th year or maybe 10th celebration
    • Henry D. created this to feed hungry in Enfield with fresh produce
    • Great video was shown
  • Rotary Video about history of Rotary – was shown as commercial during a movie at the Enfield Library
  • Playground ribbon cutting ceremony video shown.
  • Mike presented all of this to remind Rotarians of all that can be accomplished
  • Thank you MIKE as our local Rotarian Historian J
Respectfully Submitted: 
              Kathy Barron
Enfield Rotary Club SPUR April 27, 2016 Kathy Barron 2016-04-27 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary SPUR April 20 2016

Joe Fallon Pledge
Bill Squires 4 way test
Rev. Stokes Grace

Birthdays and anniversaries
Milt  Spouse birthday
Sandy Zukowski Wedding Anniversary 47 years

Happy / Sads
Kevin Mayo  Happy weekend away and a Red Sox game
Ed Palomba Happy Brother and 5 dogs moved to Somers also enjoyed the meatloaf
Mike Helechu looking for donations to Allied's Attic
Bill Squires  Celebrated Passover and sad Springfield Falcons are moving
Nick Deni  Happy for the Playground Path Project
                Lisa is out of town  he is looking for dinner
                Son was bowling with Jordan Spieth and Ricky Fowler

Joe Fallon History Mystery Minute

April 20, 2010
A drilling rig explosion took place in the Gulf of Mexico on a rig leased by British Petroleum.

What was the name of the drilling rig?
    Deepwater Horizon

What company built the oil rig Deepwater Horizon?
    Hyundai Heavy Industries.

Deepwater Horizon now rests how many feet under the surface of the Gulf of Mexico?
    Approximately 5000 feet.

Larry Tracey $10.00
Scott Kaupin $5.00
Derick Meade  4 of Diamonds

No program today.

Nicked thanked everyone for their hard work on the walking path and said we will receive a $3000.00 grant from
the District
Rotary SPUR April 20 2016 tka 2016-04-20 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR April 13, 2016

Enfield Rotary Spur
Shadowing Day
April 13, 2016
President Nick Deni called the meeting to order at 12:15 PM. 
Martha McLeod, back from three months in Kauai, led the Pledge of allegiance.
Mike McManus led the Four Way Test
Greg Stokes led us in Grace.
 As it was Job Shadowing Day, a number of high school students attended with the Rotarian they shadowed.
Sarah Caroll was the guest of Attorney Joe Fallon.
Aries Peralta was a guest of Sandy Zukowski as was photographer, Mike Czarnecki
Deanna McDonald was the guest of Joann Walk.
Bobbie Mazurak  was also present as a guest and future Rotarian.
Sergeant at Arms, Adrian Garcia, announced birthdays for Kate Garvey and Ken and  Kevin  wives. Dick Stevens was noted for his 45 year anniversary of club membership and Martha McLeod for her 13th.
Happy Dollars
Ed Polomba is going to have a new granddaughter soon.
Eric Moody donated for  Happy spring the opening of golf Season.
Kate Garvey is happy that she went to Washington DC to see her best friend and particularly happy to done with Job Shadowing duties. She is happy that all but one student found a job shadowing experience. A celebration with beverages is TBA.
Mike Helichu announced that Allied’s Attic is in need of donations and they can be brought to Rotary.He also gave a happy buck to the Boston Bull Pen.
Chris Leary is glad to be out of the hospital.
Linsey Weber enjoyed her 3 shadowing students. She proudly announced that Trees on Earth Day Printers plant trees. She and Mike have planted 16,000 trees so far!
Martha McLeod was happy about her 13 years in Enfield Rotary.
Nick Deni did not win the golf pool and then announced that his wife was going to S.C. for two weeks and suggested that his fellow Rotarians should invite him to dinner lest he starve.
Jerry Bell gave a late dollar after he was blocked by an accident for 35 minutes on his way to Rotary.
The Bay Path Rotaract Club, founded by Cheryl Leary, won Bay Path’s 2016 Club of the Year Award for the second time.
Patriot Award of appreciation
Special guest Denise Aldrich, employee  of Holiday Inn, honored Rotarian Eric Moody, for the support he and the Holiday Inn had given her when her husband was called to active duty by the Army Reserve. Eric was presented with the Garden Reserve Patriot Award of Appreciation. He received a standing ovation from his fellow Rotarians.
Joe Fallon’s History Mystery
1.Who was the only musician to ever be accorded a ticker tape parade in New York City, won a prestigious award for a performance that day in Moscow of the then  USSR?
The artist was Lavan “Van” Cliburn.
2. What does USSR Stand for and who was its leader in 1958?
              Union of Soviet Socialist Republics----Nikita Khrushchev
3. Name either one of the two compositions performed by Van Cliburn to win the 1958 International Tchaikovsky Piano Competition.
              Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No.1 or Rachmaninoff Piano concerto No.3.
THE CARDS: $455.00 and 8 cards left
Nick Deni  won $455.00
JoAnn Walk won $10.00
Rich Tkasz won $5.00
Board Meeting Decisions: Rotary funds have been allocated to support the following organizations.
$250 Loaves and Fishes
$250 Food Bank
$225 Enfield Little League Challengers Team sponsorship
$225  Enfield Little League
Central Library Walkway Repair Day is this Saturday
 Volunteers are needed at the Central Library on Saturday Morning at 9AM. Please bring steel rakes, shovels, wheel barrows to complete and level the track. Ed Polomba has a cleaning company bringing power washing apparatus to clean the equipment. Hoses and extension cords are needed too. Please come and bring nylon brushes, rags etc. to help with that part of the effort.  
Rogers Memorial Studio made Rotary distance markers to be installed and Asnuntuck is providing additional signage.
The ribbon cutting will be on Saturday, May 17th.
Other Events
April 15, 2016: Backyard Rotary after Hours
April 17,2016: Jazz Brunch  for St Joseph’s Residence at the Holiday Inn
May 7, 2016: Cinco de Mayo 5K Run/Walk.  Volunteers still needed
May 17, 2016:
Ribbon Cutting for the path at Central Library.
Dining for a Cause. Ninety Nine Restaurants Fundraiser for Enfield Rotary Club
June 10, 2016:  Rotary Foundation Dinner
The  meeting was ended at 1:20 pm by President Deni.
Respectfully Submitted,
Martha McLeod
SPUR April 13, 2016 Martha McLeod 2016-04-13 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR March 30, 2016

SPUR 03/30/2016
Pledge –            Kathy Barron
4-Way Test –     Mike Helechu
Invocation –      Father Stokes
Guests / Visitors –          Megan Robertson, guest of Jack Welch and our speaker
                                    Steve Alminas, guest of Derek Meade (for the last time)
                                    Catherine Wiliamson, guest of Nick Deni
                                     Paul Salva, Somers Rotarian
Rotary Anniversary -      Gail Albetski, Jack Welch, Bill Squires
Wedding Anniversary      Kiran
Birthdays -                    Ed Palomba, Cheryl Leary, Larry Tracey, Doug Lombardi’s wife Diane
Happy / Sads --              
  • Adrian Happy Disney trip with the family and mom’s visit
  • Jerry Happy for heading to the Men’s Final Four this weekend
  • Bill Squires Happy for 40 years in Rotary, UCONN women, Syracuse Women, Syracuse Men, Qunnipiac Hockey, Bruce Springsteen concert
  • Scott Kaupin Happy Syracuse alumni for men’s and women’s hoops and his Brother-in-law’s promotion at the State Police
  • Greg Stokes has Jury Duty next week and happy for the 15-year anniversary for his church
  • Mike Helechu Happy he has only ONE more piece to finish his lego project, Happy for Spring weather and golf
  • Sandy Z Happy bday for her Son on 4/2
  • Chris Leary Happy birthday to Cheryl Leary
  • Ed Palomba Happy he’s playing basketball with the youngsters and getting exercise, and Happy they get to find out if his son and wife are having a boy or girl soon
  • Carol Happy for a Rotaract presentation from the Rotaract U.N. President
  • Sean Stevens Sad dollar for the passing of Father Kerwen
  • Joe Fallon Happy Dave O’Connor is still alive
  • Larry is Happy for his 5 grandchildren wishing him a Happy Birthday
  • Catherine Williamson Happy to announce the 10th annual civil rights conference that she’s speaking at
  • Nick is Happy for Easter Sunday, Happy Crestview is opening, Happy to be in Myrtle Beach next week
    History / Mystery
    March 30, 1981 – President Ronald Reagan, in office for only 69 days, was shot by John Hinckley
  1. President Regan was leaving what Washington DC establishment when he was shot?
    1. Washington Hilton Hotel
  2. John Hinckley had an obsession with which actress?
    1. Jodie Foster
  3. What did President Reagan say to his wife, Nancy, when she arrived at the emergency room at the hospital?
    1. “Honey, I forgot to duck”, a line originally uttered by Jack Dempsey after his boxing loss to Gene Tunney
      Queen Drawing – Derek Meade drew the 3 of Hearts
      $10 – Joyce
      $5 – Chris Leary
      New Member Induction – Steve Alminas was inducted into the club and Cheryl Leary was welcomed back officially as a Past President and returning member to our club
  • The walking path is in but needs some fine tuning.  Rotarians will meet at 9 am on 4/16 with shovels and rakes to volunteer to smoothen the path.  We will also have a machine there to assist in cleaning the playground equipment which has grown dirty over the years
  • 5/14/16 will be the walkway path opening ceremony and ribbon cutting
  • Cinco K Mayo is on 5/7 and we are looking for runners, walkers, sponsors, and volunteers for the morning of the event.  See Kevin Mayo or email him at mayokevin@yahoo.com
  • Rotary after 5 – 3/31 at Buona Vita
  • Job Shadowing – all but 2 students have been placed so far.  Thank you to all the Rotarians who helped!
    Speaker – Megan Robertson, Simpaug Farms
    Simpaug Farms operations are based in Ridgefield, CT and the farm itself is actually in West Suffield, CT.  Simpaug Farms is a CSA – Community Supported Agriculture farm.  The farm was recently featured in GoLocal magazine regarding their CSA program.  CSA programs are the same as a farmshare program.  They take signups for members in the program from January – April.  From June – November the members receive their share of fresh produce, typically around 8-10 varieties of vegetables, berries, herbs per week.  The program last for 24 weeks and costs $35/week per member. 
    They also offer an office share program where coworkers can join together and share in the weekly produce delivered from the farm. 
    The farm is not certified organic.  The specifications, paperwork, and cost to be certified organic are barriers for smaller farms.  However, Simpaug farms and many others in the state take a pledge to produce non-GMO produce and do not use pesticides.  They practice orgainic growing even though they have not gone through the certification process.
    The CT NOFA food guide can be found here http://www.ctnofa.org/documents/2016_FFGuide.pdf and lists the CSA programs in CT and also smaller farm share programs.  It will also tell you which farms have gone through the certified organic process and which have taken the Farmer’s Pledge to follow those processes, like Simpaug Farms has. 
    Respectfully submitted by:  Derek Meade, winner of the 3 of hearts
SPUR March 30, 2016 Derek Meade 2016-03-30 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR March 9, 2016

Enfield Rotary Club
Minutes- 03/09/2016
Call to Order: 12:15
Pledge of Allegiance-: Joanne Walk
4 Way test: Kevin Mayo
Invocation: Greg Stokes
Lunch and fellowship was enjoyed by all.
High School Recognition:
Fermi HS: Morgan
Enfield HS: Christopher
Happy& Sad $$$$:
Ed Palomba, Chris Casey, Kathy Baron, Lindsey Weber, Greg Stokes- fine $, Principal
Paul Newton Principal Fermi HS, happy about 2016 opening at Enfield HS, completely
Rich Tkacz– sad because of the weather
Mike Helechu, ( bring any clothes to Allied Thrift Store)
Joe's History Mystery Minute-
March 9, 1862
The Battle of Hampton Roads also known as the Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack
took place in the James River not far from the present city of Norfolk, Virginia.
1.Both the Monitor and the Merrimack were what type of naval ships?
2.What was the official Confederate name of the Merrimack?
The CSS Virginia
3.What was the name of the designer of the Union ship Monitor?
John Ericsson
Raffle Winners
Card- Sandy Zukowski- no Queen of Hearts
$10- Joe Fallon
$5- Eric Moody
  • Club Announcements-
    Kate Garvey, Rotary Job Shadowing she is looking for HELP
    Ed Palomba- Walking Trail Rotary Foundation Banner is at the Enfield Library
    Time to submit nominations and names to Rotary Foundation for Paul Harris Fellows
SPUR March 9, 2016 Lawrence P. Tracey 2016-03-09 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR Mar 2, 2016

Spur                March 2, 2016
Pledge of Allegiance-  Jo Ann Walk
4 Way test- Chris Leary
Invocation- Greg Stokes
Presidents remarks- lots of guests today- all potential new Rotarians
Happy /sads/ bdays/anniversaries -
Adrian- no guest, pay a fine.
Chris Casey- reminder Asnuntuck Murder Mystery Mar 18 at Holiday Inn.
Lindsey- Tooth Fairy took son’s first tooth
Joyce- fishing trip; 39 degrees and six foot seas = no trip
Chris Leary happy see Cheryl re-connect with Rotary
Milt- auto accident
Nick- So Carolina bound
Joes History Mystery Minute-
Compromise of 1877 awarded 20 disputed electoral votes to which President?  Rutherford B Hayes    What candidate received highest popular vote in 1876 election?  Samuel Tilden  What post – Civil War policy ended as result of Compromise of 1877?  Southern Reconstruction 
Raffle Winners
Card-Chris Casey  King of Diamonds
$10-Sean Stevens
$5- Milt
Speaker-Pam Thornton and Jeremy Casey introduced to their new venture  a software start up Company- Network Net Worth. The software measures the value of connections made at networking type events. Ineresting concpt. It would be interesting to re-visit this down the road.
Club Announcements-Need help at Home Show Booth
Don’t forget dollars to Ed for Foundation.
Meeting Adjourned @ :
SPUR Mar 2, 2016 Jack Welch 2016-03-02 00:00:00Z 0


Spur  February 24, 2016
Some info is sparse….did not realize weekly Editor not in attendance.
Pledge of Allegiance-  not sure
4 Way test-  not sure
Invocation- Mike Helechu
Presidents remarks-
New Member Application – Second Reading:
                        Steve Alminas
Happy /sads/ bdays/anniversaries
  • Adrian – daughters 3rd b’day
  • All Woman Table- fined
  • Ed Palomba- Foundation $ coming in & Florida trip coming up
  • Nick- UCONN vs SMU game
  • Kiran- St Francis 5k race sponsor
Joes History Mystery Minute- Don Knotts died 10 years ago. What character did he play on Andy Griffith Show?  Deputy Barney Fife    What character did he play in Three’s Company?  Landlord Ralph Furley    Knotts first became famous as one of “Man on the Street” interviews for Steve Allen Show. Name other men on the street.  Pat Harrington, Louis Nye, Bill Dana, Dayton Allen, Tom Poston
Raffle Winners
Card- Nick
$10- Kiran
$5- Joann Smith
Speaker- Milt spoke to us about non-conventional Rotary meetings> On-Line attendance. Rotary eClub available on Enfield Rotary Club home page. Cost is a voluntary contribution. Event is easy, quick and informative. Wide variety of topics to choose from.  Best bet is to ask Milt for help if you have trouble accessing eClub or need more information.
Club Announcements-
  • Road race – May 7—please hand out flyers
  • Foundation- need donations by end of month
  • Shadowing- Kate needs help to fill slots
  • Rotary Dine-In- 99 Restaurant May 17. Portion of sales comes back to Club
Meeting Adjourned @ : on time sort of
2016 substitute 2016-02-24 00:00:00Z 0


DATE: 2/16/2016
TO: File
Subject: Meeting SPUR 2/10/2016
Past president Kevin Mayo opened the meeting in the absence of Pres Nick, who is away in
South Carolina.
Pledge by Kevin Mayo.
Prayers led by Chris Leary.
Guests : District officers, Pam Lupoli, Marcel Schimdt and Frank Vargo – incoming DG.
And Steve Alminas and Michelle Tracy ( Larry Tracy )
The usual great lunch menu thanks to Eric Moody; deserts are even better!
Standing in for SAA was Scott Kaupin without Anniversary and birthday list. So, members
Ed Palomba $5 for college activities. Joe Fallon returned from vacation and 90 F heat. Eric
Moody for missed meeting. Jack Welch described cold Vermont visit. Larry Tracy happy about
team’s undefeated season. Chris Leary happy about Valentine’s Day and anniversary. Kathy
Baron happy with non-birthday, Sept 18. Alison Rodriges happy, Sept 30.Kate Garvey happy.
Carol Bohnet happy about daughter’s PhD and two huge Grant awards worth 184,900 and
$108,000 for the Allied Group’s much needed facility renovations. Ed Palomba added more
comments. Kevin Mayo also happy. So was Pam Lupoli.
Frank Vargo provided information about Pre Pet meeting and then talked about “Star Fish” story
about a little girl that picked up star fish stranded on the beach and placed it back in the water for
survival and one Club that called, many years ago, to use that title for their project. The Project
was Enfield Club’s “Shamlaji, Hospital, India”. Also, February is “Foundation” month.
Milt Rosenberg talked about Rotary Leadership.
Joe Fallon’s History Mystery Minute:
February 10, 1962 – 54 years ago, the most famous spy swap of the 20
century took place on
this date at the Glienicke bridge in Berlin, Germany.
1. What was the name of the American spy? Francis Gary Powers.
2. What was the name of the Russian spy? KGB Col. Vilyam Fisher, aka Rudolf Abel.
3. What was the name of the third person in the spay swap? Frederic Pryor, a student who
later became a university professor.
Raffle - $365 kitty
Scott Kaupin $10, Lou Bolduc a bum card and Milt Rosenberg $5.
Steve Damon, Friday Breakfast at Angelina’s. Kevin Mayo, Rotary after 5, at ’99 restaurant,
2/18, Thursday at 5:30 pm. Chris Leary would like participants for the re-creation of the famous
singing Notariants… Singing skills a must but enthusiasm even more.
District Conference, April 29, 2016.
Ed Palomba to meet with new Library Director, Jason Neely to discuss Playground, walk/Jog
trail and Rotary community participation.
March 2 meeting is “Invite a Visitor” day for a potential member to our Club. So, send the Guest
cards to friends, associates and others interested in common values.
Carol Bohnet talked about “Be like Brit” Haiti project contribution and pasta dinner at Mt
Carmel. And a fundraiser plan at ’99 for the “Shamlaji Hospital, India”; Rotary can receive 15%
of the receipts for the day.
Beg your pardon for errors and omissions.
Respectfully submitted by Kiran Majmudar
New Member Application - First Reading:
      Steve Alminas
  • Ed Palomba 
SPUR Kiran Majmudar 2016-02-10 00:00:00Z 0

Enfield Rotary Supports Asnuntuck Students' March Trip to "Be Like Brit" Orphanage in Haiti

Three of the 12 Asnuntuck Community College students who will be making a trip to Haiti in March addressed the Enfield Rotary Club on February 3rd. They and their fellow travelers will be bringing supplies to the Be Like Brit Orphanage, as well as helping to build a new house for a family living nearby. The trip is being sponsored by Asnuntuck, but the "Britsionaries" are raising all of the funds needed for their international service project. Their visit provided the opportunity to present a check for $700 from our recent pancake breakfast to support their trip.
Pictured above are (l-r), club President Nick Deni, Asnuntuck staff member Julie Cotnoir, International Service Director Carol Bohnet, student Laurie Glybin, Rotarian Kathy Barron, students Jocelyn Thompson and Ruben Garcia, and Rotary Foundation Chair Ed Palomba.
Enfield Rotary Supports Asnuntuck Students' March Trip to "Be Like Brit" Orphanage in Haiti Michael Helechu 2016-02-04 00:00:00Z 0
5K Cinco K Mayo Run/Walk on May 7 Michael Helechu 2016-02-03 00:00:00Z 0

Fermi Check Presentation

Enfield Rotary President Nick Deni presented a check for $1,000 to the captains of the Enrico Fermi HS girls’ basketball team: Tori Weatherwax, Ellen Lambert and Kelli Fletcher, at a home game on January 29. The donation represents proceeds from the 23rd annual Enfield Rotary Classic Basketball Tournament held Dec. 28-29 at Fermi. In addition to Fermi, teams from Enfield and Wethersfield High Schools and Colchester’s Bacon Academy competed in the 2015 Classic. The Enfield Rotary Club has sponsored the tournament to support both of our local girls’ basketball teams since 1993.

Fermi Check Presentation Michael Helechu 2016-02-02 00:00:00Z 0

Enfield Check Presentation

Enfield Rotary President Nick Deni presented a check for $1,000 to the captains of the Enfield HS girls’ basketball team: Daniele Delano, Regina LeBlanc and Morgan Baskerville during halftime at a January 25th game. The donation represents proceeds from the 23rd annual Enfield Rotary Classic Basketball Tournament held Dec. 28-29 at Fermi. In addition to Enfield and Fermi, teams from Wethersfield HS and Colchester’s Bacon Academy competed in the 2015 Classic. Enfield emerged victorious. The Enfield Rotary Club has sponsored the tournament to support both of our local girls’ basketball teams since 1993.

Enfield Check Presentation Michael Helechu 2016-02-02 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary SPUR

Jan 27 at 8:36 PM
Rotary Club of Enfield


January 27, 2016

President Nick rang the bell to start the meeting at 12:15 P.M. 
Pledge of Allegiance -- Lindsey Weber
4-Way Test -- Bill Squires
Invocation -- Greg Stokes

No guests today, except for our speakers (Susan Joyse is a Hartford Rotarian, a Fermi grad, and grew up in Hazardville; Kathy Noone lives in Broad Brook).

Birthday -- Jim Kuhn
Wedding Anniversary -- Dick and Gerry Berozsky
Rotary Anniversary -- Sandra Sergeant and Greg Stokes

History Minute (or two) -- Joe Fallon was not present (except in spirit), but Adrian Garcia Sega (as dutiful Sergeant at Arms) read his quiz questions (after touching the hermetically sealed envelope to his head -- shades of Karnak):

On January 27, 1785, this institution of higher learning was incorporated.  It claims to be America's oldest public university.

1.  What school is it?  

University of Georgia (Go Dawgs.)

2.  Two other schools also claim the designation of America's oldest public university.  Who are they?

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Go Tar Heels) and the College of William & Mary (Go Tribe).

3.  What school is clearly the oldest?

The College of William & Mary was chartered by Royal Decree in 1693.  It became a public institution after the Civil War.

Sergeant At Arms Adrian Garcia Sega fined anyone who was not wearing something with an animal on it or brought a stuffed animal, since St. Francis (for which the hospital and foundation was named) was the patron saint of animals and ecology.


Chris Leary -- corrected Adrian -- St. Francis Hospital was actually named for St. Francis de Sales, who was the patron saint of writers.  (No word as to whether Adrian fined himself, but other Rotarians who had no animals on them were still fined).

Adrian -- fined himself for having to leave early.

Kate Garvey -- no animals
Dave Drinan (glad to see you, Dave) -- his daughter-in-law, Kara Wolters, will be spotlighted in August on a TV show on TLC Network called "My Giant Life".  The film crew will follow Kara, Dave's son, Sean, and their family shortly for a few days.

Ed Palomba -- for Nick Deni's good news.

Joann Smith -- missed last week's meeting, and glad to hear the speakers.

Lou Bolduc, and Kiran Majmadur -- leaving early, and glad to see the speakers.

Jerry Bell -- late dollar, got to play two rounds of golf, and sorry to see UConn Athletic Director leaving for Univ. of Michigan.

Joyce Keating -- glad to hear speakers from St. Francis, happy with inner workings of both St. Francis and Johnson Memorial Hospitals and that they both passed their certification reviews.

Sandy Zukowski -- glad to hear speakers.

Bill Squires -- thanks to Nick and all the Rotarians for encouranging singing of National Anthem at meeting with UConn speaker; sang at Palestra before 9000 basketball fans; sad dollar for Patriots; Springsteen concert was postponed; and daughters walking in benefit for Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando, a favorite charity of Rotary Club of Dr. Phillips Citrus.

Nick Deni -- sad dollar for Patriots; no animals; will be a grandfather around middle of July, and is asking what he should be called.

Raffle jackpot was $345 -- Larry Tracey drew 4 of diamonds -- so jackpot climbs next week
Jerry Bell won $10
Dave Drinan won $5


President Nick presented a symbolic $1,000 check from the proceeds of the Rotary Holiday Girls' Basketball Classic to the Enfield High Girls' Basketball program Monday night.  Previously, Enfield's team beat Holyoke High, a top team in western Massachusetts, by twenty-five points.  Friday night, he will present a symbolic $1,000 check to the Fermi High Girls' Basketball program.  

Some Super Bowl pool spots are still available.  See President Nick to participate.

The meeting on Wednesday, March 2, will be Rotary Guest Day.  Please bring a guest who might be a candidate for Rotary membership.  Request cards are available.
We have raised $1,700 of the club's goal of $3,500 for the Rotary Foundation.  Nick hopes to have a speaker on the Foundation next month.

Carol Bohnet has been really active in keeping the Rotaract service group at Bay Path University going.  She also was interviewed in the Hartford Courant last week to promote the Rotary Summer Youth Exchange Program.  High school student participants and their families host another student participant from another country for a month during the summer.

Program:  Kiran Majmadur introduced Susan Joyse, Senior Development Officer, and Kathy Noone, Executive Director of Oncology, from Saint Francis Foundation and Hospital and Medical Center. Susan mentioned that Saint Francis Hospital was built in 1897 by the Sisters of St. Joseph to help tuberculosis patients, with a focus on compassion to help those in need.  Its annual revenues are over $806 million, and has treated over 130,000 patients each year.   Saint Francis has merged with Mount Sinai Hospital in Hartford and Johnson Memorial Hospital in Stafford Springs, and recently became part of Trinity Health (which includes mercy Hospital in Springfield) with eighty hospitals in twenty-one states.  Patients are part of the decision for their care.  Special events raise over $8,200,000 annually; and there is a $10,000,000 goal to raise money for a new cancer facility.  Kathy talked about her decision to move here to work at Saint Francis, impressed by the interaction among the staff and came because the focus on clinical care for patients is compassion.  A nurse for twenty years and an open heart nurse for ten years, she returned to oncology because she missed the people.  She is committed to make a difference, as are all of the staff there, and passionately wants patients to feel hope.  Thus, she hopes to improve the environment of treatment by altering the logistics of each room and having a treatment facility at each hospital to make it easier for patients to travel for critical care.  An impressive and heartwarming presentation.

Quote for the Week (from Mother Teresa):  "We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean.  But if that drop were not there, I think the ocean would be less by that missing drop."

Have a great week.

Yours in Rotary, Bill Squires (who knows he should have taken that high school shorthand course)

Rotary SPUR Bill Squires 2016-01-27 00:00:00Z 0


Enfield Rotary Spur: January 6, 2016

Editor: Carol Bohnet on behalf of Cindy Mangini


President Nick opened the meeting at approximately 12:10.

Bill Squires led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Milt Rosenberg led the Four Way Test.

Greg Stokes the blessing.

Nick announced that today was UCONN Day and several guests were introduced by Alyson: Westfield Bank associate, Larry Tracey: wife Michelle, brother and son-in-law, and Bill Squires father-in-law Syd.


Sergeant at Arms stand-in Ed Palomba  announced Fine for anyone not wearing something UCONN HUSKIES or blue. Several members paid the fine.



·        Mike Helechu was Happy for Bill Squires' singing of the National Anthem bringing "tears to his eyes" and the New Year. Mike was Sad because although his Dad consented to hearing aids, he returned them after one week.

·        Mike McManis ran an ornament contest at Powder Hollow Brewery and all proceeds were donated to the Rotary Club Walking Path project.  Wild applause ensued.

·        Several Rotarians expressed Happiness for the New Year holiday.

·        Jack Welch's Happy dollar for Mike Helechu's help and instruction on the 28 steps required to produce the proper format for the Rotary Spur.

·        Joyce Keating Happy dollars for her visit to see her daughter in Tampa and all three grandchildren's' attainment of High Honors with all A's.

·        Scott Kupec gave a fine dollar, obviously refusing to wear UCONN colors because of his Syracuse connection and Notre Dame allegiance.

·        Milt Rosenberg donated a Happy dollar for newspaper coverage of MIke Helechu's statements in an article about the Fire District.

·        Joe Fallon showed off his UCONN cufflinks, avoiding a fine.

·        Bill Squires had Happy dollars related to his family.

·        Sandy Zukowski had Happy dollars for her daughter's graduation from college and her granddaughter's perfect GPA of 3.96.

·        Steve Damon told a story about having a Risk Assessment for having attained the age of 65 with a question about whether he had fallen two or more times. When Steve relayed that he had fallen 4 times the doctor asked "How did that happen?" and Steve replied, "Skiing".

·        Jim Bell's Happy dollars for his holiday in Spokane with family and his gifts of a hover board and drone to the children.

President Nick reviewed the progress of the Walking Path, the past Rotary Breakfast and trivia about a Suffield Academy connection to a national championship college football game.


HISTORY - Joe Fallon: January 6, 1912, 104 years ago, New Mexico became the 47th State of the United States of America.

1.       The capital and largest city in New Mexico is Santa Fe? False - Santa Fe is the capital but Albuquerque is the largest city.

2.      What are the names of the two major Indian tribes located in New Mexico? Navajo and Pueblo

3.      Located just north of Taos, New Mexico, what is the name of the highest mountain in the state known as Taos Peak prior to 1950?  Wheeler Peak

RAFFLE: President Nick announced the donation of three additional raffle items donated by today's speaker - UCONN tickets.

·        CARDS for $315 - Joann Smith drew the 6 of Clubs

·        Women's' Tulane Game Tickets - Michelle Tracy, Larry wife.

·        Men's Hockey Tickets - Joe Fallon

·        Men's Basketball Tickets - Lou Bolduc

·        $10 - Nick Deni

·        $5 - Evan, today's speaker


·        President Nick read mail from the Enfield Family Resource Center thanking the Club for the Coat Drive donations.

·        Chris Casey announced that the ACC Murder Mystery rehearsals have started and two Rotarians are involved. Kate Garvey has an acting part and Mike Helechu is directing again this year. The ACC Scholarship fundraiser will be held on March 18th at the Holiday Inn.

·        Bill Squires relayed various stories about the Lake Buena Vista Rotary Club in Florida, a new Flag from the Club, historical tidbits about their pin with Mickey Mouse ears approved by a Disney executive many years ago, and the Club's historical video which includes a shot of our very own Enfield flag.  Bill also provided a Florida weather report and predicted warm weather for Kate's Dopey Run this weekend.

·        President Nick explained the Rotary Super Bowl Pool starting up to raise money for the Club. It will be $10 a square and each participant will receive two numbers which will need to match the points at each quarter paying out $100, $150 or $300. Accurate specifics to follow in email from Nick.

·        The Walking Path has been excavated and completed with a little clean up left to finish.  The banner will be done today or tomorrow. Distance markers are being considered and the amphitheater will be completed later.  Ed Palomba spoke about the history of the Rotary's playground project under Lindsey Weber's presidency, the addition of the new walking path and soon the amphitheater and the extension of the path to Eli Whitney School; all together a wonderful accomplishment for our Club.  Ed is also exploring power washing the playground as a planned activity in the spring.

GUEST SPEAKER - EVAN FEINGLASS was introduced by Larry Tracey.  Evan is the Associate Director of Athletics/Facilities Management and Planning and has been at UCONN since 2007. He is responsible for the operation, maintenance and planning for the athletic and recreational facilities on campus.

Evan told us that there are 700 student athletes at UCONN and 50% have a 3.0 or higher GPA.  UCONN has had 21 National Championships including three in one year.  They have built a new sports building next door to Gampel which costs $35 million and was paid through donations. Evan offered tours to anyone interested. The sports program has a $65 million dollar budget and $10 million is donated to scholarships for student athletes.  Three new sports buildings are being planned using 100% donations including for baseball and soccer.  Gampel roof work is being planned as well which will be a very complicated project due to the domed construction. Evan also described some non-sports related changes going on at UCONN including the downtown Hartford campus and the new STEM building in Storrs. UCONN receives 32,000 applications for 3,600 freshman slots.  Questions proposed to Evan centered on conference changes and challenges.

Bill Squires sang the National Anthem wonderfully and President Nick, in his typical closing fashion, relayed a description of three kinds of people with all of us in the Club grouped into the best kind of course. The meeting ended at 1:21 PM.


Respectfully submitted by: Carol Bohnet


SPUR Carol Bohnet 2016-01-18 00:00:00Z 0

Application Deadline Extended for Peace Studies Scholarship

Kelsey Shelton, our 2014 Peace Studies Scholar, is pictured on the Mount of Olives overlooking Jerusalem. She was majoring in International Relations at Baylor University with a focus on the Middle East.

Give Peace A Chance!

Scholarship will fund Peace Studies course in Jerusalem

The Enfield Rotary Club and Enfield Rotary Memorial Scholarship Foundation announce the availability of a Peace Studies Scholarship.

The Peace Studies Scholarship is to attend a Conflict Resolution from Religious Traditions course in Jerusalem at the end of December and beginning of January.  The English language course is open to Enfield residents enrolled in a minimum of 8 college credits during the current school year, in any undergraduate or graduate school program.

Application Deadline Extended for Peace Studies Scholarship Jerry Bell 2015-12-30 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR Dec 23 2015

SPUR                                                                                                                             December 23, 2015
Pledge of Allegiance- Joyce Keating
Four Way Test- Dave Drinan
Prayer- Greg Stokes
Visitors- Owen visitor of Joyce Keating
Belles were given out at the trail table.  President Nick thanked everyone for all they do for Rotary.  Everyone stood and rang their bells and sang “Jingle Bells”
Sargeant A V Arms- Finer for No
Holiday Colors-
Happy/ Sads-
Carol Bohner- Daughter will
Sev Doctorate
Molt Rosenberg- Wished everyone a Merry Christmas
Kate Ganeg- Merry Christmas to everyone
Larry Tracey-welcomed Mary Aenalte back to’
Mike Helech- Welcomed two new members
Jack Welch- New Tax prepared in
Town- Cindy Mangini
Cindy Mangini- gave some toys for Toys for Joy
Scott Kampin- Did Toys for Joy.  Really enjoyed it!
Rich Tkcacz- sad dollar for warm temperatures
Jim Kuhn- Attended Democratic National Debate and drove the Zamboni at St. Anselm College!
Kevin May- Happy new members are here
Linsey Weber- attended son’s class
Joyce Keating- Grandson made high honors
Joe Fallon- Mystery minute-
December 29, 2010
In honor of the Christmas season, we have three questions. 
  1. Who was the most famous reindeer of all?Rudolph the Red- Nosed reindeer
  2. What did the traffic cop say to Frosty the Snowman? Stop
  3. What did my true love give me on the Twelfth Day of Christmas?Twelve Drummers Drumming
December 23, 1972- 43 Years ago
Charles Atlas died in Long Beach, New York.
  1. What was the name of the physical process that he employed to sell his concept of body building? Dynamic Tension
  2. If you followed his exercise program, you would be transformed into a muscular beach hero from what?A scrawny 97 pound weakling
  3. What was the birth name of Charles Atlas?Angelo Siciliano
Raffle- Pick cards- Nick Deni
               $10- Kevin May
               $5- Joe Fallon
Business Meeting-
               Drake Drinan- to receive $4,900 for scholarship to be named for individual to be named later
               Kate Garvey is going to Disney World to run in the Dopey Challenge
               Rotary Basketball Tournament is going great- help is needed Monday and Tuesday
               Looking at having a Rotary SuperBowl Pool
               Contractor is starting at the Library Tuesday December 29 to construct the walkway
Tina, our watress, was given her holiday trip
Rotary Youth exchange- Looking for ways to reach out to students.  Flyers will be passed out at the basketball games.
Allyson Rodricks and Mary Arcouette were inducted into the club.  We welcome them.  As you may remember Mary was a prior member and 2005 President of our Club.
The meeting ended at 1:09
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Kuhn, Scribe
SPUR Dec 23 2015 Jim Kuhn 2015-12-23 00:00:00Z 0
Test 1-2-3 Michael Helechu 2015-12-23 00:00:00Z 0

SPUR December 9, 2015

Enfield Rotary Meeting December 9, 2015

The meeting involved High School Recognition, Nomination of  2016-2017 Club Officers and a Rotaract Update.

Pledge of Allegiance by Eric Moody

Four-Way Test by Mike Helechu

Prayer by Steve Damon

Visitors in support of High School Honorees: Andy Longey, Ellen Frost, Cory O'Connell, Elaine Helberg, Marilynn Cressotti, and Mike Pescitelli.  Honorees: Alexander Byron with parents Thomas and Becky Byron and Ali Kafel with parents Imad and Najat Kafel.  Rotaract members: Alaysia Murphy and Sarah Mauceri.

Visitor who has repeatedly shown interest in our club: Alleson Rodrucks


Our new Sergeant-at-Arms Adrian Garcia-Sega took the floor for Gail Albetski who has retired from the position due to career obligations.  Thank you Gail for your service.


Ed happy to have been Santa Claus at three venues last weekend.

Mike H. happy because his Dad went for a hearing test.

Jeff sad for the passing of his friend Ann Raffia, 94 years young.

Rich happy to see Marilynn Cressotti who was a classmate of his in the Enfield School System.

Kate happy for her attendance at a WWE (wrestling?) event.

Adrian happy for his birthday and a rousing Polish Happy Birthday song erupted from the floor led expertly with spirit and impressive volume by Mike H.


Joe's Venerable History Minute December 9, 2008- seven years ago- “How quickly we forget category”

The governor of Illinois was arrested on federal corruption charges.

1- Who was he?

2-Who did he appoint to the United States Senate to fill the seat vacated by Barack Obama when he was elected President?

3- Who succeeded that Governor after he was impeached?

Answers:  Milorad “Rod” Blagojevich a/k/a Blago, Roland Burris, Patrick Quinn


Raffle: Linsdey grabbed $10, Derek struck out with 3 of diamonds, Jeff pounced on the $5.


Nick reported Meaghan Burr from the Enfield School System is helping resurrect the Rotary Youth Exchange Program which would be scheduled for summer 2016.


Lou Reported record breaking attendance at the Rotary Pancake Breakfast last Saturday.  The pancakes were perfect and were affectionately dubbed “Little Beauties”.


Scott requested sign ups for program advertisements at the Basketball Tourney be in before printing on December 17.


The Nominating Committee (Jerry, Greg, Nick and Kevin) led by Jerry Recommended:

President                                 Greg Stokes

Vice Pres/ Club Service Dir   Scott Kaupin

Community Service Dir.        Adrian Garcia Sega

International Service Dir        Carol Bohnet

Vocational Service Dir.          Eric Moody

Secretary                                 Kate Garvey

Treasurer                                 Lou Bolduc

Sergeant at Arms                    Kevin Mayo

Past President                         Nick Deni

The above nominations were accepted by the Club and unanimously confirmed.


High School Recognition Presentations  (Again this year this reporter feels like an underachiever)

Kate led the festivities recognizing:

Alex Byron, Enfield High School.-  A sampling of Alex's accomplishments: honor roll, marching band squad leader, NCCC honor musician, varsity tennis team captain, host/greeter at Friendly's on Elm St..  He has been asked to work shifts when the Friendly's owner or a high ranking manager enters the store.

Alex is planning a business career and has applied to colleges that have an excellent business ciruculm.

Ali Kafel, Fermi High School-  Accomplishments include:  honors classes in biology, english, geometry spanish,algebra, and precalculus.   He is a member of FIRST Robotics Team 175, Computer Club Engineering Club and volunteering with Relay for Life.  After High School, Ali hopes to major in Computer Science in college and then become a Software Engineer/Developer at Google.


Rotaract Presentation by Alaysia Murphy and Sarah Mauceri,  (Carol and Adrian/ Rotary Advisors):


Activities are substantial and include: Weekend trip to the United Nations in NYC attending programs involving Woman's Advancement Issues and Woman and Child Health with a networking opportunity during the evening.  Also activities included working at the Animal Shelter in Springfield and fund raising for that facility, helping our Club with Amber Alert and planning their own Amber Alert, and a fund raising Bake Sale.

President Nick closed the meeting with a quote from Basketball Icon, Jimmy V who said “ Enjoy your life spending each day with laughter and thought.   Laugh, think and cry seven days a week and you'll have something special”.

That's the way it appeared to me at Rotary 12/09/15.


E. Steven Damon, Guest Editor

SPUR December 9, 2015 Steven Damon 2015-12-23 00:00:00Z 0

Kate Garvey & Dopey Challenge article in Courant

Kate Garvey, left, with her friend Christine Pikula are pictured after running the half Hartford Marathon in 2015. Kate will be running the "Dopey Challenge" at Disney World in January to raise money for Enfield Rotary Club projects. These include installation of a walking trail and amphitheater at the Enfield Public Library (connected to the Enfield Rotary Accessible Playground there) and support of Asnuntuck Community College's spring 2016 visit to the "Be Like Brit" orphanage in Haiti. (Please see details in stories that follow this announcement.)
Hartford Courant reporter Michael Walsh recently interviewed Kate; you can find his story here:

Kate Garvey & Dopey Challenge article in Courant Michael Helechu 2015-11-23 00:00:00Z 0

99 Restaurant Donates $5,592 to Enfield Rotary Project


The 99 Restaurant in Enfield presented a check for $5,592 to the Enfield Rotary Club on Thursday, Oct. 29, during their grand reopening. Among the Rotarians on hand to receive this generous donation were club President Nick Deni, Enfield Mayor Scott Kaupin and Town Councilman Greg Stokes, along with District 7890 Governor Kyong Wilson and Assistant Governor Area 7 Pam Lupoli. Enfield Town Councilman Ed Deni also joined us for the ceremonies. Brian Bliven, General Managing Partner for Enfield's 99 Restaurant & Pub, made the presentation. The restaurant raised the funds when it auctioned off signs, decorations and memorabilia from the old 99. The money will be applied to our project to install a walking path and children's amphitheater at the Rotary Accessible Playground at the Enfield Public Library on Middle Rd. We thank the 99 Restaurant & Pub for this wonderful donation. We truly appreciate your support.

Additional Rotarians in the photo include (l-r) Rich Tkacz, Carol Bohnet, Lou Bolduc, Kevin Mayo, Joe Fallon, Larry Tracey, Kate Garvey, Eric Moody, Ed Palomba and Joyce Keating. Photo by Rotarian Mike Helechu.